Ultimate Guide to Email Validation using JavaScript

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Ultimate Guide to Email Validation using JavaScript

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating the HTML Structure
  3. Styling the Email Input Field
  4. Implementing Email Validation with JavaScript
  5. Error Message and Styling
  6. Testing and Conclusion


Creating the HTML Structure

Styling the Email Input Field

Implementing Email Validation with JavaScript

Error Message and Styling

Testing and Conclusion

Email Input Field Validation using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

In this tutorial, we will learn how to Create an email input field with email validation using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The email input field will have a text label that moves up when typing, and it will display an error message when an invalid email is entered. Additionally, the border color of the input field will change to red for invalid emails and green for valid emails. Let's get started!

Creating the HTML Structure

To begin, open your preferred code editor and create a new HTML file. Add the basic HTML structure to the file. Inside the <body> tag, add a <div> element with the class name "hero". This div will serve as the main container for our email input field. Set its CSS properties to include width, Height, display flex, Align-items center, and justify-content center. This will center all the contents within the div.

Next, within the "hero" div, add another <div> element with the class name "input-group". This div will contain the label and input field for the email. Inside the "input-group" div, add a <label> element and set the text to "Email".

After the label, add an <input> element with the Type attribute set to "email" and the spellcheck attribute set to "false". This will create an input field specifically for email addresses.

Finally, add a <span> element inside the "input-group" div with the class name "error-msg". This span tag will display the error message for invalid emails.

Styling the Email Input Field

Now that we have the HTML structure in place, let's style the email input field using CSS. Open your CSS file and target the "input-group" class. Set the width to 90% and the max-width to 600 pixels. This will ensure that the input field has a responsive width.

Add the position: relative property to the "input-group" class as well. This will allow us to position the input field and the error message relative to the "input-group" div.

Next, target the "email-field" id. Set its display to block, width to 100%, and border to 0. Add a 2-pixel solid border at the bottom with a color code of your choice. This will create a bottom border for the input field.

Set the background color of the input field to transparent and remove the Outline. Adjust the font size and add some padding for better visual aesthetics.

To position the error message, add the position: absolute property to the "email-error" id. Set the top value to 100% and the left value to 2 pixels. Adjust the font size and font weight as desired. Set the color to red to indicate an error message.

Implementing Email Validation with JavaScript

Now that we have the HTML structure and CSS styling in place, let's implement email validation using JavaScript. First, give the input field an id of "email-field" and the label an id of "email-label".

Inside a <script> tag, create a function called "validateEmail". In this function, retrieve the "email-field" element using document.getElementById() and store it in a variable called "emailField".

To move the label up when typing starts, add the following code inside the "validateEmail" function: emailLabel.style.bottom = "45px". This will set the bottom position of the label to 45 pixels, causing it to move up.

To detect when typing starts, add an onkeyup event to the input field: onkeyup="validateEmail()". This will call the "validateEmail" function whenever the user types in the input field.

Error Message and Styling

To display the error message when an invalid email is entered, we need to make some modifications to our existing code. First, remove the error message from the HTML structure so that it is initially Hidden.

In the JavaScript code, add an if condition to check if the entered email is valid. Use the match() function with a regular expression pattern to check for a valid email format. Choose a regular expression pattern that suits your needs.

If the email field value does not match the pattern, display the error message. Set the innerHTML property of the emailError element to a STRING message such as "Please enter a valid email".

To hide the error message when a valid email is entered, set the innerHTML property of the emailError element to an empty string. You can also change the color of the input field's bottom border to red for invalid emails and green for valid emails to provide visual feedback to the user.

Testing and Conclusion

Now that we have implemented the email input field with email validation, let's test it. Open the HTML file in a web browser, and you should see the email input field with the label above it. Try typing in various email addresses to see the label move up and the error message appear for invalid emails. When a valid email is entered, the error message should disappear and the bottom border color should change to green.

In conclusion, we have successfully created an email input field with email validation using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This feature can be useful for any Website that requires users to enter a valid email address. Feel free to customize the styling and validation logic to fit your specific needs. Thank you for following along with this tutorial!


  • Learn how to create an email input field with email validation using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • The label for the input field moves up when typing starts.
  • An error message is displayed for invalid emails.
  • The border color of the input field changes to red for invalid emails and green for valid emails.
  • Easy to customize and integrate into any website that requires email validation.


Q: Can I use this email input field validation on my website? A: Yes, you can easily implement this email input field validation on your website by following the steps outlined in the tutorial.

Q: How do I change the error message or its appearance? A: You can modify the error message by changing the string in the innerHTML property of the emailError element. Additionally, you can customize the appearance of the error message by modifying the CSS properties applied to the email-error class.

Q: Can I use a different validation pattern for the email? A: Yes, you can change the regular expression pattern used for email validation in the JavaScript code. Simply modify the match() function's regular expression to suit your desired format.

Q: Are there any limitations to this email validation? A: The provided regular expression pattern is a basic format for validating emails. It may not account for all possible edge cases or special email formats. You can enhance the pattern to suit your specific requirements.

Q: Can I Apply this validation to other input fields? A: Yes, you can use similar logic to validate other input fields. Simply modify the JavaScript code to target the desired input field and apply the necessary validation conditions.

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