Level up your Toes to Bar and achieve stronger abs!

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Level up your Toes to Bar and achieve stronger abs!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Importance of Core Strength in Toes to Bar (TOAB)
  3. Drill 1: Hollow Body Position
  4. Drill 2: Toe Touches
  5. Drill 3: V-Ups
  6. Drill 4: Straight-legged Toes to Bar
  7. Drill 5: AB Rollouts
  8. Drill 6: Hanging Leg Raises
  9. Drill 7: Hanging L-sit
  10. Drill 8: Strict Toes to Bar with a Tempo


In this article, we will explore the importance of core strength in improving your toes to bar (TOAB) technique. While many athletes focus on the kipping and leg positioning aspect of TOAB, core strength is often overlooked. We will discuss six different drills that you can incorporate into your training to enhance your core strength and stamina, ultimately helping you to perform TOAB with ease and efficiency.

Importance of Core Strength in Toes to Bar (TOAB)

Before we Delve into the drills, let's first understand why core strength is crucial for mastering TOAB. Your core acts as the foundation for stability and control during this movement. A strong and stable core allows you to generate power from the midline, making it easier to lift your legs and execute the TOAB motion seamlessly.

Weak core muscles can lead to compensatory movements, hindering your performance and increasing the risk of injury. By focusing on core strengthening exercises, you can enhance your overall TOAB proficiency and minimize the strain on other muscle groups.

Drill 1: Hollow Body Position

The hollow body position is an essential foundational movement that targets the core muscles. Lie on your back with your arms extended overhead and your legs straight. Lift your legs and upper back off the ground, engaging your core as you hold a "hollow" position. This drill mimics the posture required during TOAB, making it an effective exercise for developing core strength and stability. Aim to hold this position for several seconds, gradually increasing the duration as you progress.

Drill 2: Toe Touches

Toe touches are an excellent variation of the hollow body position and further emphasize core strength and flexibility. From the hollow position, reach your right HAND to your left toe, then alternate to touch your left hand to your right toe. This movement enhances the hinging pattern and compression of the core, facilitating stronger core muscles required for TOAB.

Drill 3: V-Ups

V-ups target the entire core, focusing on both the upper and lower abs. Start from the hollow position and simultaneously lift your legs and upper body, reaching your hands toward your feet. This movement is more challenging as it requires coordination and balance. Incorporating v-ups into your core strengthening routine will translate to improved stability and control during TOAB.

Drill 4: Straight-legged Toes to Bar

Once You have developed sufficient core strength using the previous drills, it's time to incorporate the pull-up bar. Hang from the bar with straight legs and engage your core as you Raise your toes as high as possible. This exercise mimics the toe-lifting motion of TOAB without any kipping movement. Focus on maintaining proper form and control throughout the movement.

Drill 5: AB Rollouts

AB rollouts can be performed using a barbell or an ab roller. Kneel on the ground with your hands shoulder-width apart on the barbell or ab roller. Slowly roll the barbell forward, extending your arms fully while keeping your core tight. Go as far as you can without compromising your form or feeling excessive strain on your lower back. This exercise challenges your core stability and strengthens the muscles required for TOAB.

Drill 6: Hanging Leg Raises

Hanging leg raises are an advanced drill that targets the core and hip flexors, both integral for TOAB. Hang from the pull-up bar with a stable grip and engage your core as you raise your legs with straight knees. Strive to lift your toes above Parallel to the ground, and hold this position for as long as possible. Gradually work on increasing your endurance and stability.

Drill 7: Hanging L-sit

Similar to hanging leg raises, the hanging L-sit focuses on holding your legs parallel to the ground. Start by lifting your legs to reach parallel, and then try to maintain this position for as long as you can. This challenging drill further intensifies core engagement and strengthens the muscles necessary for TOAB.

Drill 8: Strict Toes to Bar with a Tempo

To enhance core strength and control during TOAB, perform strict toes to bar with a tempo. Begin by executing a regular toes to bar movement, lifting your toes to touch the bar. However, the key here is to lower your legs slowly and with control. Strive to maintain a straight-leg position and resist the urge to drop the legs quickly. The controlled descent places more demand on the core muscles, ultimately improving strength and stability for TOAB.

By incorporating these drills into your training routine, you can significantly improve your core strength and stamina, enhancing your TOAB performance. Remember to focus on proper form, gradually progressing the intensity and duration of each exercise. Strong core muscles will make your TOAB easier and more efficient, allowing you to achieve unbroken sets without fatiguing your midline.


Building a strong core is essential for mastering toes to bar. By incorporating the drills discussed in this article into your training regimen, you can develop the necessary core strength and stability to excel in TOAB. Remember to start with the foundational movements, gradually progress, and focus on maintaining proper form. With consistent practice and dedication, you'll be able to perform unbroken, controlled, and effortless toes to bar sets.


  • Develop your core strength and stamina to improve your toes to bar (TOAB) performance.
  • Six drill exercises targeting your core muscles will enhance your ability to execute TOAB effortlessly.
  • Prioritize maintaining proper form in each drill to maximize the benefits and minimize the risk of injury.
  • Incorporate these drills progressively into your training routine, starting with the foundational movements.


Q: Will these core strengthening drills help me if I cannot do toes to bar?

A: Yes, these drills are designed to enhance your core strength regardless of your Current toes to bar ability. By focusing on developing a strong core, you will improve your overall performance and progress towards executing toes to bar.

Q: Can I incorporate these drills into my regular workout routine?

A: Absolutely! These core strengthening drills can serve as accessory exercises and be incorporated into your existing workout routine. Start by dedicating a few minutes to these drills after your main workout, and gradually increase the duration and intensity as you progress.

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