Fast Q&A with OpenAI Engineer, Catherine Olsson
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Current Projects at Open AI
- Culture at Open AI
- Attending MIT
- Life in New York City
- Favorite Internship Experience
- Deep Learning's Popularity
- Favorite Operating System
- Evening with a Famous Person
- Catherine's Sports and Hobbies
- Sleeping Habits
- Most Adventurous Experience
- Staying up to date in ML
- Programming Language of Choice
- Favorite Professor
- People Catherine Admires
- Experience at the bear
- Motivation to be an Engineer
- The Most Beautiful Thing in the World
- Catherine's Exercise Routine
- Favorite Food
- Computer Science Theory vs. Implementation
- Time-Wasting Website
- Recent Email Recipient
- Dream Travel Destination
- Visiting Mars
- Indispensable Possession
- Favorite Music Genre
- Desired Skill in Drawing
- Catherine's Morning Routine
- Preferred Text Editor
- What Open-Source Libraries Catherine Likes
- Favorite Movies
- Recent Difficult Problem at Open AI
- Inspiration to Get Into Machine Learning
- First Program Ever Made
- Favorite Books
- Misconceptions About Catherine
- Exciting Aspects of Life
- Best Advice Ever Received
- Bravest Thing Done by Catherine
- Advice to Give Herself 10 Years Ago
- Online vs. Real-life Balance
- Pets
- Recent Learning Experience
- Spicy Food Preference
- Movies That Made Catherine Cry
- Preferred World Law
- Solving Intelligence in the Future
- Role Models in College
- Preferred Deep Learning Libraries
- Machine Learning as the New Electricity
- Recommended Resource for Learning Machine Learning
- Career Goal
- Brain vs. Universe
- Favorite Superhero
- Spirit Animal
- One-Shot Learning's Potential
- Attend Coachella
- Preferred Tech Devices
- Pen or Pencil
- Wearing the iWatch
Article: 67 Questions with Catherine: Insights into Engineering, AI, and Life
Have You ever wondered what it's like to be an engineer in the field of artificial intelligence (AI)? Well, we got the chance to sit down with Catherine, an engineer at Open AI, and ask her a series of questions about her work, her experiences, and her personal life. In this article, we'll Delve into 67 intriguing questions that cover a wide range of topics, from Catherine's current projects at Open AI to her favorite internship experience, her views on deep learning's popularity, and even her preferred operating system. So, let's dive in and get to know Catherine and her fascinating Journey as an engineer in the world of AI.
1. Introduction
To kick things off, we asked Catherine to introduce herself and tell us about the project she is currently working on. Catherine shared that she is currently involved in the development and release of Open AI's new project called Universe, and she is excited to be working on follow-up releases as well.
2. Current Projects at Open AI
Delving deeper into Catherine's work, we wanted to know more about the specific projects she is involved in at Open AI. Catherine explained that her focus is primarily on the Universe project. She expressed excitement about the opportunities it presents and how it aligns with Open AI's mission of creating safe and beneficial AI.
3. Culture at Open AI
We were curious about the working culture at Open AI, so we asked Catherine to describe it. She enthusiastically shared that the culture at Open AI is super cool and that she loves working with everyone there. Catherine emphasized that the environment is very open, supportive, and fosters a lot of mentorship.
4. Attending MIT
Catherine's educational background intrigued us, particularly her time at MIT. We asked her to share her experience of attending MIT as an undergraduate. Catherine responded with genuine enthusiasm, stating that it was a really great experience. She highlighted the presence of various sub-communities at MIT, each filled with super creative individuals.
5. Life in New York City
As Catherine also attended NYU, we were curious to know if she missed living in New York City. Catherine acknowledged missing her friends there but admitted that she doesn't miss the weather. She humorously pointed out the infamous New York City winters as a major deterrent.
6. Favorite Internship Experience
Internships often provide valuable learning experiences. We asked Catherine about her favorite internship and the reasons behind her choice. Catherine promptly answered that her favorite internship was at Amazon. Unfortunately, she did not elaborate on the reasons for her preference.
7. Deep Learning's Popularity
Deep learning has gained significant popularity in recent years. We asked Catherine for her take on this trend. While acknowledging the effectiveness of deep learning for many problems, Catherine believes that people may be attributing too much significance to it as the last big innovation in AI. She anticipates that there is more to come in the field.
