Learn to Build Conversational Chatbots with ChatGPT and Bubble.io

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Learn to Build Conversational Chatbots with ChatGPT and Bubble.io

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Building a Conversational Chat Bot with Bubble and Chat GPT's API
  3. Use Cases for Conversational Chat Bots
  4. Getting Started: Installing the API Connector
  5. Setting up the API Call for Chat Completions
  6. Creating the Front End Interface
  7. Designing the Database Structure
  8. Building the Workflow for the Chat Bot
  9. Displaying Chat History in the User Interface
  10. Testing and Interacting with the Chat Bot
  11. Conclusion


In this tutorial, I will Show You how to build a conversational chat bot using Bubble and Chat GPT's new API. This tutorial is suitable for those without a technical background as we will leverage the power of Bubble and the simplicity of the API integration. Whether you want to Create an internal tool for your team or a customer-facing chat bot for sales or support, this tutorial will guide you through the process.

Building a Conversational Chat Bot with Bubble and Chat GPT's API

Let's dive into the steps required to build a conversational chat bot using Bubble and Chat GPT's API. This tutorial will demonstrate how to create a simple interface where users can ask questions and receive responses from the chat bot.

Use Cases for Conversational Chat Bots

There are numerous use cases for conversational chat bots. They can be used internally by teams to automate processes, provide information, or assist with decision making. Externally, chat bots can be implemented on websites or social media platforms to provide customer support, answer frequently asked questions, or even drive sales.

Getting Started: Installing the API Connector

Before we can start building our chat bot, we need to install the API connector in Bubble. The API connector will serve as the bridge between Bubble and Chat GPT's API. By installing this plugin, we can easily make requests to the API and receive responses.

Setting up the API Call for Chat Completions

Once we have the API connector installed, we need to configure the API call for chat completions. This API call is responsible for sending user queries to the Chat GPT model and receiving responses. We will set up the necessary headers, including content Type and authorization, to ensure a successful connection with the API.

Creating the Front End Interface

To Interact with our chat bot, we need to create a user-friendly front end interface. This interface will include an input field where users can enter their questions and a button to submit their queries. Additionally, we will display the chat history in a list format to provide a seamless conversational experience.

Designing the Database Structure

To store the chat history and maintain conversation Context, we need to design the database structure. We will create a new table to store chat records, including the text of the user's query, the assistant's response, and the role (user or assistant).

Building the Workflow for the Chat Bot

With the frontend and database structure in place, we can now build the workflow for our chat bot. We will capture the user's query from the input field, save it to the database, make the API call to Chat GPT, retrieve the response, and save it to the database as well. This workflow ensures a seamless conversation flow between the user and the chat bot.

Displaying Chat History in the User Interface

To enhance the user experience, we will display the chat history in the front end interface. This allows users to see their previous queries and the corresponding responses from the chat bot. By displaying the chat history, users can easily refer back to previous conversations and Continue the dialogue.

Testing and Interacting with the Chat Bot

After implementing the chat bot functionality, it is essential to test and interact with it to ensure everything is working as expected. We will test various user queries and verify that the chat bot responds accurately. This testing phase will highlight any errors or issues that may arise during real-world usage.


In conclusion, building a conversational chat bot with Bubble and Chat GPT's API is a powerful and accessible way to leverage the capabilities of natural language processing. This tutorial has provided step-by-step instructions to guide you through the process, from setting up the API connector to displaying the chat history. By following these steps, you can create a personalized and interactive chat bot for your specific use case.


Building a Conversational Chat Bot with Bubble and Chat GPT's API

Are you interested in building a conversational chat bot without a technical background? With the integration of Bubble and Chat GPT's new API, you can create a powerful and user-friendly chat bot for various use cases. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of building a chat bot that can provide information, assistance, or support.

Use Cases for Conversational Chat Bots

Conversational chat bots have become increasingly popular due to their versatility and efficiency in handling customer queries, automating tasks, and providing real-time assistance. They can be used in a wide range of scenarios, including:

  1. Customer Support: A chat bot can handle frequently asked questions, provide troubleshooting steps, and offer Relevant resources to assist customers.
  2. Sales and Marketing: By engaging with potential customers and answering their inquiries, a chat bot can drive sales and build brand loyalty.
  3. Information Retrieval: Chat bots can retrieve data or perform searches Based on user requests, making it easier for users to find the information they need.
  4. Appointment Scheduling: Integrated with a scheduling system, a chat bot can help users book appointments or make reservations seamlessly.
  5. Virtual Assistant: Chat bots can perform tasks such as setting reminders, sending notifications, and organizing schedules, acting as a virtual assistant for users.

Getting Started: Installing the API Connector

The first step in building a conversational chat bot is to install the API connector in Bubble. This allows you to connect with Chat GPT's API and send user queries for processing. The API connector acts as a bridge between Bubble and the external API, facilitating data exchange and communication.

Setting up the API Call for Chat Completions

Once the API connector is installed, you need to set up the API call for chat completions. This call is responsible for sending user queries to the Chat GPT model and receiving responses. By configuring the necessary headers, including content type and authorization, you can establish a secure connection with the API.

Creating the Front End Interface

To provide a seamless user experience, a well-designed front end is crucial. In the front end interface, users should be able to enter their queries and receive responses from the chat bot. By creating an intuitive and visually appealing interface, you can enhance user engagement and make the interaction more enjoyable.

Designing the Database Structure

To store and manage the chat history, it's essential to design an efficient database structure. You can create a new table in the database to store chat records, including the user's query, the chat bot's response, and the role (user or chat bot). This structured data will help maintain context and enable future improvements to the chat bot's functionality.

Building the Workflow for the Chat Bot

The workflow is the backbone of the chat bot's functionality. It determines how user queries are processed, how responses are generated, and how the chat history is stored. By creating a clear and logical workflow, you can ensure smooth communication between the user and the chat bot, providing a seamless conversational experience.

Displaying Chat History in the User Interface

To enhance usability and allow users to reference previous interactions, it's essential to display the chat history in the user interface. This can be achieved by retrieving and displaying the stored chat records in a readable and organized format. By presenting the chat history, users can reflect on previous conversations and easily continue the dialogue.

Testing and Interacting with the Chat Bot

After completing the implementation, it's crucial to thoroughly test the chat bot and interact with it to ensure its accuracy and performance. Test various user queries and evaluate the chat bot's responses. Additionally, monitor for any potential errors or inconsistencies that may arise during real-world usage. Regular testing and refinements will help optimize the chat bot's effectiveness over time.


Building a conversational chat bot with Bubble and Chat GPT's API is an accessible and impactful way to leverage the capabilities of natural language processing. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can create a powerful, user-friendly chat bot for various use cases, from customer support to sales and information retrieval. Embrace the possibilities of conversational AI and enhance the interaction between your users and your business.

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