Revolutionize YouTube Summarizing with ChatGPT

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Revolutionize YouTube Summarizing with ChatGPT

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting Up Xcode
  3. Extracting the Video ID from YouTube URL
  4. Transcribing YouTube Videos
  5. Summarizing the Transcription
  6. Creating Open AI Instance
  7. Creating a Chat Query
  8. Updating the Summary State
  9. Building the Content View
  10. Conclusion

How to Build a YouTube Video Summarizer with Open AI's GPT API and SwiftUI

In this tutorial, we will learn how to build a Youtube Video Summarizer using Open AI's GPT API and SwiftUI. The process is simple and straightforward, allowing you to transcribe and summarize YouTube videos using the provided API. We will start by setting up our project in Xcode and extracting the video ID from a YouTube URL. Next, we will transcribe the video using a custom API and then pass that transcription to Open AI to generate a summary. Finally, we will Create a user interface using SwiftUI to display the summarization results. So, let's dive right in!

1. Introduction

In this section, we will provide an overview of the tutorial and the steps involved in building a YouTube video Summarizer with Open AI's GPT API and SwiftUI. We will discuss the goals of the project and what the final outcome will look like.

2. Setting Up Xcode

Before we begin building the YouTube video summarizer, we need to set up our development environment in Xcode. This section will guide you through the process of creating a new project and configuring the necessary dependencies.

3. Extracting the Video ID from YouTube URL

To transcribe and summarize a YouTube video, we first need to extract the video ID from the URL. In this section, we will write code to extract the video ID and handle any potential errors that may arise during the process.

4. Transcribing YouTube Videos

Now that we have the video ID, we can move on to transcribing the YouTube video. We will utilize a custom API to transcribe the video and obtain the textual representation of its content. We'll discuss the process and explain the options available for transcribing YouTube videos.

5. Summarizing the Transcription

With the transcription in HAND, we can proceed to summarize the video using Open AI's GPT API. We will create an instance of Open AI and formulate a chat query to pass to the API. We'll walk through the steps involved in summarizing the video and obtaining the summarized content.

6. Creating Open AI Instance

In this section, we will create an instance of Open AI by passing the API token. We will discuss the importance of keeping the API key secure and provide best practices for handling API keys in production environments.

7. Creating a Chat Query

To Interact with the GPT API, we need to create a chat query that specifies the model and messages. We'll define the initial message and include the transcription as part of the conversation. This section will cover the necessary steps to construct a chat query for summarizing the video.

8. Updating the Summary State

As the summarization process progresses, we want to update the UI to reflect the Current state. This section will focus on updating the summary state in SwiftUI and displaying the intermediate results to the user.

9. Building the Content View

Now that we have all the necessary components in place, we can build the content view in SwiftUI. We'll create a text field for entering the YouTube video URL, a button for triggering the summarization process, and a text view to display the summarization results.

10. Conclusion

In the final section, we will summarize the key points covered in this tutorial. We'll discuss the benefits of building a YouTube video summarizer and provide suggestions for further improvements and customization.

Please note that the headings and subheadings presented above are for illustrative purposes only and may not accurately represent the actual structure or content of the article.

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