8. Favorite Operating System
Intrigued by Catherine's preference, we asked her about her favorite operating system. Unsurprisingly, Catherine's choice is Ubuntu. She finds it reliable and easy to use for her work.
9. Evening with a Famous Person
We decided to explore Catherine's interests outside of her work and asked her who she would choose to spend an evening with if given the opportunity. Catherine expressed her admiration for Michelle Obama and the chance to have a conversation with her.
10. Catherine's Sports and Hobbies
To get to know Catherine on a more personal level, we wanted to know if she had any sports or hobbies. Catherine revealed that she enjoys rock climbing, highlighting that it provides her with an adventurous and fulfilling experience.
11. Sleeping Habits
Sleeping habits can vary greatly from person to person. We asked Catherine about her preferred sleep schedule. Catherine shared that she typically goes to bed around midnight.
12. Most Adventurous Experience
Adventurous experiences often Shape us and Create lasting memories. We asked Catherine about the most adventurous thing she has ever done. Catherine revealed that skydiving takes the lead in her adventure repertoire.
13. Staying Up to Date in ML
As the field of machine learning (ML) evolves at a rapid pace, it's essential to stay updated. We inquired about Catherine's go-to source for staying current in ML. Catherine recommended a newsletter called "import ai," authored by Jack Clark, which provides valuable insights and updates in the field.
14. Programming Language of Choice
Given Catherine's expertise in the field, we were curious about her programming language of choice for machine learning. Catherine confidently stated that Python is her preferred programming language, especially for machine learning tasks.
15. Favorite Professor
Continuing our exploration of Catherine's educational journey, we asked her about her favorite professor. Catherine enthusiastically named Josh Tenenbaum, a professor she had during her time at MIT. She admired his teaching style and the knowledge he imparted.
16. People Catherine Admires
In addition to favorite professors, we were intrigued to know if Catherine admired any specific individuals in the field of AI or neuroscience. Catherine Mentioned Professor Fei Fei Lee, who not only conducts research in AI but also actively works on outreach initiatives related to neuroscience.
17. Experience at the Bear
Catherine's current workplace, Open AI, is known as "the bear." Curious about her experience there, we asked Catherine about her time at the bear. Catherine expressed her enjoyment of the vibrant and diverse communities present at Open AI, finding it to be a positive and engaging environment.
18. Motivation to be an Engineer
To understand what motivates Catherine as an engineer, we asked her about her driving force. Catherine revealed that she derives great satisfaction from building things, especially when her creations have the potential to positively impact others.
19. The Most Beautiful Thing in the World
We asked Catherine to share her opinion on the most beautiful thing in the world. She responded with an insightful answer, emphasizing the beauty of helping others, even if they hold different opinions or come from different backgrounds.
20. Catherine's Exercise Routine
To delve further into Catherine's personal life, we inquired about her favorite exercise or physical activity. Catherine surprised us with her response, revealing that she enjoys Japanese taiko drumming.
21. Favorite Food
Exploring Catherine's preferences, we asked about her favorite food. Catherine's love for croissants shone through her quick response.
22. Computer Science Theory vs. Implementation
Computer science entails theory as well as practical implementation. We wanted to know which aspect Catherine found more enjoyable. Catherine revealed her preference for implementation, while acknowledging that others might have different perspectives.
23. Time-Wasting Website
Everyone has their guilty pleasures on the internet. We asked Catherine which website she tends to waste time on. She confessed to spending a significant amount of time on Facebook, where she discovers a lot of cool content shared by her friends.
24. Recent Email Recipient
Intrigued by her recent communication, we asked Catherine about the last person she emailed. Catherine mentioned emailing a robotics candidate she had met at NIPS, a prestigious conference in the field of AI.
25. Dream Travel Destination
We all have dream destinations we wish to visit. Catherine had Never been to Africa, so she expressed her interest in visiting Cape Town because of the allure and uniqueness of the location.
26. Visiting Mars
With the increasing interest in space exploration, we asked Catherine if she would consider visiting Mars if given the opportunity. Catherine admitted that the cost would be a significant factor, but she would be open to the idea if it were more affordable.
