Master Blender with Perception Neuron

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Master Blender with Perception Neuron

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Downloading and Installing the Blender Neural Mocap Live Plugin
  3. Setting Up the BBH Broadcasting
  4. Streaming Real-Time BVH Data in Blender
  5. Creating an Armature in Blender
  6. Configuring the Neural Mocap Live Plugin
  7. Switching between TCP and UDP Protocols
  8. Importing a Character for Retargeting
  9. Retargeting Real-Time Data in Blender
  10. Recording Animation Data with the Neural Mocap Live Plugin
  11. Conclusion

Streaming Real-Time Motion Capture Data in Blender

Motion capture technology has revolutionized the animation industry, allowing animators to Create realistic and lifelike movements for their characters. In this article, we will guide You through the process of streaming real-time motion capture data in Blender using the Blender Neural Mocap Live plugin.

1. Introduction

Motion capture technology has become increasingly popular in the animation industry, enabling animators to capture the movements of a live actor and Apply them to a 3D character. With the Blender Neural Mocap Live plugin, you can stream real-time motion capture data directly into Blender, making it easier than ever to create dynamic and realistic animations.

2. Downloading and Installing the Blender Neural Mocap Live Plugin

To get started, you'll need to download and install the Blender Neural Mocap Live plugin. Visit the Website, navigate to the downloads section, and locate the plugin for Blender. Download the plugin and install it in Blender by going to the preferences, selecting add-ons, and installing the plugin from the downloaded file.

3. Setting Up the BBH Broadcasting

Before we can start streaming motion capture data into Blender, we need to set up the BBH broadcasting. In the main menu of the plugin, go to settings and enable BBH broadcasting. Choose the appropriate version for streaming, either capturing from BBH or streaming playback data. Make sure to select the desired skeleton options and enable displacement if required.

4. Streaming Real-Time BVH Data in Blender

With the BBH broadcasting set up, we can now start streaming real-time BVH data into Blender. Create an armature in Blender and navigate to the Neural Mocap Live plugin. Select the server, such as Access Studio, and input the IP address and port number. Connect to the server and start streaming the BVH data directly to the armature in Blender.

5. Creating an Armature in Blender

To receive the motion capture data, we need to create an armature in Blender. Using the add menu, select the appropriate armature, such as Access Studio Thumb Open. This will serve as the structure for capturing the motion data and driving the animation in Blender.

6. Configuring the Neural Mocap Live Plugin

In the Neural Mocap Live plugin sidebar, you'll find various options for configuring the streaming. Depending on the server you're using, such as Access Studio or Axis Neuron, select the corresponding option. Set the protocol to TCP or UDP and input the IP address and port number. Enable live and provide the character name from the server.

7. Switching between TCP and UDP Protocols

You have the option to stream the motion capture data using either the TCP or UDP protocol. To switch between the protocols, select the desired one in the plugin settings. Adjust the IP address and port number accordingly. Both TCP and UDP have their advantages, so choose the one that best suits your needs.

8. Importing a Character for Retargeting

To retarget the real-time motion capture data to a different character, you'll need to import the character into Blender. Use the import function, select the character file, and ensure that it is in a T-pose. This will allow for easier retargeting of the motion data and ensure accurate animation transfer.

9. Retargeting Real-Time Data in Blender

With the character imported, you can now configure the Neural Mocap Live plugin for retargeting the real-time data. Switch the armature driver Type to retarget and mark the T-pose of the character. Select the real-time data source, which is driven by the plugin, and let Blender auto-detect the bone assignments Based on humanik naming conventions.

10. Recording Animation Data with the Neural Mocap Live Plugin

Once you have retargeted the real-time motion capture data to your character, you can Record the animation data in Blender. Use the record function in the plugin to start and stop recording. After recording, you can delete the source data and refine the animation as needed.

11. Conclusion

Streaming real-time motion capture data in Blender opens up endless possibilities for creating dynamic and realistic animations. The Blender Neural Mocap Live plugin simplifies the process, allowing you to stream, retarget, and record motion data with ease. Experiment with different characters and settings to unlock the full potential of your animation projects.


  • Stream real-time motion capture data in Blender
  • Use the Blender Neural Mocap Live plugin for easy integration
  • Set up BBH broadcasting and configure plugin settings
  • Create an armature and import characters for retargeting
  • Record animation data for further refinement and editing


Q: Can I use any motion capture system with Blender and the Neural Mocap Live plugin? A: The Neural Mocap Live plugin is compatible with various motion capture systems, including Access Studio and Axis Neuron. However, it is always recommended to check the compatibility and requirements of your specific motion capture system before integrating it with Blender.

Q: Are there any limitations to streaming real-time motion capture data in Blender? A: While streaming real-time motion capture data in Blender offers great flexibility, it is important to consider the hardware requirements and network stability. Ensure that your system meets the necessary specifications and maintain a stable network connection to avoid any interruptions during the streaming process.

Q: Can I use different characters for retargeting the motion capture data in Blender? A: Yes, the Neural Mocap Live plugin allows you to import different characters into Blender for retargeting the motion capture data. However, it is important to ensure that the character is in a T-pose and that the armature driver type and naming conventions are properly configured in the plugin for accurate retargeting.

Q: Can I record and edit the animation data after streaming real-time motion capture data in Blender? A: Yes, the Neural Mocap Live plugin provides the ability to record the animation data in Blender. Once recorded, you can further refine and edit the animation to achieve the desired result. The recorded animation data can be modified using Blender's extensive animation tools and features.

Q: How can I optimize the streaming performance when using the Neural Mocap Live plugin in Blender? A: To optimize the streaming performance, ensure that you have the latest version of the plugin installed and that your hardware meets the recommended specifications. Additionally, minimize other resource-intensive processes running on your system and maintain a stable network connection for smooth and uninterrupted streaming.

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