Master Conflict Management Writing Skills
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- About the ACU Online Writing Center
- Services offered by the ACU Online Writing Center
- Making an appointment with the ACU Online Writing Center
- APA rules for citing unpublished sources
- Citing and referencing published sources
- Citing personal communications and interviews
- Citing podcasts and other online sources
- Overview of the Reflecting Reframing and Summarizing Assignment
- How to reflect and reframe statements in a mediation setting
In this article, we will explore the topic of writing about unpublished sources, specifically focusing on a conflict management assignment. We'll Delve into the APA rules for citing unpublished sources, as well as look at how to cite and reference published sources, personal communications, and podcasts. Additionally, we will provide an overview of the Reflecting Reframing and Summarizing Assignment, discussing how to effectively reflect and reframe statements in a mediation setting.
About the ACU Online Writing Center
The ACU Online Writing Center is a free service offered to students at any stage of the writing process. Whether You need assistance understanding instructions, developing a thesis statement, or refining a draft, the Writing Center is here to help. Staffed by experienced writing consultants, the Writing Center provides asynchronous appointments, allowing you to schedule a time for feedback on your paper. Moreover, the Writing Center offers webinars, resources, and answers to frequently asked questions to support your writing needs.
Services Offered by the ACU Online Writing Center
The ACU Online Writing Center offers various services to assist students with their writing. These services include:
- One-on-one asynchronous appointments: Schedule a time to receive feedback on your paper.
- Phone appointments: Request a phone appointment for discussions or clarification on specific topics.
- Webinars: Attend live webinars on different writing-related topics.
- Resources: Access paper templates, blog posts, and sample papers on the Writing Center Website.
- FAQ and sample papers: Find answers to frequently asked questions and browse through sample papers for reference.
Making an Appointment with the ACU Online Writing Center
To make an appointment with the ACU Online Writing Center, follow these steps:
- Schedule an appointment using the WC Online software.
- Upload a copy of your paper to Canvas before the appointment.
- Receive feedback via email within 24 hours.
- For special cases or inquiries, request a phone appointment by emailing the provided address.
APA Rules for Citing Unpublished Sources
The APA has specific rules regarding citing unpublished sources. Unpublished sources include personal communications, in-person conversations, internal organizational documents, phone calls, text messages, and unpublished letters. These sources are typically cited using in-text parenthetical citations. Personal interviews, specifically conducted for research studies, may not require citations but should still acknowledge the sources in the text.
Citing and Referencing Published Sources
Published sources, such as journal articles, textbooks, websites, dissertations, and podcasts, require proper citations and references. In-text citations and reference listings should follow APA guidelines. If a source can be publicly accessed and downloaded, it is considered published and should be cited accordingly.
Citing Personal Communications and Interviews
Personal communications and interviews are cited as personal communications in APA style. These include conversations, emails, and letters that are not publicly accessible. In-text citations for personal communications should include the name or identifying information of the source and the date of communication. Personal interviews conducted for non-research purposes may not require formal citations.
Citing Podcasts and Other Online Sources
When citing podcasts and other online sources, it is essential to provide the necessary information to locate and access the source. Podcasts can be cited as personal communications or referenced if they are publicly accessible. Other online sources, such as YouTube videos and social media posts, should be cited and referenced according to APA guidelines.
Overview of the Reflecting Reframing and Summarizing Assignment
The Reflecting Reframing and Summarizing assignment is a part of the CONR604 course. In this assignment, students practice reflecting statements commonly heard in mediations. They learn how to reframe these statements using de-escalating language, validate underlying interests, and offer new perspectives. The assignment requires summarizing statements made by both parties and organizing them using appropriate headings.
How to Reflect and Reframe Statements in a Mediation Setting
To effectively reflect and reframe statements in a mediation setting, students should adhere to the following steps:
- Copy and paste the statements made by the parties involved.
- Reflect back each statement, acknowledging the speaker's perspective.
- Reframe the statement using de-escalating language and validate the underlying interests.
- Offer a new perspective or recommendation to address the concerns.
- Summarize the statements made by both parties and organize them using headings.
By following these steps, students can enhance their skills in mediation and conflict resolution.
- The ACU Online Writing Center provides free writing assistance to students at any stage of the writing process.
- Unpublished sources, such as personal communications, in-person conversations, and internal organizational documents, require in-text citations but may not require formal references.
- Published sources, including journal articles, textbooks, websites, dissertations, and podcasts, require in-text citations and proper reference listings.
- Personal interviews conducted for research studies may not require citations but should be acknowledged in the text.
- Podcasts and other online sources should be cited and referenced Based on their accessibility and publication status.
- The Reflecting Reframing and Summarizing Assignment in CONR604 involves practicing the reflection and reframing of statements commonly heard in mediations.
- Effective reflection and reframing in a mediation setting involve acknowledging the speaker's perspective, using de-escalating language, validating underlying interests, and offering new perspectives or recommendations.
- Summarizing statements made by both parties and organizing them using appropriate headings is an essential part of the assignment.
Q: Do I need to cite sources in the Reflecting Reframing and Summarizing Assignment?
A: Citing sources may not be necessary for this assignment, as it primarily focuses on reflecting and reframing statements in a mediation setting. However, if you refer to specific recommendations or guidance from course texts or other sources, it is recommended to include citations.
Q: Can personal interviews be cited as personal communications?
A: Yes, personal interviews can be cited as personal communications. In-text citations should include the name or identifying information of the interviewee and the date of the interview.
Q: How should I cite podcasts in APA style?
A: Podcasts can be cited as personal communications if accessed through course materials or as published sources if publicly accessible. In either case, follow APA guidelines for in-text citations and references, providing the necessary information to locate and access the podcast.
Q: Is the ACU Online Writing Center available only for specific courses or programs?
A: The ACU Online Writing Center is available for students at any point in the writing process, regardless of their program or course.