Unleash the Full Potential of Notion with JavaScript!

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Unleash the Full Potential of Notion with JavaScript!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Notion?
  3. Extending Notion Databases with Formulas
    1. Getting Started with Notion Formulas
    2. Manipulating Text Strings with Formulas
    3. Performing Calculations with Dates
    4. Conditional Statements with Formulas
    5. Nested IF Statements
    6. Calculating Overdue Projects
    7. Tracking Project Progress
    8. Automating Task Completion
  4. Limitations of Notion Formulas
  5. Introducing Notion Projects
  6. Conclusion

Extending Notion Databases with Formulas

Notion is a powerful project management tool that offers a wide range of features to help individuals and teams effectively manage their projects in one centralized workspace. One of the key features that sets Notion apart is its formula language, which allows users to extend the functionality of their databases by writing custom formulas.

Getting Started with Notion Formulas

Notion's formula language is Based on the syntax of the JavaScript programming language, making it familiar to those with some programming experience. By using formulas, You can perform calculations, manipulate text strings, and Create dynamic values based on other properties in your databases.

To illustrate the power of Notion's formulas, let's consider a Scenario where you have a database of guests for an event. The database has two columns: "Name" and "Last Name." If you want to display the full name of each guest in a new column, you can use the "concat" function to combine the values of the "Name" and "Last Name" columns.

concat(prop("Name"), " ", prop("Last Name"))

This formula uses the "prop" function to select the values of the "Name" and "Last Name" columns, and the "concat" function to combine them with a space in between. The formula will automatically calculate the full name for each guest, even when new entries are added to the database.

Manipulating Text Strings with Formulas

Notion's formula language provides a variety of functions for manipulating text strings. For example, let's say you have a database that includes a "Birthday" column. Using formulas, you can calculate the age of each person based on their birthday.

dateBetween(Now(), prop("Birthday"), "years")

This formula uses the "dateBetween" function to calculate the difference in years between the Current date (obtained using the "Now" function) and the value of the "Birthday" column. By specifying "years" as the unit argument, the formula will return the age of each person in years.

Performing Calculations with Dates

In addition to manipulating text strings, Notion's formula language allows you to perform calculations with dates. Let's Continue with the example of the guests' database and add a column to indicate whether a guest is old enough to drink alcohol at the event.

largerEq(prop("Age"), 18)

This formula uses the "largerEq" function to compare the value of the "Age" column (which is calculated using the previous formula) with the number 18. If the guest's age is greater than or equal to 18, the formula will return "true," indicating that they can drink alcohol. Otherwise, it will return "false."

Conditional Statements with Formulas

Notion's formula language also supports conditional statements, allowing you to perform different actions based on a condition. Let's revisit the project management scenario and create a formula column to determine whether a project is overdue or on track based on its due date.

if(dateGreaterThan(Now(), prop("Due Date")), "Overdue", "On Track")

This formula uses the "if" function to check whether the current date is greater than the value of the "Due Date" column. If it is, the formula will return "Overdue"; otherwise, it will return "On Track." However, we Notice that the last project on the list appears as "Overdue" even though it is marked as completed. To address this, we can use a nested "if" statement.

Nested IF Statements

A nested "if" statement allows you to perform multiple checks and actions within a single formula. Let's modify the previous formula to consider both the completion status and the due date of a project.

if(prop("Completed"), "Completed", if(dateGreaterThan(Now(), prop("Due Date")), "Overdue", "On Track"))

This formula first checks if the "Completed" column is true. If it is, the formula returns "Completed." If not, it proceeds to the next "if" statement, which compares the current date with the due date to determine whether the project is overdue or on track.

Calculating Overdue Projects

Using the power of formulas, you can calculate the duration of time a project has been overdue or the number of days until the due date. Let's continue with the project management scenario and create another column to display this information.

if(prop("Completed"), "", if(dateGreaterThan(Now(), prop("Due Date")), concat(format(abs(dateBetween(Now(), prop("Due Date"), "days"))), " days overdue"), concat(format(dateBetween(prop("Due Date"), Now(), "days")), " days until deadline")))

This formula is a bit more complex, so let's break it down. It checks if the project is completed and returns an empty STRING if true. If not, it proceeds to the next "if" statement, which compares the current date with the due date.

If the project is overdue, the formula uses the "dateBetween" function to calculate the difference in days, then uses the "format" function to convert the result into a readable text format. It concatenates this value with the text "days overdue" to provide a clear indication of the overdue status.

On the other HAND, if the due date is in the future, the formula calculates the number of days until the deadline and formats it accordingly. It concatenates this value with the text "days until deadline" for better Clarity.

