Learn to Create NFT Contracts

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Learn to Create NFT Contracts

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Theory of NFTs
  3. Understanding ERC-721 Standard
  4. Storing NFTs on the Blockchain
  5. Introduction to IPFS Storage
  6. Generating NFT Images Using AI
  7. Creating Metadata for NFTs
  8. Uploading Images and Metadata to IPFS
  9. Developing an NFT Smart Contract
  10. Deploying the NFT Contract on a Test Network
  11. Verifying and Publishing the Contract
  12. Showcasing NFTs on OpenSea Marketplace
  13. Minting and Listing NFTs
  14. Accessing NFTs through Metamask
  15. Conclusion


In this comprehensive guide, we will Delve into the world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and explore how to Create, store, and sell them. NFTs are unique digital assets recorded and authenticated on the blockchain. Unlike cryptocurrencies, NFTs cannot be exchanged on a one-to-one basis as each token has distinct quantities and characteristics. In this guide, we will cover various aspects of NFTs, including their theory, the ERC-721 standard, storing NFTs on the blockchain, IPFS storage, generating NFT images using AI, creating metadata, developing an NFT smart contract, deploying the contract on a test network, showcasing NFTs on the OpenSea marketplace, minting and listing NFTs, accessing NFTs through Metamask, and more. So let's dive in and explore the fascinating world of NFTs!

2. The Theory of NFTs

To truly understand NFTs, it is essential to grasp the underlying theory behind them. NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, represent unique digital assets that are authenticated and recorded on the blockchain. Unlike cryptocurrencies like ERC20 tokens, each NFT has distinct quantities and characteristics. NFTs enable ownership and verification of various digital items such as art, music, videos, real estate, and much more. In the world of Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) chains, the ERC-721 standard is commonly used to represent NFTs within a smart contract. Contrary to popular misconception, the NFT or digital asset itself is not saved on the blockchain. Instead, only the footprint or reference to the metadata containing the actual digital item is stored. This metadata, which includes the name, description, and image, is typically stored on a decentralized storage system called IPFS (InterPlanetary File System). IPFS ensures efficiency and resilience, as the data remains accessible even if a node goes offline.

3. Understanding ERC-721 Standard

The ERC-721 standard plays a crucial role in implementing NFTs within a smart contract. It provides a set of functions and interfaces that allow for the creation, ownership, and transfer of NFTs. Similar to the ERC20 token, ERC-721 tokens have a balanceOf function that returns the number of tokens owned by a specific address. Additionally, the ownerOf function allows us to determine the owner of a particular token by its unique token ID. To transfer an NFT, we can use the transferFrom or safeTransferFrom functions. It is important to note that when a contract holds an NFT, it must implement the specific ERC-721 Token Receiver interface to ensure it can properly handle the token. The approval and approvalForAll functions are used to grant permission to transfer NFTs on behalf of the owner. By implementing the ERC-165 interface, contracts can indicate their support for the ERC-721 interface.

4. Storing NFTs on the Blockchain

Contrary to popular belief, NFTs themselves are not stored on the blockchain due to their large file size. Instead, the blockchain stores a reference to the metadata associated with each NFT. For example, let's imagine we have an image or video file. Storing these files directly on the blockchain would be impractical due to their size. Therefore, only the identifying information, such as the owner's address and the token ID, is stored on the blockchain. The actual metadata, including the image or video itself, is stored on a decentralized storage system like IPFS. This ensures that the data remains accessible and resilient. By saving NFT metadata on IPFS, we eliminate the risk of losing access to the digital asset if a server is shut down or no longer maintained.

5. Introduction to IPFS Storage

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is a distributed system where files are addressed and identified by their content rather than their location. It utilizes cryptographic hashes to ensure data integrity and immutability. In the IPFS world, different nodes use a Peer-to-peer protocol to exchange files and content within the system. When a file is uploaded to IPFS, it gets replicated across various nodes, ensuring redundancy and availability. The location of the data is defined by the hash of the data itself, making it impossible for anyone to modify the content without changing the hash. IPFS storage provides an efficient and resilient solution for storing the metadata of NFTs, as it allows for quick retrieval and ensures the data remains accessible even if individual nodes go offline.

