Exploring Word2Vec, GloVe, and FastText

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Exploring Word2Vec, GloVe, and FastText

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Word to VEC: Converting Words to Numeric Representations
    • Embeddings: Numeric Representations of Words
    • Continuous Dense Representations of Words
    • Neural Probabilistic Language Models
    • Introduction to Word to VEC
  3. Word to VEC Framework: Continuous Bag of Words Architecture
    • Example of Continuous Bag of Words Architecture
    • Projecting Words onto Dense Vectors
    • Learning through Backpropagation
    • Pros of Continuous Bag of Words Architecture
    • Cons of Continuous Bag of Words Architecture
  4. Word to VEC Framework: Continuous Skip Gram Architecture
    • Example of Continuous Skip Gram Architecture
    • Shared Weights and Training Examples
    • Objective of Skip Gram Architecture
    • Pros of Continuous Skip Gram Architecture
    • Cons of Continuous Skip Gram Architecture
  5. Pros and Cons of Word to VEC Framework
    • Overcoming the Curse of Dimensionality
    • Closer Physical Vectors for Similar Meaning Words
    • Self-Supervised Learning
    • Cons of Word to VEC Framework
  6. Introduction to GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation
    • Learning Word Representations using Global Information
    • Word-Word Co-Occurrence Matrix
    • Probability Ratio Objective
    • Pros of GloVe
    • Cons of GloVe
  7. Handling Morphologically Rich Languages with FastText
    • Issue with Word to VEC and Morphologically Rich Languages
    • Using Character-Level Information
    • Breaking Words into Subword Units
    • Pros of FastText
    • Cons of FastText
  8. Context-Aware Word Embeddings
    • Importance of Context in Word Representations
    • Introduction to LSTM, BERT, and GPT
    • Addressing Context-Awareness in Language Models
    • Pros and Cons of Context-Aware Embeddings
  9. Conclusion

Word to VEC: Transforming Words into Numerical Representations

Word to VEC, also known as Word2Vec, is a framework that aims to convert words into dense numeric representations called embeddings. Computers understand numbers, not words, so this conversion is essential for natural language processing tasks. The quality of these embeddings relies on their ability to capture semantic meanings, where similar words are closer to each other in the embedding space. This article explores the Word to VEC framework and its two main architectures: Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW) and Continuous Skip Gram.


In this digital era, computers excel at processing numbers, but for them to understand textual data, words need to be converted into numerical representations. The process of converting words into numeric vectors is known as word embedding. Word embeddings aim to encode the meaning and relationships between words into a dense numerical format.

Several approaches have been developed over the years to Create word embeddings. One of the most prominent frameworks is Word to VEC, which was introduced in 2013. Word to VEC utilizes neural networks to generate dense and continuous vector representations of words. These vectors capture semantic relationships, allowing for more nuanced analysis and understanding of text data.

Embeddings: Numeric Representations of Words

In natural language processing (NLP), numerical representations of words, or embeddings, are integral to various tasks such as sentiment analysis, language translation, and document classification. Embeddings help computers process text data more efficiently by representing words as points or vectors in a multi-dimensional space.

The key idea behind word embeddings is that words with similar meanings should be close to each other in the embedding space. Traditional methods such as one-hot encoding represent words as high-dimensional and sparse vectors. However, this representation lacks the ability to capture the semantic relationships between words effectively.

Word to VEC tackles this issue by learning dense and continuous vector representations of words. These vectors have a fixed size, typically ranging from a few dozen to a few hundred Dimensions. By clustering similar words in the embedding space, Word to VEC enables machines to understand the meanings and relationships between words.

Continuous Dense Representations of Words

Early word representations involved breaking words down into their constituent n-grams. For example, a sentence could be represented as a vector of word n-grams, where each word itself is an n-gram. While this vector representation is interpretable, it becomes impractical for larger vocabularies due to its high dimensionality.

To overcome this limitation, neural probabilistic language models were introduced in 2003. These models internally learn continuous and dense representations of words. Unlike the previous approach, these representations have a fixed size, typically consisting of a few hundred dimensions. Moreover, they exist in a continuous space, meaning that every point within the space is a valid point, even if it does not correspond to a specific word.

