Master WordPress Maintenance: Replace Core Files

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Master WordPress Maintenance: Replace Core Files

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Why Upgrade WordPress Core Files
  3. Accessing Your Cpanel Account
  4. Deleting Unnecessary Files
  5. Backing Up Your Website
  6. Uploading the WordPress Zip File
  7. Extracting and Moving Files
  8. Checking the Site's Functionality
  9. Conclusion


Why Upgrade WordPress Core Files

Accessing Your Cpanel Account

Deleting Unnecessary Files

Backing Up Your Website

Uploading the WordPress Zip File

Extracting and Moving Files

Checking the Site's Functionality


Upgrading the WordPress core files is an essential task to maintain the security and functionality of your website. By keeping the core files up to date, you ensure that your site is protected from potential vulnerabilities and exploits. In this article, we will guide you through the process of upgrading the WordPress core files using cPanel.


In this video, we will Show You how to upgrade the WordPress core files. Whether your files have been corrupted or you suspect a security breach, upgrading the core files is a necessary step to ensure the smooth functioning of your website. By following these simple steps, you can safeguard your WordPress site and keep it up to date.

Why Upgrade WordPress Core Files

Upgrading the WordPress core files is critical for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to enhance the security of your website. The developers continually release updates to address any vulnerabilities or weaknesses in the system. By upgrading, you stay protected against potential hacking attempts.

Secondly, upgrading the core files can improve the performance and functionality of your website. New updates often come with bug fixes and feature enhancements, resulting in a smoother user experience. Additionally, upgrading can also ensure compatibility with the latest plugins and themes.

Accessing Your Cpanel Account

To begin the process, you need to log in to your cPanel account. cPanel is a widely used web hosting control panel that allows you to manage various aspects of your website. Once you have logged in, navigate to the "public_html" directory. This directory contains the files that are visible to the public.

Deleting Unnecessary Files

Before upgrading the WordPress core files, it is essential to remove any unnecessary files from your website. Although these files are not harmful, it is best to stay focused on the task at HAND. In the "public_html" directory, locate the "wp-admin" folder and delete it by holding the Ctrl or Command key on your keyboard and selecting the folder. Confirm the deletion and skip the trash to permanently delete the files.

Backing Up Your Website

Before proceeding with the upgrade, it is crucial to back up your website. This ensures that you have a copy of your files in case something goes wrong during the process. To Create a backup, go back to your cPanel account and select the "Backup" option. Choose to download a full account backup, and once it is complete, you can proceed with the upgrade.

Uploading the WordPress Zip File

To upgrade your WordPress core files, you need to upload the latest version of WordPress. Go to the official WordPress website ( and download the zip file for the latest version. Once you have the file, go back to your cPanel account, navigate to the "public_html" directory, and choose the option to upload files. Select the WordPress zip file and wait for the upload to complete.

Extracting and Moving Files

After the upload is complete, you need to extract the contents of the zip file into the "public_html" directory. Select all the files in the zip file and choose the option to move them to the desired location. Move them to the "public_html" directory, and confirm the move. Once the files are moved, you can delete the empty zip file folder to keep your directory tidy.

Checking the Site's Functionality

With the upgraded WordPress core files in place, it is essential to verify the functionality of your website. Open your website in a web browser and ensure that all the pages load correctly, plugins function as intended, and there are no error messages. If everything looks good, congratulations! Your WordPress core files have been successfully upgraded.


Upgrading the WordPress core files is a necessary step to ensure the security and optimal performance of your website. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily upgrade your WordPress core files using cPanel. Remember to always back up your website before making any changes and regularly check for updates to keep your site protected and up to date.

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