Mastering Bird Recognition with AI Classification Algorithm
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- The Need for an Efficient Bird Identification App
- Developing the App Using Flutter
- Utilizing Firebase for Backend Operations
- Implementing TensorFlow for AI Engine
- Criteria for the Bird Identification App
- Prototype and User Interface Design
- Testing and Evaluating the App's Accuracy
- Results and Discussion
- Future Improvements and Expansion
- Conclusion
Birdwatching is a popular hobby for many people around the world. However, identifying birds accurately can be a challenge, especially for inexperienced birders. Existing bird identification apps often require users to input multiple details such as size, color, and bird types, leading to inefficiency and inaccuracy. To address this problem, I have developed an intelligent mobile application using artificial intelligence and deep learning, which aims to provide accurate bird identification by simply uploading a picture.
The Need for an Efficient Bird Identification App
Traditional methods of identifying birds, such as field guides and other apps, have proven to be highly inefficient and inaccurate. These methods often require users to provide extensive information about the bird's characteristics, making the identification process time-consuming and prone to errors. With the advancement of technology and the availability of high-quality image recognition algorithms, it is now possible to develop an app that can accurately identify birds Based solely on uploaded pictures.
Developing the App Using Flutter
The bird identification app has been developed using Flutter, a software development toolkit by Google. Flutter allows for the creation of native applications for both Android and iOS platforms using a single codebase. This ensures that the app is accessible to a wide range of users across different devices.
Utilizing Firebase for Backend Operations
For the backend operations of the app, Firebase has been utilized. Firebase provides a scalable and cloud-based solution for storing app data, including user information, pictures, and other Relevant data. This ensures that the app performs efficiently and can handle a large number of users and uploaded pictures.
Implementing TensorFlow for AI Engine
The Core of the bird identification app is the AI engine, which is built using TensorFlow, an open-source library for machine learning. TensorFlow provides a wide range of pre-trained models and materials that are necessary for training the AI engine. The AI engine leverages deep learning algorithms to analyze the uploaded pictures and accurately identify the bird species.
Criteria for the Bird Identification App
To ensure the usefulness and reliability of the app, certain criteria have been set. First, the app should be capable of working without an internet connection, allowing users to identify birds even in remote areas. Second, the AI engine should achieve an average accuracy of at least 70%. This ensures that the app provides reliable results to users. Lastly, the database of bird species should be expandable, allowing for the addition of new species identified by birders.
Prototype and User Interface Design
The bird identification app consists of five main pages: a login page, a main page, an AI identification page, a sign-out page, and a forget password/Create account page. The user interface has been designed to be intuitive and user-friendly. Users can log in, browse through bird species identified by other birders, and upload pictures for bird identification. The app also provides a list of previously identified birds for easy reference.
Testing and Evaluating the App's Accuracy
To determine the accuracy of the AI engine, extensive testing has been conducted. Random pictures of five different bird species were selected from the internet and uploaded into the app. The AI engine was trained and tested multiple times with different epoch values, which represent the number of times the code will Rerun and retrain itself using the available data sets. The accuracy percentages for each test were recorded, and the results showed that using an epoch value of 11 yielded the highest accuracy, with an average score above 70%.
Results and Discussion
The results of the testing phase indicate that the bird identification app is capable of accurately identifying bird species based on uploaded pictures. The app achieves the desired accuracy level and performs efficiently. However, further improvements can be made by selecting better and more diverse pictures for training the AI engine. The addition of new species and improvement in picture quality will enhance the app's overall accuracy and usability.
Future Improvements and Expansion
Looking ahead, there are several areas for future improvements and expansion of the bird identification app. First, the picture database can be expanded with a focus on adding more American bird species. This will cater to the needs of users in specific regions. Additionally, the app can be enhanced by introducing identification through sound, allowing users to identify birds based on their distinctive calls. These improvements will make the app more comprehensive and user-friendly.
In conclusion, the development of an efficient bird identification app using artificial intelligence and deep learning techniques has the potential to revolutionize the birdwatching experience. By simplifying the identification process and providing accurate results, the app will be a valuable tool for both experienced birders and beginners. With further improvements and expansion, the app can become an indispensable companion for bird enthusiasts in their exploration of the Avian world.