Introduction to Word to VEC

Word to VEC is a framework that aims to create dense and continuous vector representations of words. It utilizes two main architectures: Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW) and Continuous Skip Gram. These architectures allow machines to learn the associations and meanings of words Based on their context.

Continuous Bag of Words Architecture

The Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW) architecture aims to predict a target word based on its surrounding context words. For every target word, a window of context words is considered, and the CBOW model tries to predict the target word based on these context words.

To illustrate this, let's consider the sentence "The biggest lie ever told." If we set a window size of two, the CBOW model would look at the two words before and the two words after the target word. In this case, the input to the CBOW model would be "the biggest ever told," and the target word to be predicted is "lie."

The words in the input are initially represented as one-hot encoded vectors, where the size of the vector is equal to the vocabulary size. However, these one-hot encoded vectors need to be projected onto a smaller dense vector representation through shared weights. The shared weights represent a matrix that maps the one-hot encoded vectors to the dense representation.

Once the projection is done, the input words are transformed into dense representations. These dense representations are then summed up to obtain a final projected vector. From this dense vector representation, the model needs to expand it back into the vocabulary size. This is achieved by using another matrix to map the dense vector back to the original dimensionality. This mapping results in a word's corresponding dense vector representation.

The CBOW architecture is advantageous due to its simplicity and quick training. It overcomes the curse of dimensionality, as the dense representations enable Meaningful pairwise distances between words. However, the CBOW architecture lacks global information and broader context awareness.

Continuous Skip Gram Architecture

The Continuous Skip Gram architecture is similar to CBOW, but with a different objective. Instead of predicting the target word based on the context words, Skip Gram aims to predict the context words given a target word. In other words, it flips the CBOW objective.

In the Continuous Skip Gram architecture, the word to be predicted is passed as input, while the output is the surrounding context words. The shared weights used in CBOW are applied here as well, allowing the projection of the input word onto a dense representation.

Training examples for Skip Gram are provided in pairs. For example, in the sentence "The queen slays," the positive pairs would be "queen" as the input and "the," "slays" as the outputs. By training on these pairs, the Continuous Skip Gram architecture optimizes the objective of predicting the context words for a given input word. The matrices used in the CBOW architecture are also shared, ensuring consistency in the learned embeddings.

The pros of the Continuous Skip Gram architecture include overcoming the curse of dimensionality, the ability to learn compressed word representations, and the simplicity of the architecture. However, it also has limitations, such as the absence of global information and limitations with morphologically rich languages.

Pros and Cons of Word to VEC Framework

The Word to VEC framework has several advantages that make it popular in the field of NLP:

  1. Overcoming the Curse of Dimensionality: Word to VEC addresses the issue of high-dimensional and sparse word representations by learning dense and continuous embeddings. These embeddings enable meaningful pairwise distances between words, allowing for more accurate analysis and comparison.

  2. Closer Physical Vectors for Similar Meaning Words: Word to VEC aims to capture semantic relationships between words by placing similar words closer to each other in the embedding space. This property helps machines understand the meanings and contextual associations of words.

  3. Self-Supervised Learning: The Word to VEC framework is self-supervised, meaning that the input sentences or phrases serve as both the input and the output for the model. This aspect makes it easier to acquire more training data, as more sentences can be used to fine-tune the word embeddings.

Despite its strengths, the Word to VEC framework also has some limitations:

  1. Lack of Broader Context Awareness: Word to VEC only considers local context information within a single sentence. It does not take into account broader context and dependencies across multiple sentences. Models like LSTM, BERT, and GPT have been developed to address this limitation and provide more context-aware embeddings.

  2. Difficulty with Morphologically Rich Languages: Word to VEC struggles to handle languages with complex morphological structures, where words can vary greatly based on gender, tense, or other linguistic factors. Models like FastText have been designed to tackle this issue by considering subword information and creating embeddings based on character-level n-grams.

It is essential to consider these pros and cons when deciding on the appropriate word embedding technique for a specific NLP task. The choice will depend on the specific requirements and characteristics of the data being processed.