Tracking Project Progress

Notion's formula language can also help you track the progress of your projects. Let's add a checkbox column to indicate the status of each task within a project, and a Roll-up column to display the completion percentage.

rollup("Tasks", count(prop("Status")), prop("Status") = "Completed")

This formula uses the "rollup" and "count" functions to count the number of tasks with the status "Completed" in the related "Tasks" database. It then divides this count by the total number of tasks to calculate the completion percentage. You can choose to display the result as a number, a progress bar, or a ring.

By turning the completion percentage into a dynamic value, you can track your project's progress in real-time without manually updating any values.

Automating Task Completion

To streamline the project management process even further, Notion allows you to automate certain actions. Let's link each task in the "Tasks" database to their respective project and create a roll-up column in the projects database to calculate the completion status.

rollup("Tasks", and(checkbox(prop("Completed"))), or(checkbox(prop("Completed"))))

This formula uses the "rollup" function to retrieve the completion status of each task in the related "Tasks" database. The "and" function checks if all checkboxes in the "Completed" column are checked, while the "or" function checks if at least one checkbox is checked.

By automating the completion status based on the tasks' completion checkboxes, the "Completed" column in the projects database will automatically update as tasks are completed. This ensures accurate project tracking and eliminates the need for manual updates.

Limitations of Notion Formulas

While Notion's formula language is powerful and versatile, it does have its limitations. For complex calculations or operations that go beyond the capabilities of formulas, you may need to explore other integrations, such as JavaScript or third-party apps.

Formulas in Notion also have some performance limitations. For large databases or complex formulas involving a significant number of calculations, you may experience slower processing speeds or longer loading times. It's important to be mindful of these limitations when designing your databases and formulas.

Introducing Notion Projects

To further enhance project management capabilities, Notion has introduced a new product called Notion Projects. Notion Projects is specifically optimized for project management, allowing you to centralize all your workloads in one place.

With Notion Projects, you can seamlessly manage meeting notes, task lists, issue tracking, brainstorming Sessions, and more. It also integrates with popular tools like Slack, Figma, and GitHub for efficient collaboration and project coordination.

If you're looking to supercharge your project management workflow and take AdVantage of the advanced features offered by Notion, consider giving Notion Projects a try. It's a comprehensive solution that eliminates the need for multiple tools and streamlines your project management processes.


In conclusion, Notion's formula language provides a powerful way to extend the functionality of your databases and enhance your project management workflow. By leveraging formulas, you can manipulate text strings, perform calculations with dates, create conditional statements, track progress, and automate actions.

However, it's important to be aware of the limitations of formulas and consider alternative solutions for complex operations. Notion Projects offers a specialized platform for project management, integrating various features and streamlining your workflow.

Give Notion Projects a try and experience the efficiency and convenience of managing your projects in one centralized workspace. Start using Notion today and supercharge your productivity!


  • Notion's formula language extends the functionality of databases with custom formulas.
  • Formulas can manipulate text strings, perform calculations with dates, and create conditional statements.
  • Nested IF statements allow for more complex logic and actions in formulas.
  • Formulas can track project progress, automate task completion, and calculate overdue projects.
  • Notion Projects is a specialized platform for project management, combining various tools and integrations.
  • Consider the limitations of formulas and explore alternative solutions for more complex operations.


Q: Can I use Notion formulas with any Type of database? A: Yes, Notion formulas can be applied to any type of database within the Notion workspace.

Q: Are Notion formulas difficult to learn for someone without programming experience? A: Notion's formula language is designed to be user-friendly, even for those without programming experience. With some practice and experimentation, you can quickly grasp the basics of using formulas in Notion.

Q: Can I export or share databases with formulas in Notion? A: Yes, you can export or share databases with formulas in Notion. The formulas will be preserved, allowing others to benefit from the extended functionality.

Q: Can I undo changes made by formulas in my databases? A: Yes, you can undo changes made by formulas in your databases. Notion keeps track of revisions, allowing you to revert to a previous state if needed.

Q: What are some other integrations that can enhance Notion's formula capabilities? A: Notion integrates with various services and tools, such as JavaScript, third-party apps, Slack, Figma, and GitHub. These integrations can enhance Notion's formula capabilities and provide additional functionalities for your projects.

Q: Does Notion Projects have a free plan? A: Yes, Notion Projects offers a free plan that allows you to get started with basic project management features. However, more advanced features may require a premium subscription.

Q: Can I use Notion Projects for personal projects or is it only suitable for team collaboration? A: Notion Projects is suitable for both personal projects and team collaboration. You can use it to organize and manage projects of any size.

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