Supercharge Your Data with ChatGPT

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Supercharge Your Data with ChatGPT

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Alternative Solution to Using OpenAI APIs
  3. The Cost of Using OpenAI APIs
  4. Using Open Source Language Models
  5. GitHub Repo for Building a Solution with Open Source Models
  6. Step-by-Step Guide: Building a Similar Solution
    1. Installing Required Packages
    2. Downloading LLM Models
    3. Configuring Paths
    4. Ingesting the Document
    5. Querying the Document
  7. Comparing Different Models
  8. Trade-offs of Running Models Locally
  9. Running Models in the Cloud
  10. Potential Challenges with OpenAI APIs

Building a Chatbot Solution with Open Source Models

In this article, we will explore an alternative solution to using OpenAI APIs for building a chatbot. We will discuss the cost implications of using OpenAI APIs and introduce the concept of open source language models. Additionally, we will provide a step-by-step guide on building a similar solution using open source models. We will also compare different models and discuss the trade-offs of running models locally versus in the cloud.


As a software engineer at Meta, You may have come across the challenge of building a chatbot that can generate contextual responses Based on user queries. In a previous video, you learned how to Create a chatbot using OpenAI APIs. However, using these APIs can be expensive, especially for large documents. In this article, we will explore an alternative solution that allows you to leverage open source language models to build a chatbot locally.

Alternative Solution to Using OpenAI APIs

Instead of relying on OpenAI APIs, you can use open source language models available on platforms like Hugging Face. These models can be used with libraries like L-chain to build a chatbot solution similar to what you learned in the previous video. One popular GitHub repository called "private GPT" provides a comprehensive framework for building a chatbot using open source models.

The Cost of Using OpenAI APIs

Using OpenAI APIs can be a costly affair, especially if you have large documents or need to perform a high volume of queries. The pricing for OpenAI APIs depends on factors like the size of the document and the number of queries. For example, running 1,000 queries on a document with around 3,000 words could cost you approximately $7. It is important to consider the pricing structure and use cases that best Align with your requirements.

Using Open Source Language Models

Open source language models, available on platforms like Hugging Face, offer an alternative solution to building a chatbot without relying on OpenAI APIs. These models are not only cost-effective but also provide a level of customization and control over the end-to-end flow. By leveraging open source models, you can build a chatbot solution locally and mitigate the risks associated with potential changes in OpenAI's pricing or availability.

GitHub Repo for Building a Solution with Open Source Models

To simplify the process of building a chatbot solution with open source models, Ian Martinez has created a GitHub repository called "private GPT." This repository utilizes the sentence transformers python Package to create embeddings and uses one of the open source embedding models. It also incorporates one of the GPT-for-all-compatible LLMs, which can be found on Hugging Face. The "private GPT" repository offers a comprehensive solution for building a chatbot locally.

Step-by-Step Guide: Building a Similar Solution

To build a chatbot solution similar to what you learned in the previous video, follow these steps:

  1. Install the required packages: The necessary packages required for running the "private GPT" framework can be found in the requirements.txt file. Simply copy and paste the listed packages into your console for installation.

  2. Download LLM models: You can choose between the default LLM model provided by the "private GPT" repository or a more powerful LLM model that offers better performance. Download the desired LLM model and place it in a directory that you can later reference.

  3. Configure paths: Modify the example .env file provided in the "private GPT" repository to configure the paths for embedding storage, model Type, and model path. Ensure that the paths accurately point to the necessary files and directories.

  4. Ingest the document: Use the "private GPT" framework to convert your source document (e.g., a markdown or text file) into a vector representation. The framework will create embeddings from your text files and store them in a designated folder.

  5. Querying the document: Utilize the "private GPT" framework to query the document and generate contextual responses. You can ask questions about specific topics or retrieve information from the document using the pre-trained language models.

Comparing Different Models

Different language models offer varying levels of performance and responsiveness. The "private GPT" repository allows users to select between different models, such as more powerful LLMs or the default LLM provided by the repository. Depending on your requirements, you can choose models that strike the right balance between accuracy and speed.

Trade-offs of Running Models Locally

Running models locally provides more control and flexibility in terms of the end-to-end flow. However, this approach comes with trade-offs, such as increased response time and the need for powerful hardware to handle computationally intensive language models. While running models locally mitigates external dependencies, it may require careful consideration of hardware capabilities and potential costs associated with resource usage.

Running Models in the Cloud

For faster response times and scalability, running models in the cloud can be a viable option. Cloud providers offer GPU-enabled virtual machines, allowing you to leverage the power of GPUs for accelerated model inference. While this approach may incur additional costs, it provides the AdVantage of offloading computational burdens to the cloud provider and ensures optimal performance for your chatbot solution.

Potential Challenges with OpenAI APIs

Utilizing OpenAI APIs comes with the risk of changes in pricing or availability. OpenAI can increase pricing or modify its pricing structure at any time, potentially impacting the cost-effectiveness of using the APIs. Running open source models locally puts you in control of the end-to-end flow and mitigates the risks associated with external dependencies.


Q: What are the advantages of using open source language models? A: Open source language models provide a cost-effective solution for building chatbot solutions without relying on expensive external APIs. They offer customization options and allow for local deployment, providing more control and flexibility over the entire workflow.

Q: Can I deploy open source models in the cloud? A: Yes, open source models can be deployed in the cloud. Cloud providers offer GPU-enabled virtual machines, allowing you to take advantage of accelerated model inference. This enables faster response times and scalability for your chatbot solution.

Q: What are the potential drawbacks of running models locally? A: Running models locally can result in longer response times, especially for computationally intensive language models. It may also require powerful hardware resources to handle the computational demands. Additionally, there may be constraints on resource availability, such as GPU access or memory limitations.

Q: How can I ensure the best performance for my chatbot solution? A: To achieve optimal performance, consider factors such as the size and complexity of your models and the hardware capabilities of your deployment environment. Utilizing powerful hardware, running models in parallel, or leveraging cloud-based GPU instances can help improve performance.

Q: What happens if OpenAI increases the pricing for their APIs? A: If OpenAI increases the pricing for their APIs, it could significantly impact the cost-effectiveness of using those services. By running open source language models locally, you have more control over potential changes in pricing and can adapt your solution accordingly.

Q: Is it possible to switch between different language models based on performance needs? A: Yes, you can switch between different language models based on your specific requirements. More powerful models may provide better performance, but they may also require additional computational resources. Balancing performance, response time, and resource requirements is crucial when selecting the appropriate model.

Q: Can I use the "private GPT" framework with my own custom models? A: Yes, the "private GPT" framework can be customized to work with your own LLM models. By modifying the paths and configuration settings, you can integrate your preferred models into the chatbot solution.

Q: Are open source language models as accurate as OpenAI models? A: Open source language models can achieve comparable accuracy to OpenAI models, depending on the specific model chosen. By selecting state-of-the-art open source models and fine-tuning them, you can often achieve similar performance levels.

Q: Do open source language models support various formats, such as PDF or PowerPoint? A: Yes, open source language models are capable of processing various formats, including but not limited to text files, markdown files, CSVs, Word documents, HTML, PDFs, and PowerPoint presentations. The flexibility of the models allows for versatile document processing capabilities.

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