Overall, the Word to VEC framework has been a significant contribution to NLP and has paved the way for more advanced embedding techniques that account for broader context and language complexities. It remains a fundamental tool in natural language processing, providing valuable insights into the meaning and representation of words.

Introduction to GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation

GloVe, which stands for Global Vectors for Word Representation, is another approach to learning word embeddings. While Word to VEC focuses on local context information within sentences, GloVe employs global information from a broader corpus.

The objective of GloVe is to capture the global co-occurrence statistics of words in a corpus, rather than just their local context. To achieve this, GloVe constructs a word-word co-occurrence matrix. This matrix represents how often pairs of words occur together in the same context.

By analyzing the word-word co-occurrence matrix, GloVe aims to identify the probability ratio of a target word occurring in the context of another word. This probability ratio serves as a measure of the semantic relationship between the two words. Words that often appear together in different contexts will have a high ratio, indicating a stronger relationship.

To illustrate this, let's consider the words "solid," "gas," "Water," and "fashion." Using the probability ratio method, GloVe can determine the relevance of these words to each other. For example, "solid" would have a high probability ratio with "ice," indicating a strong association. Conversely, "gas" would have a low probability ratio with "ice" and a high ratio with "steam," demonstrating its relationship to different contexts.

GloVe tackles the limitation of Word to VEC in terms of global information and broader context awareness. By considering the co-occurrence statistics of words across sentences, it creates word embeddings that capture more nuanced semantic relationships.

However, GloVe also has its own drawbacks:

  1. Oversimplicity: The simplicity of GloVe can be seen as a limitation when compared to more advanced context-aware models. While it excels at capturing global word relationships, it may lack the ability to handle intricate semantic nuances.

  2. Lack of Adaptability to Morphologically Rich Languages: Similar to Word to VEC, GloVe may struggle to handle languages with complex morphological structures. Languages with extensive morphological inflections may require more sophisticated embedding techniques, such as FastText.

Despite these limitations, GloVe remains a valuable tool in NLP, providing insights into the global associations and semantic relationships between words.

Handling Morphologically Rich Languages with FastText

FastText is an extension of the Word to VEC framework that addresses the limitations associated with languages that have complex morphological structures. These languages, such as Finnish, Turkish, Arabic, and many Indian languages, often exhibit extensive morphological inflections, which impact the forms of words.

The issue with standard Word to VEC models is that they treat each word as an independent vector, failing to capture the similarities and variations within a word's morphological family. FastText addresses this by considering subword information.

In FastText, words are broken down into their constituent character engrams, such as trigrams, four-grams, and five-grams. By utilizing these subword units, FastText is able to create vectors that capture the similarities and relationships within a word's morphological family.

To illustrate this, let's consider the Kannada language, spoken in South India. In Kannada, different forms of the word "house" can appear based on gender, prepositions, or actions. For example, "from the house" translates to "Mane yinda," while "in the house" is "Mane inda." These words visually appear different, but their meanings are the same.

With character-level information, FastText breaks down these words into their constituent engrams and creates vectors for each engram. By aggregating these vectors, FastText obtains a final vector representation for the word as a whole. These representations ensure that similar words within a morphological family are closer to each other in the vector space, capturing their shared meanings.

FastText overcomes the limitations of traditional Word to VEC in handling morphologically rich languages. By considering subword information, it enables machines to understand the shared characteristics and meanings of words within a language's morphological structure.

However, FastText also has its own pros and cons:

  1. Pros of FastText:

    • Capturing Morphological Similarities: By breaking words into subword units, FastText captures the similarities and variations within a word's morphological family. This helps machines understand the shared properties and meanings of related words.
    • Enhanced Embeddings for Morphologically Rich Languages: FastText greatly benefits languages with extensive morphological inflections, as it accounts for the forms and variations within words. This makes it suitable for a wide range of languages, including Finnish, Turkish, Arabic, and many Indian languages.
  2. Cons of FastText:

    • Increased Computational Complexity: The inclusion of character-level information and subword units increases computational complexity compared to standard Word to VEC models. This can impact training and processing times, especially for larger Corpora.
    • Limited Application to Languages with Simplified Morphological Structures: FastText's subword approach may provide less benefit for languages with simplified morphological structures, such as English. In such cases, simpler word embedding models may be more efficient.

