Learn to Build ChatGPT for iOS

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Learn to Build ChatGPT for iOS

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Building the Chat List View
  3. Creating the Chat View Model
  4. Creating the App Chat Model
  5. Creating the Chat Model
  6. Adding the Chat List State
  7. Fetching Data in the Chat List View Model
  8. Building the Chat List View
  9. Creating the Chat Cell View
  10. Adding Swipe Actions for Deleting Chats
  11. Creating the Chat View
  12. Creating the Profile View
  13. Showcasing the Profile View
  14. Navigating to the Chat View

Building a Complete Chat GPT iOS Application

In this article, we will guide You through the process of building a complete chat GPT iOS application. We will cover the different components and functionalities required to Create a fully functional chat app using SwiftUI and Firebase.


In this section, we will provide an overview of the chat GPT iOS application that we will be building. We will explain the purpose of the app and the tools and technologies that will be used.

Building the Chat List View

In this section, we will create the chat list view, which will display a list of chats in the application. We will create the necessary SwiftUI views and view models to retrieve and display the Chat Data.

Creating the Chat View Model

In this subsection, we will create the chat list view model, which will be responsible for fetching and managing the chat data. We will also create the necessary state variables and functions to handle the loading state and fetch the data.

Creating the App Chat Model

In this subsection, we will create the app chat model, which will represent each chat in the application. We will define the necessary properties and annotations to work with Firebase and make the model Codable and Identifiable.

Creating the Chat Model

In this subsection, we will create the chat model, which will represent the different models available in the chat GPT library. We will define the cases and properties for each model and the color to be used in the UI.

Adding the Chat List State

In this subsection, we will add the chat list state variable to the chat list view model. This state variable will be used to track the loading state of the chat list and display the appropriate message.

Fetching Data in the Chat List View Model

In this subsection, we will implement the function to fetch the chat data in the chat list view model. We will use Firebase to retrieve the chat data and update the state accordingly.

Building the Chat List View

In this section, we will build the chat list view, which will display the list of chats in the application. We will create the necessary SwiftUI views and use the data from the view model to populate the list.

Creating the Chat Cell View

In this subsection, we will create the chat cell view, which will represent each chat in the chat list view. We will display the chat topic, model, last message time, and owner in each cell.

Adding Swipe Actions for Deleting Chats

In this subsection, we will add swipe actions to the chat cell view to enable the user to delete a chat. We will implement the function to delete a chat in the chat list view model and handle the deletion in the UI.

Creating the Chat View

In this section, we will create the chat view, which will display the conversation between the user and the GPT model. We will create the necessary SwiftUI views and view models to handle the chat functionality.

Creating the Profile View

In this subsection, we will create the profile view, which will allow the user to manage their profile and settings. We will create the necessary SwiftUI views and handle the user interface elements.

Showcasing the Profile View

In this subsection, we will add a button in the chat list view to showcase the profile view. We will implement the function to show the profile view and handle the presentation of the view.

Navigating to the Chat View

In this section, we will implement the navigation to the chat view when a chat is selected in the chat list view. We will create the necessary navigation stack and path to navigate to the chat view.

With these steps, we have successfully built a complete chat GPT iOS application. We have created the necessary views, view models, and functionality to display and manage the chat data. In the next article, we will Continue building the UI for the chat view and handle the chat functionality. Stay tuned!


  • Building a complete chat GPT iOS application using SwiftUI and Firebase
  • Creating the necessary views and view models to display and manage chat data
  • Implementing swipe actions for deleting chats
  • Navigating between different views in the application
  • Creating a profile view for managing user settings


Q: What technologies are used in building the chat GPT iOS application? A: The chat GPT iOS application is built using SwiftUI for the user interface and Firebase for the backend data storage and retrieval.

Q: Can users customize their chat models in the application? A: Yes, users can choose between GPT 3.5 Turbo and GPT 4 as their chat model. The selected model will be used for generating responses in the chat conversations.

Q: Is it possible to delete a chat in the application? A: Yes, users have the ability to swipe to delete a chat in the chat list view. This action will permanently remove the chat from the application.

Q: How can I update my profile settings in the application? A: Users can access their profile settings by tapping on the profile icon in the toolbar. In the profile view, they can update their settings and preferences.

Q: How is the chat data stored and retrieved from Firebase? A: The chat data is stored as documents in the Firebase Firestore database. The application fetches the data using the Firebase SDK and updates the UI accordingly.

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