The Battle of Google Bard and ChatGPT: Impact on Instructional Design

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The Battle of Google Bard and ChatGPT: Impact on Instructional Design

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Google Barn and Chat GPT
  3. Benefits of Google Barn and Chat GPT 3.1 More human-like responses 3.2 Longer-formed answers 3.3 Ability to cite sources and provide references 3.4 Avoiding fake sources
  4. AI Applications for Instructional Designers 4.1 Storyboarding made easier 4.2 Graphic generation and custom assets
  5. Use Cases for Instructional Designers 5.1 Diverse activity ideas 5.2 Redefining assessment items
  6. Thinking outside the box with Chat GPT 6.1 Brainstorming partner for content generation 6.2 Idea generation and prompt creation
  7. Conclusion

Using Google Barn and Chat GPT to Enhance Instructional Design

Introduction: In today's rapidly evolving landscape of technology, instructional designers are constantly seeking ways to improve their efficiency and creativity. The introduction of AI-powered tools like Google Barn and Chat GPT has opened doors to new possibilities in content creation. This article explores the benefits and applications of these tools and how instructional designers can maximize their potential.

Understanding Google Barn and Chat GPT: Google Barn and Chat GPT are advanced AI models that have been designed to provide more human-like and contextually accurate responses. Unlike previous AI models that often produced robotic and disjointed answers, Google Barn and Chat GPT aim to bridge the gap between human conversation and AI-generated responses. By incorporating emotional vibes and longer-formed answers, these tools offer a more engaging and personalized experience.

Benefits of Google Barn and Chat GPT:

More human-like responses: One of the key advantages of using Google Barn and Chat GPT is the ability to generate responses that sound more human. While this may not seem significant at first, it creates a more relatable and conversational environment, making it easier for instructional designers to interact with AI models. By humanizing the responses, these tools eliminate the cold and robotic nature associated with traditional AI models.

Longer-formed answers: Another notable benefit of Google Barn and Chat GPT is their ability to provide longer-formed answers. Unlike previous AI models with a word count limit, these tools encourage users to dive deeper into their queries, generating more comprehensive and informative responses. This feature proves particularly useful for instructional designers who require detailed explanations and references.

Ability to cite sources and provide references: When seeking information, instructional designers often need reliable sources and references to support their content. Google Barn and Chat GPT excel in this aspect by being able to cite sources and provide accurate references. This feature enhances the credibility and authenticity of the generated content, eliminating the need for manual fact-checking.

Avoiding fake sources: In an era of misinformation, it is crucial to ensure the accuracy of content. The reassuring feature of Google Barn and Chat GPT is that they have not been found to generate fake sources when asked to cite references. This accuracy instills confidence in instructional designers, enabling them to rely on AI-generated content without the fear of spreading false information.

AI Applications for Instructional Designers:

Storyboarding made easier: Instructional designers often face the challenge of time-consuming tasks such as storyboarding. Google Barn and Chat GPT can significantly alleviate this burden by autonomously assisting in the entire process. From learning objectives to content creation, animation, and programming notes, these AI models have proven capable of producing high-quality storyboards with minimal input required.

Graphic generation and custom assets: Creating custom graphic assets can be a time-consuming process for instructional designers. Google Barn and Chat GPT offer a solution by assisting in the generation of custom visuals, eliminating the need for external graphic design tools. By providing the right prompts and iterating through various options, these AI models save valuable time and effort.

Use Cases for Instructional Designers:

Diverse activity ideas: Instructional designers often struggle to come up with new and engaging activities for their learners. Google Barn and Chat GPT can serve as valuable brainstorming partners by generating a plethora of activity ideas. Whether it's breakout room exercises, interactive quizzes, or application-based tasks, these AI models provide diverse options to enrich the learning experience.

Redefining assessment items: Assessment items play a crucial role in measuring learning outcomes. However, relying on the same assessment format may lead to monotony and disengagement. Google Barn and Chat GPT can help instructional designers break free from this limitation by suggesting alternative assessment formats. By exploring different approaches while maintaining the essence of the content, instructional designers can create more engaging assessments.

Thinking outside the box with Chat GPT:

Brainstorming partner for content generation: In addition to specific applications, Chat GPT serves as an excellent brainstorming partner for instructional designers. By inputting relevant prompts, designers can engage in conversations with Chat GPT to generate creative ideas for content development. This collaborative process sparks innovation and helps designers break free from conventional thinking.

Idea generation and prompt creation: Instructional designers constantly face the challenge of generating fresh ideas and prompts for their content. Chat GPT excels in this aspect by swiftly providing a multitude of ideas and questions. Whether it's content for social media platforms or innovative learning activities, Chat GPT proves to be a valuable tool for inspiration and idea generation.

Conclusion: Google Barn and Chat GPT have revolutionized the way instructional designers can approach content creation. With their more human-like responses, longer-formed answers, and the ability to cite sources, these tools enhance the efficiency and accuracy of instructional design processes. From storyboarding to generating ideas and prompt creation, the AI applications of Google Barn and Chat GPT expand the creative possibilities for instructional designers. By leveraging the power of AI, instructional designers can elevate their content and create engaging and impactful learning experiences.


  • Google Barn and Chat GPT provide more human-like and contextually accurate responses.
  • Longer-formed answers and the ability to cite sources enhance the credibility of AI-generated content.
  • Instructional designers can benefit from AI by streamlining tasks like storyboarding and graphic generation.
  • Diverse activity ideas and alternative assessment formats improve the learning experience.
  • Chat GPT serves as a brainstorming partner and Idea Generator for instructional designers.


Q: Can Google Barn and Chat GPT imitate human conversation effectively? A: Google Barn and Chat GPT aim to bridge the gap between human conversation and AI-generated responses, providing more human-like and contextually accurate answers.

Q: Are the responses generated by Google Barn and Chat GPT comprehensive? A: Yes, these tools encourage longer-formed answers, allowing for more detailed explanations and references.

Q: Can Google Barn and Chat GPT provide accurate references? A: Yes, they have the ability to cite sources and offer accurate references, ensuring credibility and authenticity in the generated content.

Q: What are the potential applications of Google Barn and Chat GPT for instructional designers? A: Instructional designers can benefit from AI by streamlining tasks like storyboarding, graphic generation, generating activity ideas, and creating alternative assessment formats.

Q: Can Chat GPT be used as an idea generator? A: Yes, Chat GPT serves as a valuable brainstorming partner, generating a multitude of ideas and prompts for content creation.

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