Master Reinforcement Learning with Real-world Environment Creation
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Building a Custom Cue Learning Environment
- Installing OpenCV and Required Libraries
- Creating the Blob Class
- Initializing the Cue Table
- Implementing the Q-Learning Algorithm
- Visualizing the Environment
- Training the Agent
- Saving and Loading the Cue Table
- Conclusion
Building a Custom Cue Learning Environment
Reinforcement learning is a powerful technique that allows an agent to learn through its interactions with an environment. In this tutorial, we will be building our own custom cue learning environment using OpenAI Gym. This tutorial will guide You through the process of creating the environment, implementing the Q-Learning algorithm, and training the agent to solve the environment.
Installing OpenCV and Required Libraries
To build our custom cue learning environment, we will need to install the OpenCV library. Open a command prompt and run the following command to install the required library:
pip install opencv-python
Next, we will also need to install the NumPy library. Run the following command to install NumPy:
pip install numpy
Lastly, we will need the Python Imaging Library (PIL). Run the following command to install PIL:
pip install pillow
Creating the Blob Class
The Blob class will represent the player, food, and enemy entities in our environment. We will define the class with the necessary attributes and methods to handle movement and interactions between the entities. Here is an example implementation of the Blob class:
class Blob:
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def move(self, x, y):
self.x += x
self.y += y
def __sub__(self, other):
return (self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y)
def __str__(self):
return f"Blob({self.x}, {self.y})"
In this example, the Blob class has attributes for the x and y coordinates, a move method to handle movement, an overloaded subtraction operator to calculate the difference between two blobs, and a STRING representation of the blob for better readability.
Initializing the Cue Table
The cue table is a dictionary that maps observations to actions and their corresponding rewards. By initializing the cue table, we provide a starting point for the Q-Learning algorithm to learn from. Here is an example implementation of initializing the cue table:
def initialize_cue_table(size):
cue_table = {}
for i in range(-size+1, size):
for j in range(-size+1, size):
for k in range(-size+1, size):
for l in range(-size+1, size):
cue_table[((i, j), (k, l))] = np.random.uniform(-5, 0, 4)
return cue_table
In this example, we use four nested for loops to generate all possible combinations of observations and actions. For each combination, we assign a random value between -5 and 0 as the initial Q-value.
Implementing the Q-Learning Algorithm
The Q-Learning algorithm allows the agent to learn from its interactions with the environment and update the cue table accordingly. Here is an example implementation of the Q-Learning algorithm for our custom cue learning environment:
def q_learning(size, episodes, epsilon, epsilon_decay, learning_rate, discount):
# Initialize the cue table
cue_table = initialize_cue_table(size)
for episode in range(episodes):
# Reset the environment and calculate the initial observation
player = Blob(np.random.randint(0, size), np.random.randint(0, size))
food = Blob(np.random.randint(0, size), np.random.randint(0, size))
enemy = Blob(np.random.randint(0, size), np.random.randint(0, size))
observation = (player - food, player - enemy)
episode_reward = 0
for _ in range(200):
# Choose an action based on the epsilon-greedy policy
if np.random.random() > epsilon:
action = np.argmax(cue_table[observation])
action = np.random.randint(0, 4)
# Take the action and calculate the new observation and reward
player.move(action, action)
new_observation = (player - food, player - enemy)
reward = get_reward(player, food, enemy)
# Update the cue table using the Q-Learning formula
if reward == FOOD_REWARD:
elif reward == ENEMY_PENALTY:
current_q = cue_table[observation][action]
max_future_q = np.max(cue_table[new_observation])
new_q = (1 - learning_rate) * current_q + learning_rate * (reward + discount * max_future_q)
cue_table[observation][action] = new_q
episode_reward += reward
observation = new_observation
# Stop the episode if the agent gets the food or hits the enemy
# Decay the epsilon value
epsilon *= epsilon_decay
return cue_table, episode_rewards
In this example, we loop over the specified number of episodes and for each episode, we reset the environment and calculate the initial observation. We then loop over a fixed number of steps within each episode. In each step, we choose an action Based on the epsilon-greedy policy, take the action, calculate the new observation and reward, and update the cue table using the Q-Learning formula. Finally, we decay the epsilon value and Record the episode rewards for analysis.
Visualizing the Environment
To Visualize the environment and track the agent's progress, we can use the OpenCV library. Here is an example implementation of the visualization function:
def visualize_environment(size, episodes, show_every):
# Initialize the cue table and episode rewards
cue_table, episode_rewards = q_learning(size, episodes, epsilon, epsilon_decay, learning_rate, discount)
# Create the base environment grid
environment = np.zeros((size, size, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
for episode in range(episodes):
player = Blob(np.random.randint(0, size), np.random.randint(0, size))
food = Blob(np.random.randint(0, size), np.random.randint(0, size))
enemy = Blob(np.random.randint(0, size), np.random.randint(0, size))
episode_reward = 0
for _ in range(200):
# Choose an action based on the cue table
observation = (player - food, player - enemy)
action = np.argmax(cue_table[observation])
player.move(action, action)
reward = get_reward(player, food, enemy)
episode_reward += reward
# Stop the episode if the agent gets the food or hits the enemy
# Show the environment every few episodes
if episode % show_every == 0:
environment[player.y][player.x] = BLUE
environment[food.y][food.x] = GREEN
environment[enemy.y][enemy.x] = RED
image = Image.fromarray(environment)
image = image.resize((300, 300))
# Check if the simulation ended
# Update the moving average of episode rewards
moving_average = np.convolve(episode_rewards, np.ones(show_every), 'valid') / show_every
# Plot the moving average of episode rewards
plt.plot(moving_average, label="Moving Average")
plt.xlabel("Episode Number")
# Save the cue table
with open(f"cue_table_{int(time.time())}.pickle", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(cue_table, f)
In this example, we loop over the specified number of episodes and for each episode, we reset the environment and calculate the initial observation. We then loop over a fixed number of steps within each episode and choose an action based on the cue table. We update the environment GRID based on the agent's position and Show the environment every few episodes. Finally, we calculate the moving average of episode rewards and plot it on a graph for analysis.
Training the Agent
To train the agent in our custom cue learning environment, we can call the visualize_environment
function with the desired parameters. Here is an example implementation of training the agent:
size = 10
episodes = 10000
show_every = 1000
visualize_environment(size, episodes, show_every)
In this example, we set the size of the environment grid to 10x10, the number of episodes to 10,000, and the show_every parameter to 1,000. This means that the environment will be shown every 1,000 episodes, and the progress of the agent will be visualized on a graph.
Saving and Loading the Cue Table
Once the agent has been trained, we can save the cue table to a file for future use. We can also load a pre-trained cue table from a file to Continue training or use it for evaluation. Here is an example of saving and loading the cue table:
# Save the cue table
with open(f"cue_table_{int(time.time())}.pickle", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(cue_table, f)
# Load a pre-trained cue table
with open("pretrained_cue_table.pickle", "rb") as f:
cue_table = pickle.load(f)
In these examples, we use the pickle
library to serialize and deserialize the cue table object. We open a file in binary write mode to save the cue table, and we open a file in binary Read mode to load a pre-trained cue table.
In this tutorial, we have learned how to build a custom cue learning environment using OpenAI Gym. We have implemented the Q-Learning algorithm and trained the agent to solve the environment. We have also visualized the environment and tracked the agent's progress using OpenCV and matplotlib. By saving and loading the cue table, we can continue training or evaluate the agent's performance. The custom cue learning environment offers endless possibilities for experimentation and further exploration of reinforcement learning algorithms.