Mastering Public Speaking with AI

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Mastering Public Speaking with AI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Mission of Youdley
  3. Understanding the User Experience
  4. Integrating Youdley into Corporate Settings
  5. Ensuring Privacy and Security
  6. Catering to Diverse Backgrounds and Speech Patterns
  7. The Role of Generative AI in Youdley
  8. Building in the Midst of Rapid Innovation
  9. Communicating with Users and Gathering Feedback
  10. The Future of Communication with AI Avatars



In the fast-paced world of AI technology, one company stands out for its innovative approach to speech coaching. Youdley, a Seattle-Based startup, aims to be the Grammarly for speech, helping individuals improve their speaking skills and gain the confidence they need to succeed. Co-founder, Isha Doshi, shares her insights into the development of Youdley and the importance of integrating generative AI into their platform.

The Mission of Youdley

The driving force behind Youdley is the mission to help those who struggle with public speaking. With statistics showing that two out of three people in the world fear public speaking, Doshi recognized the need for a solution. Many individuals miss out on opportunities simply because they lack confidence in their speaking abilities. Youdley seeks to level the playing field by providing AI-powered speech coaching that offers judgment-free feedback.

Understanding the User Experience

The user experience on Youdley is designed to be flexible and cater to different needs. Users can utilize the platform in various ways, whether it's practicing for an upcoming speech or interview, or using the private speech companion feature for real-time feedback during online calls. The AI speech coach provides valuable insights on eye contact, body language, filler words, posture, gesture, tone, pitch, and content. It even offers suggestions on how to be more concise and engaging. By offering a comprehensive analysis, Youdley helps users build self-awareness and improve their speaking skills.

Integrating Youdley into Corporate Settings

For employees at major companies like Amazon, Google, or Microsoft, integrating Youdley into their daily meetings and presentations can be a game-changer. However, concerns about privacy and data security arise when discussing company-related information. Youdley addresses these concerns by ensuring that conversations are securely stored on servers inaccessible to anyone except the provider. They also have data retention policies in place, allowing individuals or companies to opt-out of storing recordings. This commitment to privacy allows users to use the platform confidently without compromising sensitive information.

Catering to Diverse Backgrounds and Speech Patterns

Diversity is an essential aspect of Youdley's approach to speech coaching. The platform seeks to be inclusive and embraces individuality rather than prescribing a one-size-fits-all approach. Users from diverse backgrounds, with different accents and speech patterns, can benefit from the judgment-free feedback provided by Youdley's AI coach. The goal is not to change how people speak, but to help them develop awareness of their speech patterns and make informed decisions about improving their communication skills.

The Role of Generative AI in Youdley

Youdley recognizes the power of generative AI in enhancing their platform. With features like feedback on content and an interview simulation flow, users can receive tailored coaching to improve their speech. The generative AI models analyze key points, engagement levels, and tone, providing valuable recommendations for communication improvement. These features are particularly helpful for individuals navigating the job market in the midst of layoffs, enabling them to practice interview scenarios and receive Instant feedback.

Building in the Midst of Rapid Innovation

As a young and vibrant tech startup, Youdley has learned to navigate the ever-changing landscape of AI innovation. While it is challenging to keep up with the rapid advancements in technology, the team at Youdley ensures that they focus on what their users want and need. By staying grounded in user feedback and being open to experimentation, they can incorporate new AI advancements into their platform effectively and efficiently.

Communicating with Users and Gathering Feedback

Effective communication with users is vital for Youdley's success. The company maintains open lines of communication through various channels, such as social media, outreach programs with coaches, and partnerships with organizations like Toastmasters International. By engaging with users actively and obtaining their feedback, Youdley can prioritize their needs, implement improvements, and Continue to serve them better.

The Future of Communication with AI Avatars

As the field of generative AI continues to evolve, the future of communication holds exciting possibilities. AI avatars, like those developed by Synthesia, offer the potential to Create lifelike presentations with perfectly scripted language. While it is uncertain whether people will widely adopt this technology, Youdley acknowledges its potential. There may come a time when individuals practice with an AI-generated Avatar, allowing them to Visualize and manifest a future version of themselves. However, Youdley remains focused on providing users with the tools they need to improve their Current speaking skills, keeping their mission of building confidence at the forefront.


  • Youdley aims to be the Grammarly for speech, helping individuals improve their speaking skills and gain confidence.
  • By providing judgment-free feedback, Youdley helps level the playing field for those who struggle with public speaking.
  • Users can practice for speeches, interviews, or receive real-time feedback during online calls using Youdley's AI speech coach.
  • Privacy and data security are a top priority for Youdley, ensuring that conversations are securely stored and accessible only to the user.
  • Youdley embraces diversity, providing feedback that is tailored to individual speech patterns and backgrounds.
  • Generative AI enhances Youdley's platform, offering feedback on content and simulating interview scenarios for practice and improvement.
  • Being open to user feedback and actively engaging with users allows Youdley to prioritize their needs and drive continuous improvement.
  • The future of communication may include AI avatars, but Youdley remains committed to providing practical tools for building confidence in current speaking skills.


Q: Is Youdley available for speakers of languages other than English? A: Currently, Youdley serves English speakers only. However, the company remains open to exploring the expansion into other languages in the future.

Q: How does Youdley ensure privacy and security when recording conversations? A: Youdley takes privacy and security seriously. Conversations are securely stored on servers accessible only to the provider. Users also have the option to opt-out of storing recordings if they so choose.

Q: How does Youdley cater to individuals with diverse accents and speech patterns? A: Youdley celebrates diversity and embraces individuality. The platform provides judgment-free feedback designed to help users develop self-awareness and make informed decisions about their communication skills, without trying to change how they speak.

Q: Can Youdley be integrated into corporate settings? A: Yes, Youdley can be integrated into corporate settings. Employees at major companies can use Youdley to improve their speaking skills and gain confidence in meetings and presentations.

Q: How does Youdley stay up-to-date with AI advancements? A: Youdley stays grounded in user feedback and focuses on meeting user needs while also keeping an eye on AI advancements. By prioritizing what their users want, they can effectively incorporate new AI features and technologies into their platform.

Q: Does Youdley offer coaching services in addition to AI Feedback? A: Youdley does not offer coaching services directly, but users can connect with communication coaches through the platform or seek additional coaching if desired.

Q: Can Youdley help with interview practice? A: Yes, Youdley offers an interview simulation feature where users can practice answers to different types of interview questions and receive instant feedback from the AI based on their responses. This can be particularly helpful for individuals navigating job interviews during times of layoffs.

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