Streamlining User Authentication with a Game-Changing Ruby On Rails API Gem!

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Streamlining User Authentication with a Game-Changing Ruby On Rails API Gem!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting Up Device API
  3. Creating a Rails App
  4. Installing Devise and Devise API Gem
  5. Configuring Initializers and Cores.rb
  6. Creating User Model
  7. Creating Restricted Pages
  8. Creating the Front-End App
  9. Implementing Sign Up Form
  10. Implementing Sign In Form
  11. Implementing Logout Button
  12. Requesting New Access Token
  13. Testing the Workflow
  14. Conclusion



In this article, we will be exploring a gem called nej, decadir's Device API Gem, which is a powerful tool for handling device-related functionality in Ruby on Rails applications. We will go through the process of setting up a Device API and creating a simple application to demonstrate its usage.

Setting Up Device API

To get started with the Device API, we need to Create a new Rails application and install the necessary Gems. We will be using the Devise and Devise API gems, both of which provide useful features for handling authentication and user management in Rails applications.

Creating a Rails App

To create a new Rails app, we can run the following command in the terminal:

rails new myapp --api

The --api flag tells Rails to set up the app as an API-only application, skipping unnecessary front-end features.

Installing Devise and Devise API Gem

Once we have our Rails app set up, we need to install the Devise and Devise API gems. We can do this by adding them to our Gemfile and running the bundle install command.

gem 'devise'
gem 'devise-api'

After adding these gems, we need to run the Devise installation generator and the Devise User generator to set up our user model.

rails generate devise:install
rails generate devise User

The Devise API installation process is similar. We run the Devise API Installation generator to set up the required configurations.

rails generate devise-api:install

Configuring Initializers and Cores.rb

To ensure the proper functioning of the Device API, we need to configure some initializers and the cores.rb file. We uncomment the necessary lines in the cores.rb file to allow API access from any IP address for demonstration purposes. However, in a production environment, it is recommended to restrict access to specific IP addresses.

Creating User Model

With the configuration set up, we can now customize our User model provided by Devise. We add the :api flag to enable the Device API functionality.

Creating Restricted Pages

To demonstrate the restricted functionality of our application, we create a Pages controller with two actions: the homepage and a restricted page. The restricted page will only be accessible to logged-in users.

Creating the Front-End App

To Interact with the Device API, we create a simple front-end app using vanilla JavaScript. This app allows users to sign up, sign in, and sign out. It also demonstrates the ability to access the restricted page only when logged in.

Implementing Sign Up Form

We implement the sign-up functionality using JavaScript. Users can enter their email, password, and password confirmation in the sign-up form. Upon submission, the app sends a POST request to the Device API to create a new user.

Implementing Sign In Form

The sign-in functionality follows a similar approach to the sign-up form. Users can enter their email and password in the sign-in form, and the app sends a POST request to the Device API to authenticate the user.

Implementing Logout Button

To allow users to log out, we implement a logout button. When clicked, the app sends a request to the Device API to revoke the user's access token. The app then clears the stored user session and redirects the user to the login page.

Requesting New Access Token

If a user's access token expires or becomes invalid, we provide a mechanism to request a new access token using the refresh token. This ensures a seamless user experience without requiring the user to login again. The app sends a POST request to the Device API with the refresh token, and if successful, receives a new access token.

Testing the Workflow

To test the workflow of our Device API, we can run the Rails server and open the front-end app. We can sign up, sign in, access the restricted page, and log out to verify the functionality of the Device API.


In this article, we have explored the Device API Gem and demonstrated its usage in a Rails application. The Device API provides a convenient way to handle device-related functionality, including authentication and user management. By following the steps outlined in this article, You can easily incorporate the Device API into your own Rails applications to enhance user experience and security.


  • The Device API Gem by nej, decadir is a powerful tool for handling device-related functionality in Ruby on Rails applications.
  • Setting up the Device API involves creating a Rails app, installing the Devise and Devise API gems, and configuring the initializers and cores.rb file.
  • The Device API enables secure user authentication and management, allowing users to sign up, sign in, and log out from an application.
  • The Device API also provides the ability to request new access tokens using refresh tokens, ensuring a seamless user experience without requiring re-login.
  • Testing the Device API workflow involves running the Rails server and interacting with the front-end app to sign up, sign in, access restricted pages, and log out.


Q: What is the purpose of the Device API Gem?

The Device API Gem enhances the functionality of Ruby on Rails applications by providing a convenient way to handle device-related features such as user authentication and management.

Q: How does the Device API handle user authentication?

The Device API uses access tokens and refresh tokens to authenticate users. Access tokens provide short-term access to restricted resources, while refresh tokens can be used to request new access tokens when needed.

Q: Can the Device API be used in production environments?

Yes, the Device API can be used in production environments with proper configuration and security measures. It is recommended to restrict API access to specific IP addresses and use other authentication mechanisms, such as OAuth, in conjunction with the Device API.

Q: Is the Device API compatible with other authentication gems?

The Device API can work alongside other authentication gems, but it is designed to be used with the Devise gem. It provides additional functionality specifically tailored for Devise-Based authentication systems.

Q: Are there any alternatives to the Device API Gem for handling device-related functionality?

There are several alternatives to the Device API Gem, such as Knock, JWT, and Clearance. These gems offer similar functionality for handling user authentication and management in Ruby on Rails applications. The choice depends on the specific requirements and preferences of the application.

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