Learn to Draw Epic Dragons! Join Smaugust 2023 Challenge!
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- What is Smogust?
- The Inspiration for the Smogust Challenge
- Creating the Prompt List
- Placing the Dragons in the List
- Week One Dragons: Thunderdrum
- Week One Dragons: Deadly Nadder
- Week One Dragons: Sea Shocker
- Week One Dragons: Timberjack
- Week One Dragons: Skaldrön
- Conclusion
Week One of Smogust 2023: Exploring the First Five Dragons
Welcome to week one of Smogust 2023! For those of You who are unfamiliar with this annual community challenge, allow me to explain. Smogust is a drawing challenge that takes place during the month of August. As an artist participating in this challenge, I will be drawing one dragon a day for the next 31 days. In this article, I will walk you through the first five dragons I have chosen to draw and the thought process behind their designs.
What is Smogust?
Smogust is a popular drawing challenge that artists from all over the world participate in. The challenge involves creating a new drawing of a dragon every day throughout the month of August. It is a way for artists to improve their skills, challenge themselves, and connect with the artistic community. Smogust has become an annual tradition for many artists, and it is a great opportunity to showcase their creativity and passion for dragons.
The Inspiration for the Smogust Challenge
The idea for the Smogust challenge stemmed from my previous project, the DIY Dragon manual video from How to Train Your Dragon. Although the video focused more on the informational aspect of dragons, I wanted to scratch my dragon drawing itch and engage with my audience. Thus, the Smogust challenge was born.
Creating the Prompt List
To Create the prompt list for Smogust 2023, I took inspiration from the dragons featured in the How to Train Your Dragon movie and the DIY Dragon manual. I designed the prompt list to follow the general order of dragons shown in the book, taking into account the significance of each dragon in the story. I wanted to create a Cohesive and diverse list that would challenge me as an artist.
Placing the Dragons in the List
Placing the dragons in the prompt list was a meticulous process. I referred to the scenes in the movie and the descriptions in the book to determine the order in which the dragons appeared. Some dragons were easy to place, as they were explicitly Mentioned or seen early on. However, there were gaps in the information available, and I had to make educated guesses Based on the characteristics described.
Week One Dragons: Thunderdrum
The first dragon on my Smogust challenge list is the Thunderdrum. According to the movie, the Thunderdrum is the first dragon after the table of contents. I drew inspiration from the Thunderdrum's appearance and abilities, resembling a mix of a whale shark and an anglerfish. Its wide filter-feeding mouth and ability to produce concussive shock waves made for an interesting design.
Week One Dragons: Deadly Nadder
Next up is the Deadly Nadder, one of the main dragons from the How to Train Your Dragon movie. This dragon's bipedal stance and spiked tail presented a challenge in capturing its unique features. I experimented with using porcupine quills as inspiration for the tail spikes, creating an overall look that was reminiscent of raptoid dinosaurs.
Week One Dragons: Sea Shocker
The Sea Shocker was a dragon I discovered while researching for the Smogust challenge. Although it was a dragon from a later TV Show that I hadn't watched, I included it in my list because of its fascinating appearance. Drawing inspiration from manta rays, I emphasized its double heads and used a Scale pattern brush to give it a reflective texture. Its Blue color also fit well with the theme of Water-based dragons in week one.
Week One Dragons: Timberjack
The Timberjack is a dragon that directly comes from the scene in the How to Train Your Dragon movie. Known for using the sharp edges of its wings to cut through surfaces rather than relying on fire, it presented a unique design opportunity. I aimed to capture its solid and formidable presence by drawing inspiration from bat wings and the wing Shape of pterodactyl fossils.
Week One Dragons: Skaldrön
The Skaldrön holds a special place in my heart as a viewer of the How to Train Your Dragon movie. With its Viking aesthetic and ability to shoot boiling water, it quickly became a favorite dragon of mine. Drawing inspiration from Nordic heritage and aquatic creatures like frog legs, I created a dynamic depiction of the Skaldrön that exuded power and radiated with the spirit of adventure.
Week one of Smogust 2023 has been an exciting Journey filled with diverse and captivating dragons. From the Thunderdrum to the Skaldrön, each dragon has presented unique design challenges and allowed me to explore different art styles. I hope you've enjoyed this glimpse into the first five dragons of the challenge. Stay tuned for week two, where we will Continue to Delve into the fascinating world of dragon art.
- Smogust 2023 is a drawing challenge where artists draw a dragon every day in August.
- The prompt list is designed based on dragons from the How to Train Your Dragon movie and DIY Dragon manual.
- The Thunderdrum, Deadly Nadder, Sea Shocker, Timberjack, and Skaldrön are the dragons featured in week one.
- Each dragon design takes inspiration from real-world animals and the unique characteristics described in the source material.
- The challenge allows artists to explore different art styles and connect with the artistic community.
Q: Can anyone participate in the Smogust challenge?
A: Yes, the Smogust challenge is open to artists of all skill levels. It is a fun way to improve your drawing skills and connect with the artistic community.
Q: Do I have to use the provided prompt list for the challenge?
A: No, you are free to use your own prompt list or follow another list if you prefer. The main goal of the challenge is to have fun and grow as an artist.
Q: How often will the artist be posting updates on the Smogust challenge?
A: The artist plans to post weekly updates on Thursdays, showcasing the dragons completed during that week.