Master the CIVITAI Diffusion Models for AMD GPU/Windows

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Master the CIVITAI Diffusion Models for AMD GPU/Windows

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Background
  3. Converting Future Models 3.1. Converting to OMMX Format 3.2. Unexpected Results 3.3. Script Updates
  4. Quick Demo 4.1. Using the Web UI 4.2. Model: Dream Shaver 4.3. Model: Deliberate 4.4. Model: Address Imagination Mix
  5. Downloading Models 5.1. Searching for Models 5.2. Downloading Process
  6. Conversion Process 6.1. Converting to Diffusion 6.2. Converting to OMMX
  7. Conclusion
  8. FAQ

How to Use Future Models with AMD GPUs: A Step-by-Step Tutorial


Welcome to this tutorial on how to use future models with AMD GPUs. In this tutorial, we will explore the process of converting models to the OMMX format and address any unexpected results that may occur. We will also provide a quick demo using the web UI and guide You on how to download and convert different models. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a clear understanding of how to harness the power of future models with your AMD GPU.


Before we dive into the tutorial, let's briefly discuss the background of future models and their compatibility with AMD GPUs. Future models are powerful machine learning models that have been trained on large datasets and can generate high-quality outputs. However, to use these models with AMD GPUs, they need to be converted to the OMMX format. This conversion process ensures compatibility and optimal performance.

Converting Future Models

3.1. Converting to OMMX Format

In the previous tutorial, we discussed the method of converting future models to the OMMX format. However, some audience members reported unexpected results after the conversion. In this tutorial, we will address these concerns and provide an updated script for the conversion process.

3.2. Unexpected Results

Upon investigating the reported unexpected results, we discovered that there have been updates in the script. These updates are crucial for ensuring the accurate conversion of future models. In the following sections, we will provide a step-by-step explanation of the updated conversion process.

3.3. Script Updates

To address the reported issues, we have made updates to the conversion script. These updates will guarantee a smoother and more reliable conversion process. We recommend using the updated script to ensure optimal results when converting future models.

Quick Demo

Now, let's proceed to a quick demo using the web UI. The web UI provides an intuitive interface for trying out different models and examining the results.

4.1. Using the Web UI

To begin the demo, start by launching the server and opening the web address provided. The web UI will allow you to experiment with various models and settings.

4.2. Model: Dream Shaver

One of the available models is called "Dream Shaver." After converting the model, you can select it from the list and try out different examples. Copy the prompt and negative prompt for a specific example and set the CFG Scale and steps. Once everything is set up, click submit to generate the output image. Monitor the GPU usage and check the terminal for progress.

4.3. Model: Deliberate

Another model available is "Deliberate." Select this model, set the prompt, negative prompt, CFG scale, and steps. Click submit to generate the image. Monitor the GPU usage and compare the output to the example image. Adjust the settings if needed to achieve the desired result.

4.4. Model: Address Imagination Mix

Our third model is called "Address Imagination Mix." Select the model, set the prompt, negative prompt, and seed steps. Choose the scheduler and click submit to generate the image. Monitor the progress and adjust the seed and prompt for desired results.

Downloading Models

If you are interested in using different models, let's discuss the process of downloading them.

5.1. Searching for Models

To find the desired model, visit the SilverTile Website and search for the model name. Browse through the descriptions, example images, and discussions to gain a better understanding of the model's capabilities.

5.2. Downloading Process

Once you have found the model you wish to use, look for the download button below its name. Select the appropriate format (e.g., pickle tensor) and download it to your local drive. Follow the provided link for the converting script in the description to convert the model for use with AMD GPUs.

Conversion Process

To use the downloaded models with your AMD GPU, follow these steps for conversion.

6.1. Converting to Diffusion

Using the provided conversion script, convert the downloaded model from the checkpoint format to diffusion format. Specify the checkpoint path and the dump path for the output location. This conversion step is vital for preparing the model for further processing.

6.2. Converting to OMMX

Once the model is in the diffusion format, use the conversion script to convert it to the OMMX format. Specify the model path and choose a suitable output path. Once the conversion process is complete, you will have the converted models in the OMMX format.


In this tutorial, we learned how to use future models with AMD GPUs. We explored the process of converting models to the OMMX format and addressed any unexpected results. We also provided a quick demo using the web UI and discussed the steps for downloading and converting different models. With this knowledge, you can now harness the power of future models with your AMD GPU for advanced machine learning tasks.


Q: Can I use future models with AMD GPUs? A: Yes, you can use future models with AMD GPUs by converting them to the OMMX format.

Q: How do I convert future models to the OMMX format? A: Follow the step-by-step conversion process outlined in this tutorial to convert future models to the OMMX format.

Q: Are there any updates in the conversion script? A: Yes, updates have been made to the conversion script to address any reported issues and ensure accurate conversions.

Q: Is the web UI user-friendly for trying out different models? A: Yes, the web UI provides an intuitive interface for experimenting with different models and settings.

Q: How can I download different models? A: Visit the SilverTile website, search for the desired model, and download it in the specified format.

Q: What is the recommended format for downloading models? A: The "safe tensor" format is recommended for downloading models due to safety concerns regarding the pickle tensor format.

Q: Are the conversion scripts provided in this tutorial? A: Yes, the conversion scripts for converting to diffusion and OMMX formats are provided in the tutorial along with a link in the description.

Q: Can I adjust the settings to achieve the desired results? A: Yes, you can adjust settings such as prompt, seed, CFG scale, and steps to fine-tune the output generated by the models.

Q: What should I do if I encounter any issues or have further questions? A: If you encounter any issues or have further questions, please leave a comment, and we will be happy to assist you.

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