The Future of Clones: Trump vs. Biden Debate

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The Future of Clones: Trump vs. Biden Debate

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Importance of Clone Troopers in the Military
    • 2.1 Highly Trained and Skilled Soldiers
    • 2.2 Fierce Loyalty
  3. The Proposal for Change
    • 3.1 Diversity and Representation in the Military
    • 3.2 Conscription of Citizens
  4. The Defense of Clone Troopers
    • 4.1 Backbone of the Military
    • 4.2 Sacrifice and Service
    • 4.3 Fighting the Jedi Threat
  5. The Need for an Inclusive Military
    • 5.1 Reflecting the Values and Diversity of Society
    • 5.2 Transition to a Post-War Era
  6. The Debate Continues
    • 6.1 Maintaining the Best of the Best
    • 6.2 Evolving and Adapting to a Changing Galaxy
  7. Conclusion

The Fate of Clone Troopers: A Debate on the Future of Our Military

In a heated debate within the Senate chambers, the future of clone troopers in the military is being fiercely contested. This article delves into the opposing viewpoints presented by Senator Joe and Senator Donald, each arguing for a different path forward. The discussion revolves around the importance of clone troopers, the proposal for a more diverse military, and the need for inclusivity in shaping the future of our Galactic Empire. As the debate wages on, the fate of clone troopers hangs in the balance, while the destiny of our military is to be decided.


The fate of clone troopers and the future of our military have become the central focus of a heated debate within the Senate chambers. Senator Joe and Senator Donald present two opposing perspectives, arguing for either upholding the legacy of clone troopers or embracing a more inclusive and representative military. As the discussion unfolds, it becomes clear that this decision will Shape the path forward for our Galactic Empire.

The Importance of Clone Troopers in the Military

2.1 Highly Trained and Skilled Soldiers

Clone troopers have long been regarded as highly trained and skilled soldiers within the Galactic Empire. Created for a specific purpose, they have been integral to the military force for years, participating in countless battles and proving their effectiveness time and time again. Their expertise and proficiency on the battlefield make them invaluable assets to the Empire's defense.

2.2 Fierce Loyalty

Not only are clone troopers skilled, but they also exhibit unwavering loyalty to the Empire. Every clone trooper is bred and programmed with a Sense of duty and honor, instilled from birth. This allegiance to the Galactic Empire ensures their dedication to protecting our values and freedoms, no matter the cost.

The Proposal for Change

3.1 Diversity and Representation in the Military

Senator Joe proposes a shift towards a more representative military that reflects the diversity and strength of our society. The clone troopers, although undeniably effective, were created for war, which has now ended. Joe argues that we must evolve and adapt to a changing galaxy. He believes that by conscripting citizens from all walks of life, we can create a military that truly represents the values and ideals of our Empire.

3.2 Conscription of Citizens

On the other HAND, Senator Donald vehemently opposes conscripting citizens, seeing it as a forced imposition on their will. He believes that the clone troopers themselves embody the epitome of Imperial values, having been created to serve and protect the galaxy. To Donald, maintaining the clone troopers in the military is a matter of utmost importance, honoring their sacrifice and entrusting them with keeping the Empire safe.

The Defense of Clone Troopers

4.1 Backbone of the Military

Donald asserts that clone troopers are the backbone of our military. Their extensive training and battle-hardened experience make them unparalleled assets in the defense of our Empire. Abandoning them would mean losing their unique skills and expertise, potentially jeopardizing the security of our galaxy.

4.2 Sacrifice and Service

Throughout the clone troopers' service, they have exhibited unwavering dedication and selflessness. They have risked their lives on countless occasions to protect our freedom and ensure the safety of our Empire. Honoring and respecting their contributions should be paramount, and discontinuing their role in the military would undermine their sacrifices.

4.3 Fighting the Jedi Threat

The clone troopers played a crucial role in wiping out the Jedi threat during the Clone Wars. Their efforts in eliminating the Jedi were instrumental in restoring peace and stability to the galaxy. The elimination of the clone troopers would potentially weaken our defenses against future threats and hinder our ability to protect what we hold dear.

The Need for an Inclusive Military

5.1 Reflecting the Values and Diversity of Society

Senator Joe argues that relying solely on clone troopers limits our military's representation and fails to reflect the diversity and values of our society. To build a strong and inclusive military, it is essential to recruit soldiers from various backgrounds, fostering a sense of unity and shared responsibility.

5.2 Transition to a Post-War Era

With the war now behind us, the time for transition and adaptation has come. The Clone Wars served a specific purpose, and the clone troopers fulfilled their role admirably. However, Joe believes it is now time to look ahead and establish a military capable of addressing the challenges of a post-war era.

The Debate Continues

6.1 Maintaining the Best of the Best

Donald adamantly believes that the clone troopers are the best of the best. Trained from birth to serve and protect, they have proven themselves time and time again. To ensure the military's continued strength and effectiveness, Donald argues for the preservation of this elite force.

6.2 Evolving and Adapting to a Changing Galaxy

Senator Joe stands firm in his conviction that the military must evolve and adapt to the changing galaxy. The reliance on a single group of soldiers created solely for war is viewed as a narrow-minded approach. To truly thrive, the military needs to embrace inclusivity and welcome soldiers from all walks of life.


As the debate rages on in the Senate chambers, the fate of clone troopers hangs in the balance. Both sides bring valid arguments to the table, emphasizing the importance of clone troopers' contribution to the military. However, the question of inclusivity, diversity, and adapting to a post-war era remain at the forefront of the discussion. Only time will tell which path our Galactic Empire will ultimately choose, shaping the future of our military and the destiny of the clone troopers.

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