6. Generating NFT Images Using AI

Generating unique and visually appealing images is a crucial aspect of creating NFTs. One popular approach is to utilize AI models, such as the StyleGAN and Stable Diffusion models. These models use deep learning techniques to generate high-quality and diverse images. By providing Prompts or keywords, such as "cats" and "army," the AI model can generate a set of images that match the given criteria. Additionally, parameters such as batch size can be adjusted to control the number of images generated. By leveraging AI models, artists and Creators can produce captivating and one-of-a-kind images to be used as NFTs.

7. Creating Metadata for NFTs

Metadata plays a crucial role in enriching the user experience and providing information about an NFT. It typically includes details such as the name, description, and image of the NFT. Following the OpenSea metadata standards, each NFT should have a unique name and description. The image field should contain the link to the actual image file stored on IPFS. By adhering to these metadata standards, NFT creators ensure consistency and compatibility across different platforms and marketplaces. Creating well-crafted metadata is essential for effectively showcasing and promoting NFTs to potential buyers.

8. Uploading Images and Metadata to IPFS

Once the NFT images and metadata are ready, they can be uploaded to IPFS for storage and retrieval. To upload the images, we use the IPFS client, which allows us to import files or entire folders to the IPFS network. When an image is uploaded, it is replicated across multiple nodes within the IPFS network, ensuring availability and redundancy. The IPFS client provides a unique Content Identifier (CID) for each uploaded file, which serves as the link or address to access the file. We can then add the CID to the metadata file, specifying the IPFS link for the image. By uploading the images and metadata to IPFS, we ensure the accessibility and permanence of the NFT data, as it becomes independent of any centralized server or infrastructure.

9. Developing an NFT Smart Contract

To bring NFTs to life, we need to develop a smart contract that governs their creation, ownership, and transfer. Using the ERC-721 standard as a foundation, we create a new smart contract known as "Cats Army." This contract extends the functionality of ERC-721 by implementing the ERC-721 Enumerable extension, which adds support for a total supply of tokens. We define a constructor that initializes the contract with a token name and symbol. The contract includes functions such as mint, which allows anyone to mint a new NFT, and balanceOf, which returns the number of tokens owned by a specific address. Additionally, we implement functions for approving transfers, listing tokens for sale, and verifying contract support for ERC-721. By developing a smart contract, we establish the rules and logic for the creation and management of NFTs within a decentralized environment.

10. Deploying the NFT Contract on a Test Network

Before deploying the NFT contract on the Ethereum mainnet, it is recommended to test it on a test network. This ensures that the contract functions as intended and allows for thorough testing without incurring any real costs. To deploy the contract, we use Remix Solidity IDE and connect it to a test network using an injected provider like MetaMask. Once connected, we compile the contract, deploy it to the test network, and confirm the deployment transaction using MetaMask. Once deployed, the contract receives a unique address on the test network, and all functions defined in the contract can be interacted with using that address. Deploying the contract on a test network provides a safe and cost-effective way to validate its functionality before moving to the production environment.

11. Verifying and Publishing the Contract

To ensure trust and transparency, it is important to verify and publish the NFT contract. Contract verification involves linking the contract's source code to its deployed bytecode on the blockchain. By verifying the contract, anyone can review the code and confirm that it matches the deployed version. This step is crucial, especially when interacting with NFT marketplaces and potential buyers. We can use tools like Etherscan to verify and publish the contract. By providing the flattened source code and confirming the contract's compiler version, we can generate a unique bytecode hash that matches the deployed contract. Verifying and publishing the contract adds an extra layer of credibility and authenticity to the NFT project.