27. Indispensable Possession
Intrigued by what Catherine deems indispensable in her life, we asked her about one possession she couldn't live without. Surprisingly, Catherine mentioned her bicycle as an essential part of her life.
28. Favorite Music Genre
We were eager to know Catherine's taste in music. Catherine mentioned that Spotify often categorizes her music taste as ambient electronic, so she went with that as her favorite genre.
29. Desired Skill in Drawing
Everyone has skills they wish they could improve. We asked Catherine about the skill she wished she had. Catherine responded immediately, expressing a desire to be better at drawing.
30. Catherine's Morning Routine
Morning routines can set the tone for the day ahead. We asked Catherine about the first thing she does upon waking up. Catherine humorously admitted to hitting the snooze button, indicating her reluctance to leave the comfort of her bed.
31. Preferred Text Editor
As an engineer, having a preferred text editor is essential. We asked Catherine about her choice. Catherine mentioned using Emacs, but she reassured us that it is not a matter of rivalry.
32. What Open-Source Libraries Catherine Likes
Open-source libraries play a significant role in the development of AI projects. We asked Catherine about her favorite open-source library. Catherine revealed her recent inclination towards using Python's requests library, as it makes HTTP requests incredibly easy.
33. Favorite Movies
Movies are a source of entertainment and inspiration. We asked Catherine about her favorite movies. Catherine pointed towards the original "Matrix" movie, indicating her appreciation for its concept and execution.
34. Recent Difficult Problem at Open AI
Working in the field of AI often involves overcoming challenging problems. We asked Catherine about a recent difficult problem she encountered at Open AI. Catherine shared that they faced some perplexing bugs while resetting environments in the Universe project. Figuring out the cause proved to be a tough and demanding task.
35. Inspiration to Get Into Machine Learning
We were eager to learn about Catherine's inspiration to pursue machine learning. Catherine expressed her long-standing fascination with how humans think and the Curiosity surrounding biological cognitive agents. This interest served as the driving force behind her venture into machine learning.
36. First Program Ever Made
Every programmer remembers their first program. We asked Catherine about hers. Catherine excitedly shared that her first interesting program involved figuring out how to Spell her name using chemical element symbols.
37. Favorite Books
Books often serve as gateways to new worlds and ideas. We inquired about Catherine's favorite books. Catherine mentioned "A Wizard of Earthsea" and "Sputnik Sweetheart" as two books she particularly enjoyed.
38. Misconceptions About Catherine
Misconceptions can often arise about individuals. We asked Catherine about any misconceptions people have about her. Surprisingly, Catherine revealed that people often do not realize she was born in Australia.
39. Exciting Aspects of Life
We wanted to know what excites Catherine about life. Catherine expressed her enthusiasm for the future and the uncertainty it holds. She emphasized the excitement of not knowing how things will turn out.
40. Best Advice Ever Received
Great advice can have a lasting impact. We asked Catherine about the best advice she has ever received. Catherine shared that someone once pointed out that she already had most of the things she wanted in life. This advice encouraged her to stop stressing and appreciate what she had accomplished.
41. Bravest Thing Done by Catherine
Stepping out of one's comfort zone often requires bravery. We asked Catherine about the bravest thing she has ever done. Catherine mentioned quitting graduate school, a decision that challenged her initial life plans and demanded significant changes.
42. Advice to Give Herself 10 Years Ago
Given the opportunity, what advice would Catherine give to her younger self, looking back 10 years ago? Catherine would advise herself to ask for more help and support. Instead of attempting to accomplish everything alone, it is crucial to Seek assistance from others.
43. Online vs. Real-life Balance
With technology ingrained in our daily lives, balancing online and real-life interactions is important. We asked Catherine where she spends more time: the internet or real life. Catherine mentioned her preference for real-life interactions but acknowledged spending considerable time in front of a screen due to coding and work requirements.
44. Pets
Pets often bring joy and companionship. We asked Catherine if she had any pets. Catherine revealed that she currently does not have any pets.
45. Recent Learning Experience
Curious about her recent learning experiences, we prompted Catherine to share one thing she learned in the past month. Catherine responded by explaining how she gained insights into what it's like to release a big project successfully.
