Learn how to set up Open AI Gymnasium in EE569 CS634 Tutorial

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Learn how to set up Open AI Gymnasium in EE569 CS634 Tutorial

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up Open AI Gym 2.1 Virtual Environments 2.2 Installing Open AI Gym 2.3 Installing Jupyter Notebook
  3. Understanding the Cart Pole Problem 3.1 Terminology and Concepts 3.2 Observation and Action Space 3.3 Rewards and Termination
  4. Implementing the Cart Pole Problem 4.1 Initializing the Environment 4.2 Running the Simulation 4.3 Evaluating Success Rate
  5. Introduction to the Frozen Lake Environment 5.1 Overview of the Environment 5.2 Observation and Action Space 5.3 Rewards and Termination
  6. Implementing the Frozen Lake Environment 6.1 Initializing the Environment 6.2 Running the Simulation 6.3 Evaluating Success Rate
  7. Conclusion
  8. Further Exploration
  9. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Welcome to the tutorial on Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning using Open AI Gym. In this tutorial, we will explore the fundamentals of setting up Open AI Gym, understanding the Cart Pole problem, implementing the problem, and evaluating the success rate. We will also introduce the Frozen Lake environment and walk through its implementation. So let's dive in!

Setting up Open AI Gym

Before we start working with Open AI Gym, we need to set up the necessary tools and dependencies. In this section, we will cover virtual environments, installing Open AI Gym, and configuring Jupyter Notebook.

Virtual Environments

Virtual environments are essential for isolating our application code from the rest of the system and avoiding any interference with the dependencies. We will Create a virtual environment using Python 3.11.4, which is recommended for this course.

Installing Open AI Gym

To work with Open AI Gym, we need to install the necessary packages. We will use the requirements.txt file provided to install all the required packages. Instructions for the installation process will be shared via Slack or email.

Installing Jupyter Notebook

We will be using Jupyter Notebook for this tutorial. However, You can also use other platforms such as Google Collaboratory or Anaconda Jupyter Notebooks if you prefer. To install Jupyter Notebook inside VS Code, you can go to extensions and search for "Jupyter." Install the Jupyter Notebook extensions, and you're good to go.

Understanding the Cart Pole Problem

The Cart Pole problem is a classic control problem in reinforcement learning. In this section, we will Delve into the terminology and concepts associated with the Cart Pole problem, including observation and action space, rewards, termination, and truncation.

Terminology and Concepts

First, let's familiarize ourselves with the key terms and concepts related to the Cart Pole problem. We'll learn about the action space and observation space, which define the possible actions and states of the environment. Additionally, we'll understand rewards and how the problem is terminated or truncated.

Observation and Action Space

The observation space describes the possible states of the environment. In the Cart Pole problem, the observation space consists of four values: cart position, cart velocity, pole angle, and pole angular velocity. We'll explore the range and significance of these values in the Context of the problem.

The action space represents the available actions for an agent to take. For the Cart Pole problem, the action space is discrete, with two possibilities: "left" and "right." We'll discuss the mapping of action space values to their corresponding actions.

Rewards and Termination

In reinforcement learning, rewards play a crucial role in training the agent. In the Cart Pole problem, the goal is to maximize the cumulative reward by keeping the pole upright for as long as possible. We'll explore the rewards associated with specific actions and the overall objective of the problem.

Termination refers to the state in which the environment ends, either through reaching a predefined time step limit or exceeding certain thresholds for cart position or pole angle. Truncation is an additional mechanism to prevent the environment from running indefinitely. We'll discuss how termination and truncation work in the Cart Pole problem.

Implementing the Cart Pole Problem

In this section, we will walk through the implementation of the Cart Pole problem using Open AI Gym. We will cover the initialization of the environment, running The Simulation, and evaluating the success rate.

Initializing the Environment

Before we can start running the simulation, we need to set up the Cart Pole environment using the Gym module. We'll explore the necessary steps for creating the environment and setting any additional parameters.

Running the Simulation

With the environment set up, we can now run the simulation to observe the behavior of the cart and pole. We'll go through the code line by line, explaining the functions and variables involved in each step. We will also discuss the significance of rendering the environment and visualizing the cart pole's movements.

Evaluating Success Rate

To quantify the performance of our implementation of the Cart Pole problem, we will evaluate the success rate of the agent. By running multiple iterations of the simulation, we can calculate the percentage of successful runs and analyze the effectiveness of the applied policy.

