Master FAANG Interviews with GPT4

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Master FAANG Interviews with GPT4

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Testing GPT4 on Coding Interview Questions
    1. Introduction to GPT4
    2. Using GPT4 for Coding Interview Questions
    3. Testing GPT4 on Coding Challenges
  3. Climbing Stairs Challenge
    1. Problem Description
    2. Using GPT4 to Solve the Challenge
    3. Results and Analysis
  4. Time Needed to Inform All Employees
    1. Problem Description
    2. Using GPT4 to Solve the Challenge
    3. Results and Analysis
  5. The Skyline Problem
    1. Problem Description
    2. Using GPT4 to Solve the Challenge
    3. Results and Analysis
  6. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the capabilities of GPT4 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4) in solving coding interview questions. GPT4 is a state-of-the-art language model developed by OpenAI that is known for its improved reasoning and conciseness compared to its predecessor, GPT3. We will test GPT4 on different coding challenges and analyze its performance in terms of efficiency and memory optimization.

Testing GPT4 on Coding Interview Questions

Introduction to GPT4

GPT4 is an advanced language model developed by OpenAI that utilizes deep learning techniques to generate human-like text. It has been trained on a vast amount of data and can understand natural language, making it a valuable tool for solving coding interview questions.

Using GPT4 for Coding Interview Questions

To test GPT4's capabilities, we will provide it with a series of coding challenges commonly asked in interviews at top companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook. We will evaluate GPT4's solutions Based on criteria such as efficiency, optimization, and adherence to best practices.

Testing GPT4 on Coding Challenges

We will begin by testing GPT4 on a relatively easy coding challenge - the climbing stairs challenge. This challenge involves finding the minimum cost to climb a set of stairs, given an array representing the cost to climb each step. We will provide GPT4 with the challenge details and analyze its solution in terms of efficiency and optimization.

Climbing Stairs Challenge

Problem Description

The climbing stairs challenge involves finding the minimum cost to climb a set of stairs. Each step has a cost associated with it, and You can climb either one or two steps at a time. The goal is to determine the minimum total cost to reach the top of the stairs.

Using GPT4 to Solve the Challenge

We will provide GPT4 with the climbing stairs challenge and ask it to generate an optimized and memory-efficient solution. GPT4 will use dynamic programming to solve the problem, and it will provide us with a Python function that calculates the minimum cost to reach the top floor.

Results and Analysis

We will test GPT4's solution by running it on the provided test cases and comparing its output to the expected results. We will analyze GPT4's runtime and memory usage to evaluate its efficiency. Additionally, we will compare GPT4's solution to other highly-rated solutions to see how it performs in terms of optimization and speed.

Time Needed to Inform All Employees

Problem Description

The time needed to inform all employees challenge involves determining the minimum time it takes to inform all employees in a company about an urgent news update. The company has a hierarchical structure, with managers having employees under them. News needs to be passed on from managers to employees in the most efficient way.

Using GPT4 to Solve the Challenge

We will provide GPT4 with the time needed to inform all employees challenge and ask it to generate an optimized and memory-efficient solution. GPT4 will use depth-first search (DFS) to traverse the hierarchical structure and inform all employees. It will provide us with a JavaScript function that implements the solution.

Results and Analysis

We will test GPT4's solution by running it on the provided test cases and evaluating its performance. We will analyze its runtime and memory usage to assess its efficiency. We will also compare GPT4's solution to other highly-rated solutions to see how it stands out in terms of optimization and speed.

The Skyline Problem

Problem Description

The skyline problem involves determining the skyline of a city by joining all the skylines of individual buildings together. Each building is represented by its left and right coordinates and its Height. The goal is to find the coordinates of all the skyline points.

Using GPT4 to Solve the Challenge

We will provide GPT4 with the skyline problem and ask it to generate an optimized and memory-efficient solution. GPT4 will provide us with a solution that utilizes a max heap to efficiently calculate the skyline points. It will provide us with a JavaScript function that implements the solution.

Results and Analysis

We will test GPT4's solution by running it on the provided test cases and analyzing its performance. We will evaluate its runtime and memory usage to assess its efficiency. Additionally, we will compare GPT4's solution to other highly-rated solutions to see how it fares in terms of optimization and speed.


In this article, we explored the capabilities of GPT4 in solving coding interview questions. We tested GPT4 on various challenges, ranging from easy to hard, and evaluated its performance in terms of efficiency and optimization. While GPT4 showed promise in generating solutions, it faced limitations in terms of runtime and memory usage. Nonetheless, GPT4 serves as a valuable tool in assisting with coding interview questions and can be used as a starting point for further optimization and improvement.


  • GPT4 is a state-of-the-art language model that can generate human-like text.
  • GPT4 shows improved reasoning and conciseness compared to its predecessor, GPT3.
  • We tested GPT4 on coding interview questions from top companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook.
  • GPT4's solutions were evaluated based on efficiency, optimization, and adherence to best practices.
  • We analyzed GPT4's performance on challenges such as the climbing stairs challenge, time needed to inform all employees challenge, and the skyline problem.
  • GPT4 demonstrated the ability to generate solutions but faced limitations in runtime and memory usage.


Q: How does GPT4 compare to GPT3 in terms of reasoning and conciseness?
A: GPT4 shows significant improvement in reasoning and conciseness compared to GPT3. It has better understanding of natural language and can generate more concise and coherent responses.

Q: Can GPT4 generate optimized and memory-efficient solutions for coding challenges?
A: GPT4 has the capability to generate optimized and memory-efficient solutions for coding challenges. However, its solutions may not always be perfect and may require further optimization.

Q: What are the limitations of GPT4 in solving coding challenges?
A: GPT4 may face limitations in terms of runtime and memory usage. Its solutions may not always be the most efficient or optimized, especially for complex challenges. Further optimization and improvement may be required.

Q: How can GPT4 be useful in coding interview preparations?
A: GPT4 can be a valuable tool in coding interview preparations as it can generate solutions for a wide range of coding challenges. It can provide insights and serve as a starting point for further optimization and improvement of solutions.

Q: Should GPT4's solutions be blindly trusted without verification?
A: While GPT4 can generate solutions, it is important to verify and test these solutions before considering them as final. It is recommended to compare GPT4's solutions with other highly-rated solutions and evaluate their performance in terms of efficiency and optimization.

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