Supercharge App Scripting with ChatGPT

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Supercharge App Scripting with ChatGPT

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Google Sheets?
  3. What is Apps Script?
  4. Automating Tasks with Apps Script
    • Creating Macros in Google Sheets
    • Benefits of Automating Tasks
  5. Wrapping Formulas in IFERROR Statements
    • Understanding the Problem
    • Using IFERROR in Google Sheets
  6. Introducing Chat GPT
    • How Chat GPT Helps in Coding Apps Scripts
    • Writing Prompt for Chat GPT
  7. Writing an App Script to Wrap Formulas in IFERROR
    • Steps to Follow
    • Running the Code in Google Sheets
  8. Making the App Script More Convenient
    • Adding a Custom Menu to Google Sheets
    • Triggering the Script on Workbook Open
  9. Fine-Tuning the App Script
    • Addressing the Issue of Deleted Data
  10. Conclusion

Writing an App Script to Wrap Formulas in IFERROR

Google Sheets is a powerful tool for data analysis and manipulation. It provides a range of features and functions to help users perform complex calculations and Create insightful reports. However, there are instances when the formulas used in Sheets may return errors, which can hinder the accuracy of the analysis.

One common error that occurs in Google Sheets is the "division by zero" error. When calculating metrics such as averages, there may be instances where no data is available for a particular month or product. In such cases, the formula returns an error instead of a Meaningful value. To address this issue, we can use an IFERROR statement to replace the error value with a blank or zero.

Traditionally, users have had to manually wrap their formulas in IFERROR statements to ensure accurate calculations. This can be time-consuming and prone to human error, especially when dealing with large datasets. However, with the help of Apps Script and Chat GPT, we can automate this process and save valuable time.

Apps Script is a powerful scripting language developed by Google that allows users to automate tasks in various Google services, including Google Sheets. It provides a straightforward way to extend the functionality of Sheets and create custom macros. By leveraging the capabilities of Apps Script and the natural language processing capabilities of Chat GPT, we can simplify the process of writing an app script to wrap formulas in IFERROR statements.

To get started, we need to define a clear prompt for Chat GPT. The prompt should clearly state what we want to achieve and the desired outcome. For example, we can ask Chat GPT to help us write an app script in Google Sheets that wraps any formulas in the selected cells in an IFERROR statement.

Once the prompt is defined, we can send it to Chat GPT and analyze the generated code. Chat GPT will provide a script that can be used in Google Sheets to automate the process of wrapping formulas in IFERROR statements. We can then follow the instructions provided by Chat GPT to replace the existing code in the Apps Script editor, save the script, and run it.

After running the script in Google Sheets, we can see that it successfully replaces the errors with blank values and wraps the formulas in IFERROR statements. This automation eliminates the need for manual intervention and ensures consistent and accurate calculations.

However, it is important to note that the generated script may require some fine-tuning to address specific requirements. For example, in our case, the script deleted data that was not part of a formula. To prevent this, we can prompt Chat GPT to modify the script to only wrap formulas and leave other data unchanged.

In conclusion, Chat GPT and Apps Script provide a powerful combination for automating tasks in Google Sheets. By leveraging the capabilities of natural language processing and scripting, we can save valuable time and reduce the risk of errors. Whether it's wrapping formulas in IFERROR statements or adding custom menus to Google Sheets, Chat GPT can help boost productivity and streamline data analysis workflows. So, give it a try and see the difference it makes in your data analytics Journey.


  • Google Sheets combined with Apps Script and Chat GPT can automate tasks and save time in data analysis.
  • Wrapping formulas in IFERROR statements eliminates errors and ensures accurate calculations.
  • Chat GPT generates app scripts Based on natural language Prompts, simplifying the coding process.
  • Fine-tuning the generated script may be necessary to address specific requirements.
  • Automation in Google Sheets improves productivity and reduces the risk of human errors.


Q: Can Chat GPT help in writing other types of app scripts in Google Sheets? A: Yes, Chat GPT can assist in writing different types of app scripts in Google Sheets. From automating data processing tasks to creating custom functions, Chat GPT can generate code snippets based on specific requirements.

Q: Are there any limitations to using Chat GPT for scripting in Google Sheets? A: While Chat GPT is a powerful natural language processing tool, it may not always generate the desired code. It is important to review and fine-tune the generated script to ensure it meets the exact requirements and produces the desired outcome.

Q: Can the app script generated by Chat GPT be modified after it has been created? A: Yes, the app script generated by Chat GPT can be modified to address specific requirements. Users have full control over the script and can make changes as needed to tailor it to their unique needs.

Q: Is there any cost associated with using Chat GPT or Apps Script? A: Chat GPT is a free tool provided by OpenAI for non-commercial use. However, Apps Script may have certain limitations and usage restrictions depending on the Google Workspace subscription. It is advisable to review the pricing and terms of use for Apps Script before implementing it in a production environment.

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