FastText is a powerful tool for understanding and processing languages with complex morphological structures. By considering subword information, it enriches word embeddings and enables machines to capture the intricacies of language morphology.

Context-Aware Word Embeddings

While Word to VEC and GloVe provide valuable word representations, they fall short in capturing the broader context and dependencies present in natural language. Context-aware word embeddings aim to address this limitation by considering the surrounding words and the overall context in which a word appears.

The context of a word plays a crucial role in determining its meaning and usage. For example, the word "queen" has different interpretations in phrases like "the queen and that drag queen slays" and "the queen in this sentence." Similarly, the word "ace" has different meanings in the phrases "ace for a perfect HAND" and "these aces they're ace."

To account for context, advanced models such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), and Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) have been developed. These models surpass the limitations of Word to VEC and GloVe by incorporating sequence information and capturing contextual dependencies.

LSTMs, for example, are a Type of recurrent neural network (RNN) that excel at capturing sequential information. They are capable of understanding context by considering the surrounding words and the order in which they appear. LSTMs store contextual information in their Hidden states, allowing them to generate embeddings that reflect the context of a word within a given sentence or text.

BERT and GPT, on the other hand, leverage transformer architecture to enhance context-awareness. BERT, a pre-trained language model, learns contextual representations of words by considering the entire sentence or phrase rather than isolated words. GPT, which is also a pre-trained model, generates context-aware embeddings by predicting the next word based on the previous sequence of words.

The pros of context-aware word embeddings include:

  1. Enhanced Contextual Meaning: Context-aware embeddings capture the broader context of words, allowing for a better understanding of their meanings and usages within different contexts.
  2. Improved Relationship Extraction: These embeddings excel in capturing semantic relationships and dependencies between words, making them valuable in applications such as question answering, sentiment analysis, and information retrieval.
  3. Adaptability to Various Textual Domains: Context-aware models can be pre-trained on large corpora to learn general language understanding, making them suitable for various textual domains and applications.

Despite their advantages, context-aware models also have limitations:

  1. Complex Training and Fine-tuning Processes: Training context-aware models requires substantial computational resources and large amounts of training data. Additionally, fine-tuning these models for specific tasks can be challenging and time-consuming.
  2. Limited Transparency and Interpretability: Context-aware models often involve complex architectures and large numbers of parameters, making it difficult to explain and interpret their decision-making process. This lack of transparency can be a disadvantage in certain applications where interpretability is crucial.

Context-aware word embeddings have revolutionized the field of NLP by enabling machines to capture and understand the context in which words appear. While they may require more computational resources and present challenges in interpretability, these models offer a more nuanced and accurate representation of textual data.


In this article, we explored the Word to VEC framework and its various architectures, including Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW) and Continuous Skip Gram. Word to VEC has been instrumental in creating numeric representations of words and capturing semantic relationships between them.

Additionally, we discussed GloVe as an alternative approach that utilizes global co-occurrence statistics to create word embeddings. GloVe overcomes some limitations of Word to VEC by considering the broader context of words in a given corpus.

To address the challenges posed by morphologically rich languages, we introduced FastText. By leveraging subword information, FastText creates embeddings that capture the shared properties within a word's morphological family.

Lastly, we explored the importance of context-aware word embeddings, which go beyond simple vector representations to capture the surrounding context and dependencies of words. Models such as LSTM, BERT, and GPT have significantly advanced the field of NLP by incorporating contextual information into word representations.

As the field of NLP continues to evolve, it is crucial to consider the strengths and weaknesses of different word embedding techniques. Choosing the appropriate approach depends on the specific requirements of the task at hand, taking into account factors such as the data characteristics, language complexity, and the need for context-awareness and interpretability.

Word embeddings have transformed the way machines understand and process text data. From sentiment analysis to machine translation, these powerful representations lay the foundation for more advanced natural language processing tasks.

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