Understanding Freight Prepaid vs. Freight Collect

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Understanding Freight Prepaid vs. Freight Collect

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Freight Prepaid?
  3. What is Freight Collect?
  4. Importance of Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect
  5. Understanding Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect on BL and HBL
  6. Examples of Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect
  7. Factors Affecting Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect on BL and HBL
  8. Common Cases in Practice
  9. Credit and Payment Issues in Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect
  10. Conclusion


In the world of international trade, understanding the terms and practices related to freight prepaid and freight collect is crucial. These terms play a significant role in communication between shipping companies, forwarders, and exporters/importers. This article aims to provide a clear explanation of the difference between freight prepaid and freight collect, their importance, and how they are associated with bills of lading (BL) and house bills of lading (HBL). By understanding these concepts, trade professionals can effectively manage the financial aspects of their shipments and avoid any payment disputes or collection issues.

What is Freight Prepaid?

Freight prepaid refers to the payment of transportation fees in advance by the exporter. In this Scenario, the exporter assumes the responsibility for paying the ocean freight. Common trade terms associated with freight prepaid include CFR, CIF, DAP, and DDP. Under these terms, the exporter is responsible for arranging and paying for the transportation of goods from the port of origin to the port of destination.

What is Freight Collect?

Freight collect, on the other HAND, means that the transportation fees are to be collected by the importer. In this case, the importer is responsible for paying the ocean freight upon delivery of the goods. Trade terms such as X Works (XW) or Free on Board (FOB) are examples where the importer bears the cost of transportation.

Importance of Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect

The distinction between freight prepaid and freight collect is essential as it determines who will bear the cost of transportation in an international trade transaction. It impacts the financial obligations of both the exporter and the importer. Failing to understand these terms can lead to confusion, disputes, and potential payment collection issues.

Understanding Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect on BL and HBL

Freight prepaid and freight collect are commonly indicated on bills of lading (BL) and house bills of lading (HBL). The BL is a document issued by the carrier to the shipper, acknowledging the receipt of goods for shipment. The HBL, on the other hand, is issued by a freight forwarder or Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC) and serves as a receipt for goods received by the forwarder.

Both the BL and HBL indicate whether the transportation fees are prepaid or collect. It is essential to understand these indications to determine who is responsible for the payment of transportation fees.

Examples of Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect

To illustrate the concept further, let's consider two common trade scenarios involving freight prepaid and freight collect:

  1. FOB (Free on Board): In this case, the importer pays the ocean freight. The master BL typically indicates freight collect, and the HBL also states freight collect. The responsibility for paying the transportation fee rests with the importer.
  2. CFR (Cost and Freight): Under this trade term, the exporter pays the ocean freight. The master BL typically indicates freight prepaid, and the HBL also states freight prepaid. The exporter is responsible for arranging and paying for transportation.

However, there are instances where the freight indications on the master BL and HBL may differ. This occurs when different forwarders are involved in the transaction on the export and import sides, resulting in variations in payment responsibility.

Factors Affecting Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect on BL and HBL

The responsibility for freight prepaid or freight collect on the BL and HBL depends on which forwarder is primarily responsible for arranging the shipment. If the forwarder on the export side takes the lead in booking the vessel with the shipping company, the master BL will indicate freight prepaid. In contrast, if the forwarder on the import side arranges the booking, the master BL will indicate freight collect.

Understanding these factors is crucial for trade professionals as they deal with various forwarders and shipping companies to ensure smooth logistics operations and accurate payment handling.

Common Cases in Practice

In real-world transactions involving multiple forwarders, it is common to encounter different freight indications on the master BL and HBL. This occurs when the forwarder on the export side collaborates with the forwarder on the import side to secure space on the vessel. In such cases, the master BL will indicate freight prepaid, while the HBL will indicate freight collect.

Such cases often occur in transactions between forwarders or when exporters collaborate with overseas forwarders to ship goods to a specific destination. Clear communication and coordination between all parties involved are essential to ensure accurate freight payment and avoid any credit and payment issues.

Credit and Payment Issues in Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect

Freight prepaid and freight collect have implications on credit and payment in international trade. When freight is prepaid, the forwarder on the export side faces a credit problem as they need to pay the shipping company in advance. However, the actual payment for the freight is made by the importer to the forwarder on the import side.

For trade professionals engaging with overseas forwarders for the first time, credit and payment collection become important considerations. Establishing clear terms and understanding the responsibilities of each party involved are crucial to ensure smooth financial transactions and avoid any payment disputes.


In conclusion, understanding the difference between freight prepaid and freight collect is essential for anyone involved in international trade and logistics. Knowing who bears the responsibility for paying the transportation fees and interpreting the indications on bills of lading and house bills of lading is crucial to avoid payment disputes and collection issues. By having a clear understanding of these terms, trade professionals can effectively manage their logistics operations and maintain successful business relationships with their partners around the world.


  • Understanding the concepts of freight prepaid and freight collect is crucial in international trade.
  • Freight prepaid means the exporter pays the transportation fees in advance, while freight collect means the importer pays upon delivery.
  • Freight prepaid and freight collect indications can be found on bills of lading and house bills of lading.
  • The responsibility for payment depends on which forwarder is primarily involved in arranging the shipment.
  • Clear communication and coordination between all parties involved are crucial to avoid credit and payment issues.


Q: What is the difference between freight prepaid and freight collect? A: Freight prepaid means the exporter pays the transportation fees in advance, while freight collect means the importer pays upon delivery.

Q: Where can I find the indications of freight prepaid and freight collect? A: The indications can be found on bills of lading and house bills of lading.

Q: Why is it important to understand these terms in international trade? A: Understanding these terms helps avoid payment disputes and collection issues, ensuring smooth logistics operations.

Q: What should I do if there are differences in freight indications on the master BL and HBL? A: Clear communication and coordination between forwarders and parties involved are necessary to ensure accurate freight payment.

Q: How can I avoid credit and payment issues in freight prepaid and freight collect? A: Establishing clear terms and understanding the responsibilities of each party involved are crucial to ensure smooth financial transactions.

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