Streamline your login process with Auth0 and Rails

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Streamline your login process with Auth0 and Rails

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up Auth0
  3. Creating the Rails Application
  4. Configuring Auth0 Credentials
  5. Adding Callback and Logout URLs
  6. Installing Required Gems
  7. Configuring OmniAuth Provider
  8. Creating Auth Controller and Routes
  9. Implementing User Authentication
  10. Adding a Landing Page
  11. Enhancing Security with Concerns
  12. Conclusion


In this article, we will learn how to add authentication to a Rails application using Auth0. We will start with the basics of logging in and logging out, and then explore more advanced features like multi-tenant authentication using Auth0 organizations. By the end of this tutorial, You will be able to integrate Auth0 into your Rails application and provide a secure authentication system for your users.

Setting up Auth0

To get started, we need to Create an application in Auth0. We will call it "Rails Simple Demo" and select the Rails framework. Auth0 will provide us with a domain, client ID, and client secret.

Creating the Rails Application

Let's create a new Rails application called "Auth0 Simple Demo" using the rails new command. Once the application is created, we can open the Rails credentials file and add the Auth0 credentials (domain, client ID, and client secret) using a text editor.

Configuring Auth0 Credentials

In the Rails credentials file, we will add the Auth0 credentials: domain, client ID, and client secret. These credentials will be used to Interact with the Auth0 API in our Rails application.

Adding Callback and Logout URLs

Next, we need to specify the allowed callback URLs and logout URLs in the Auth0 dashboard under the application settings. We will add the appropriate URLs for our application, ensuring that users can be redirected to the correct pages during the authentication flow.

Installing Required Gems

To interact with Auth0, we need to install two gems: omniauth-auth0 and omniauth-rails_csrf_protection. These gems will provide the necessary functionality to integrate Auth0 into our Rails application.

Configuring OmniAuth Provider

In the Rails initializer, we will configure the OmniAuth provider for Auth0. We will set the provider as "auth0" and provide the client ID and client secret from the Rails credentials. Additionally, we will define the required scope and callback path for the authentication flow.

Creating Auth Controller and Routes

We will create an Auth controller that will handle the callback, failure, and logout routes. These routes will be responsible for processing the authentication information and redirecting the user accordingly. We will also create a Dashboards controller to serve as a protected route that can only be accessed by authenticated users.

Implementing User Authentication

In the Auth controller, we will store the authentication information in the session and redirect the user to the dashboard page. To ensure that only authenticated users can access the dashboard, we will implement a method in the ApplicationController that checks for the presence of the user info in the session. We will also update the routes to handle the authentication routes.

Adding a Landing Page

We will create a landing page that displays a button for users to log in using Auth0. The button will initiate the authentication flow and redirect the user to the Auth0 login page. Users can choose to sign up using email and password or with a social provider like Google.

Enhancing Security with Concerns

To improve the organization of our code, we will create a concern called "Secured" that includes the authentication method. This concern can be easily included in any controller to secure specific routes. We will include the "Secured" concern in the Dashboards controller to authenticate access to the dashboard route.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to integrate Auth0 into a Rails application for authentication purposes. We started by setting up Auth0 and configuring the necessary credentials. Then, we installed the required gems and configured the OmniAuth provider. We created controllers and routes to handle authentication and secured specific routes using concerns. By following these steps, you can implement a robust authentication system in your Rails application using Auth0.


Q: What is Auth0? A: Auth0 is a powerful authentication and authorization platform that provides developers with secure and scalable authentication services.

Q: Why should I use Auth0 in my Rails application? A: Auth0 simplifies the process of implementing authentication in your Rails application, providing secure and reliable authentication services with minimal effort.

Q: Can I use multiple authentication providers with Auth0? A: Yes, Auth0 allows you to integrate multiple authentication providers such as email/password, Google, Facebook, etc., making it easy for users to log in using their preferred method.

Q: Is Auth0 suitable for multi-tenant applications? A: Yes, Auth0 supports multi-tenant applications through its organizations feature, allowing you to manage authentication and access control for different groups of users within your application.

Q: How does Auth0 handle security? A: Auth0 employs robust security measures including encryption, rate limiting, and account isolation to ensure the safety of user data and prevent unauthorized access.

Q: Can I customize the authentication process with Auth0? A: Yes, Auth0 provides various customization options, allowing you to tailor the authentication experience to match your application's branding and requirements.

Q: What other features does Auth0 offer? A: Auth0 offers features like social login, passwordless authentication, multi-factor authentication, single sign-on, and user management, making it a comprehensive solution for authentication needs.

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