12. Showcasing NFTs on OpenSea Marketplace

OpenSea is one of the largest NFT marketplaces, allowing creators to showcase and sell their digital assets. To list our NFTs on OpenSea, we need to create an account and ensure our contract is compatible with the platform. By connecting our wallet to OpenSea, we gain access to our collections and assets. We can create a profile, add a profile picture and banner, and provide descriptions for our NFTs. OpenSea provides a user-friendly interface where buyers can browse and purchase NFTs. By listing our NFTs on OpenSea, we gain exposure to a wide range of potential buyers and collectors, increasing the chances of a successful sale.

13. Minting and Listing NFTs

Minting refers to the process of creating new NFTs within our smart contract. Once the contract is deployed, we can mint NFTs by calling the mint function and providing the recipient's address. This address will become the owner of the newly minted NFT. By minting NFTs, we increase the total supply and enable new tokens to enter circulation. Once minted, NFTs can be listed for sale on platforms like OpenSea. By specifying a price and approving the marketplace's contract, our NFTs become available for purchase. Minting and listing NFTs allow us to bring our creations to market and engage with potential buyers and collectors.

14. Accessing NFTs through Metamask

Metamask is a popular wallet and browser extension that facilitates access to decentralized applications and NFTs. By connecting Metamask to our preferred network, we can view and Interact with our NFTs directly within the wallet interface. Metamask allows us to import NFTs by providing the contract address and token ID. Once imported, we can view the NFT's metadata and image within the wallet, enhancing the overall user experience. Accessing NFTs through Metamask provides a seamless and convenient way to manage and showcase our digital assets.

15. Conclusion

In this extensive guide, we have explored the fascinating world of NFTs and covered various aspects of their creation, storage, and sale. From understanding the theory and the ERC-721 standard to generating NFT images using AI and uploading metadata to IPFS, we have discussed every step in the process. Developing an NFT smart contract, deploying it on a test network, verifying and publishing the contract, and showcasing NFTs on the OpenSea marketplace have all been covered in Detail. We have also highlighted the importance of minting and listing NFTs to make them available for purchase. Lastly, we discussed the convenience of accessing NFTs through Metamask. By following this guide, You are equipped with the knowledge and tools to dive into the exciting world of NFTs and unleash your creativity in the digital realm.


  • Understand the theory behind NFTs and how they differ from cryptocurrencies
  • Explore the ERC-721 standard and its role in NFT creation
  • Learn how NFTs are stored and referenced on the blockchain
  • Discover the power of IPFS storage for NFT metadata
  • Harness the potential of AI to generate unique NFT images
  • Create compelling metadata to enhance the value of your NFTs
  • Develop an NFT smart contract using the ERC-721 standard
  • Deploy and verify your NFT contract on a test network
  • Showcase and sell your NFTs on the OpenSea marketplace
  • Mint and list NFTs to make them available for purchase
  • Access and manage your NFTs through Metamask
  • Embrace the world of NFTs and unleash your creativity


Q: What is the difference between NFTs and cryptocurrencies? A: While cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are fungible, meaning one unit is equivalent to another, NFTs are non-fungible and represent unique digital assets.

Q: How are NFTs stored on the blockchain? A: NFTs are not stored directly on the blockchain. Instead, the blockchain stores a reference to the metadata containing the digital asset, while the actual asset itself is stored on a decentralized storage system like IPFS.

Q: What is IPFS storage? A: IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is a distributed system where files are identified and addressed by their content rather than their location. It ensures data integrity and immutability by utilizing cryptographic hashes.

Q: How can I generate unique NFT images using AI? A: By using AI models such as StyleGAN and Stable Diffusion, you can generate high-quality and diverse images based on specific prompts or keywords. These AI models leverage deep learning techniques to create captivating visuals.

Q: Can I list my NFTs on the OpenSea marketplace? A: Yes, by creating an account on the OpenSea marketplace and ensuring your NFT contract is compatible, you can showcase and sell your NFTs to a wide range of potential buyers and collectors.

Q: How can I access my NFTs through Metamask? A: By connecting Metamask to your preferred network, you can import your NFTs using the contract address and token ID. Once imported, you can view and manage your NFTs directly within the Metamask wallet interface.

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