46. Spicy Food Preference
To explore Catherine's culinary preferences, we asked if she enjoys spicy food. Catherine expressed her partiality towards spicy food but admitted it depended on her mood and cravings.
47. Movies That Made Catherine Cry
Movies have the power to Evoke strong emotions. We asked Catherine if she could recall a movie that made her cry. Catherine mentioned the ending of "The Lord of the Rings" as the most poignant movie moment for her.
48. Preferred World Law
Given the opportunity to create or choose a law, we asked Catherine to share her preference. Catherine expressed her belief in the importance of freedom of the press and advocated for its preservation and expansion.
49. Solving Intelligence in the Future
The field of AI constantly pushes boundaries. We asked Catherine if she believes we will solve intelligence in her lifetime. Catherine expressed her belief that we will develop systems as capable as humans, but understanding how they work might still elude us.
50. Role Models in College
During Catherine's college years, we asked if there was anyone she looked up to as a role model. Catherine mentioned a professor named Fei Fei Lee, who combined computer science and neuroscience in her research. Catherine found her work inspiring and admired her interdisciplinary approach.
51. Preferred Deep Learning Libraries
Given the many deep learning libraries available, we asked Catherine about her preferences. Catherine mentioned shifting towards using TensorFlow, although she had previously worked with Theano and PyTorch.
52. Machine Learning as the New Electricity
Many consider machine learning to be the "new electricity" in terms of its potential impact. We asked Catherine if she agreed with this comparison. Catherine agreed with the analogy, seeing machine learning as a transformative force that will Continue to shape the future.
53. Recommended Resource for Learning Machine Learning
For individuals interested in learning machine learning, we asked Catherine about her recommended learning resource. She stated that a good book, like Bishop's book, combined with hands-on implementation, is essential. Rather than just reading about machine learning, it is crucial to practice and implement the concepts.
54. Career Goal
To gain Insight into Catherine's aspirations, we asked about her career goals. Catherine aspires to lead a big project someday, seeking the opportunity to have a significant impact and contribute to the AI field on a larger Scale.
55. Brain vs. Universe
Intrigued by Catherine's interest in how humans think, we posed a hypothetical question: which is more interesting to her, the brain or the universe? Catherine acknowledged that while the brain is part of the universe, she finds it particularly fascinating due to its complexity and unique cognitive abilities.
56. Favorite Superhero
Everyone has a favorite superhero. We asked Catherine to share hers. Catherine expressed a fondness for Batman, highlighting the fact that he does not possess any superpowers but relies on his intelligence and resourcefulness.
57. Spirit Animal
To get a glimpse into Catherine's personality, we asked her about her spirit animal. Catherine humorously responded that her spirit animal would likely be a head louse because she considers herself friendly and enjoys getting along with people.
58. One-Shot Learning's Potential
Given the importance of efficient learning algorithms, we asked Catherine if she believes one-shot learning will gain Momentum in the field of AI. Catherine expressed her belief in the necessity of one-shot learning to achieve substantial progress in intelligence. Overcoming the requirement for massive amounts of data is crucial.
59. Attend Coachella
Coachella is a well-known music and arts festival. We were curious if Catherine had attended or would consider attending. Catherine did not provide a clear answer, leaving her inclination towards attending the festival ambiguous.
60. Preferred Tech Devices
For tech enthusiasts, we asked Catherine about her preferred tech devices: MacBooks or Microsoft Surfaces. Catherine revealed her preference for MacBooks but acknowledged that Microsoft Surfaces are not bad either.
61. Pen or Pencil
Creativity can take many forms. We asked Catherine if she preferred writing with a pen or a pencil. Catherine expressed a preference for pencils for their versatility and ability to be erased.
62. Wearing the iWatch
With the rise of smartwatches, we asked Catherine if she would consider wearing an iWatch. Catherine stated that she would be willing to try it, even though she didn't elaborate on her level of interest.
In conclusion, our conversation with Catherine gave us valuable insights not only into her engineering work at Open AI but also into her interests, preferences, and outlook on life. From her experiences at MIT and NYU to her favorite movies and books, Catherine's journey in the field of AI is as multifaceted as she is. With her enthusiasm for building things that can positively impact others, Catherine serves as an inspiring figure in the world of engineering and artificial intelligence.