Functions of Essence of agility - EoA retrospective coach BOT on ChatGPT
Retrospective coaching bot
Who is suitable to use Essence of agility - EoA retrospective coach BOT on ChatGPT?
Essence of Agility (EoA) retrospective coach BOT on ChatGPT is a bot that helps with retrospective facilitation based on the concept of Essence of Agility by Changjun Kim. It provides detailed feedback when you write a detailed retrospective.
How do I use Essence of agility - EoA retrospective coach BOT Quickstart on ChatGPT?
1. Install the bot on ChatGPT.
2. Start a retrospective session.
3. Follow the prompts and input your retrospective details.
How to use Essence of agility - EoA retrospective coach BOT on ChatGPT?
1. Install the EoA retrospective coach BOT on ChatGPT.
2. Write a detailed retrospective using the bot.
3. Receive detailed feedback on your retrospective.
Essence of agility - EoA retrospective coach BOT on ChatGPT's Tags
Essence of Agility