Introduction to the Frozen Lake Environment

In addition to the Cart Pole problem, we will also explore the Frozen Lake environment. This environment presents a different set of challenges and dynamics compared to the Cart Pole problem. In this section, we will provide an overview of the Frozen Lake environment, including observation and action space, rewards, and termination.

Overview of the Environment

The Frozen Lake environment consists of a GRID with multiple states, including starting state, frozen states, holes (representing failure states), and the goal state. The agent's objective is to navigate through the grid and reach the goal state while avoiding the holes.

Observation and Action Space

Similar to the Cart Pole problem, the Frozen Lake environment has its own observation and action space. We'll discuss the nature of the observation space and the possible actions an agent can take to traverse the grid.

Rewards and Termination

In the Frozen Lake environment, rewards are only given when the agent successfully reaches the goal state. We'll explore the concept of rewards and understand the criteria for termination in this environment. Additionally, we'll discuss how the environment's inherent stochasticity affects decision-making.

Implementing the Frozen Lake Environment

Now that we understand the basics of the Frozen Lake environment, it's time to dive into its implementation using Open AI Gym. We'll cover the steps required to initialize the environment, run the simulation, and evaluate the success rate.

Initializing the Environment

To start working with the Frozen Lake environment, we need to initialize it using the Gym module. We'll explore the necessary code for creating the environment, as well as any additional configurations.

Running the Simulation

Once the environment is set up, we can run the simulation to observe how the agent navigates through the grid. We'll go through the code line by line, explaining the functions and variables involved in each step. By analyzing the agent's movements, we can gain insights into the effectiveness of the applied policy.

Evaluating Success Rate

Similar to the Cart Pole problem, we will evaluate the success rate of the agent in the Frozen Lake environment. By running multiple iterations of the simulation, we can calculate the percentage of successful runs and assess the agent's ability to navigate the grid successfully.


In this tutorial, we covered the fundamentals of Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning using Open AI Gym. We explored the Cart Pole problem and the Frozen Lake environment, understanding their dynamics, observation and action spaces, rewards, and termination conditions. We implemented both problems using Open AI Gym and evaluated the success rates of our agents. This tutorial serves as a foundation for your future assignments and further exploration in the field of reinforcement learning.

Further Exploration

Reinforcement learning is a vast field with numerous applications and advanced concepts. If you're interested in diving deeper into the subject, we recommend exploring the following topics:

  1. Deep Q-Learning: Learn about Q-learning with neural networks, enabling the agent to handle complex environments.
  2. Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: Explore scenarios where multiple agents Interact and learn cooperatively or competitively.
  3. Continuous Control: Study environments where action spaces are continuous, requiring different learning approaches.
  4. Model-Based Reinforcement Learning: Discover methods that involve learning a model of the environment to improve decision-making.
  5. Policy Gradient Methods: Understand algorithms that optimize policy parameters directly.

By delving into these areas, you can expand your knowledge and proficiency in reinforcement learning techniques.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is the purpose of using virtual environments in Python?

A: Virtual environments help separate application-specific dependencies from the global Python environment. This isolation ensures that packages and libraries used in a specific project do not interfere with other projects or the system's default Python environment.

Q: How do I install the Open AI Gym requirements?

A: After setting up the virtual environment, you can use the "pip install -r requirements.txt" command to install the packages specified in the requirements.txt file. Make sure you have the file accessible and located in the correct directory.

Q: Why is the success rate not 100% in the Cart Pole problem?

A: The Cart Pole problem has inherent stochasticity, meaning there is randomness involved in the environment's dynamics. This randomness can affect the agent's actions and lead to occasional failures. Achieving a high success rate often requires a well-optimized policy and further exploration of reinforcement learning algorithms.

Q: Can I run the simulations and experiments on my own?

A: Absolutely! We encourage you to experiment with the provided code and explore the Open AI Gym environments further. Feel free to modify the parameters, explore different policies, and observe the agent's behavior in various scenarios. This hands-on experience will Deepen your understanding of reinforcement learning concepts.

Q: Are the solutions to the Frozen Lake and Cart Pole problems shared?

A: The optimal solutions to these problems are not explicitly shared in this tutorial. However, you will have the opportunity to solve similar problems and discover optimal policies through your assignments and further learning in this course.

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