Uncovering Injustice in League of Legends' Voice Chat

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Uncovering Injustice in League of Legends' Voice Chat

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Concept of Voice Coms in League of Legends
  3. The Importance of Communication in Ranked Games
  4. The League of Voice Chat Series 4.1. Racing to Diamond with Diamond Dave 4.2. Meeting the New Duo, Michelle
  5. The Rules of the Race
  6. Uncovering an Injustice
  7. The Debate on Fairness 7.1. The Argument for Fairness 7.2. The Argument against Fairness
  8. Dealing with Hard Stuck and Lag Issues
  9. The Consequences of Breaking the Rules
  10. The Road to Diamond: A Solo Queue Journey
  11. Taking a Break and Playing Normals
  12. Conclusion

The League of Voice Chat Series: Uncovering an Injustice

The League of Voice Chat series is an exciting adventure where I invite my ranked teammates to a Discord server to finally bring voice coms to League of Legends. In the previous episodes, I had been racing against Diamond Dave to reach Diamond rank. However, things took an unexpected turn when I met my new Duo partner, Michelle. In today's episode, Dave discovers something about Michelle that puts the fairness of our race into question.

The Concept of Voice Coms in League of Legends

Effective communication is crucial in ranked games, especially in a team-Based game like League of Legends. The introduction of voice coms has long been a topic of discussion among the community. It allows for quicker and more efficient communication, leading to better coordination and decision-making.

The Importance of Communication in Ranked Games

Communication plays a vital role in achieving success in ranked games. Being able to effectively communicate with teammates enables better strategies, quick responses to enemy movements, and precise coordination during team fights. Voice coms have the potential to enhance the overall gaming experience and increase the chances of victory.

The League of Voice Chat Series

Racing to Diamond with Diamond Dave

In the League of Voice Chat series, my main objective is to race against Diamond Dave, a skilled player, and reach Diamond rank before him. The competition is fierce, and the rules are simple: I can only play solo queue unless I initiate a voice call. The series captures the ups and downs of the race, showcasing the challenges and triumphs of the journey.

Meeting the New Duo, Michelle

However, in today's episode, a twist unfolds when I meet my new Duo partner, Michelle. The rules of the race are put into question as it is revealed that Michelle is already ranked Diamond 4. Although we met on her alternative account and play off-role, the fairness of our partnership is disputed.

The Rules of the Race

The rules of the race were established to ensure a fair and challenging competition. As the main protagonist, I committed to playing solo queue unless a voice call was initiated. This rule aimed to maintain the integrity of the race and test my individual skills and decision-making abilities.

Uncovering an Injustice

Diamond Dave discovers that Michelle is already ranked Diamond 4, which raises concerns about the fairness of our race. It is uncovered that she intentionally played on a lower ELO account to partner with me, using her superior knowledge and skills to potentially boost me to Diamond.

The Debate on Fairness

The Argument for Fairness

One side of the debate argues that the race should be fair and that the rules should not be manipulated to gain an AdVantage. They advocate for strict adherence to the original rules and maintaining an equal playing field for all participants.

The Argument against Fairness

On the other HAND, some argue that the race should not be constrained by rigid rules. They believe that as long as the duo partner is playing off-role and not directly influencing the outcome of the games, it should be allowed. They contest that the focus should be on individual skill and decision-making rather than the duo partner's rank.

Dealing with Hard Stuck and Lag Issues

As a player on the grind to Diamond, I face the challenges of being hard stuck and dealing with lag issues. Despite dropping divisions and facing occasional lag spikes due to outdated infrastructure, I remain determined and Continue climbing the ranks.

The Consequences of Breaking the Rules

The discovery of Michelle's true rank brings consequences to the race. It is debated whether she should be benched, as her presence in the duo might give an unfair advantage. Maintaining the integrity of the competition becomes a priority, leading to a tough decision that could potentially alter the course of the race.

The Road to Diamond: A Solo Queue Journey

In light of the unfolding events, I decide to Refocus my efforts on solo queue and embark on a journey to reach Diamond without any external assistance. This new path requires me to rely solely on my individual skills and decision-making, bringing new challenges and opportunities for growth.

Taking a Break and Playing Normals

Amidst the turmoil, taking a break and playing normals becomes a welcomed respite. I explore the casual side of League of Legends, enjoying games without the pressure of a race. It provides an opportunity to Interact with friends and experience the game in a relaxed environment.


The League of Voice Chat series takes an unexpected turn as the fairness of the race is questioned due to Michelle's true rank. The debate on fairness arises, and a decision must be made to uphold the integrity of the competition. As the protagonist, I adapt to the circumstances, refocusing on solo queue, and continue my journey towards Diamond rank.


  • League of Voice Chat series brings voice coms to League of Legends
  • Communication is crucial in ranked games
  • Racing against Diamond Dave to reach Diamond rank
  • Meeting the new Duo partner, Michelle
  • Debate on fairness and the rules of the race
  • Dealing with hard stuck and lag issues
  • Consequences of breaking the rules
  • Solo queue journey to Diamond rank
  • Taking a break and playing normals


Q: What is the League of Voice Chat series about? A: The League of Voice Chat series follows the journey of the protagonist as they race against Diamond Dave to reach Diamond rank and bring voice coms to League of Legends.

Q: What are the rules of the race? A: The main rule of the race is that the protagonist can only play solo queue unless a voice call is initiated.

Q: What is the debate on fairness in the series? A: The debate revolves around the fairness of partnering with a player who is already ranked Diamond 4.

Q: How does the protagonist deal with being hard stuck and lag issues? A: Despite facing challenges such as dropping divisions and experiencing lag spikes, the protagonist remains determined and continues climbing the ranks.

Q: What happens when the rules are broken? A: Breaking the rules brings consequences to the race, and a tough decision must be made to maintain the integrity of the competition.

Q: What is the protagonist's new focus after the revelation? A: The protagonist refocuses their efforts on solo queue and embarks on a journey to reach Diamond rank without any external assistance.

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