Unleash the Power of ChatGPT with These 7 Crypto Plugins

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Unleash the Power of ChatGPT with These 7 Crypto Plugins

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Crypto Pulse Chat GPT Plugin
  3. DeFi Llama Plugin
  4. MPC Wallet Plugin
  5. Smarter Contracts Plugin
  6. Coin Market Cap Plugin
  7. Portfolios Lab Plugin
  8. Conclusion


Are You interested in turbocharging your crypto experience with some awesome new chat GPT plugins? Well, you've come to the right place! In this article, we will walk you through an overview of the top plugins available right now for blockchain and crypto analysis. These handy tools integrate directly with chat GPT to give you a treasure trove of insights, data, and knowledge on all things crypto and web 3. We'll be highlighting the key features and immense value you can unlock with each of the leading plugins in this space. Whether you want up-to-the-Second market updates, deep dives on DeFi protocols, enhanced wallet analytics, smart contract analysis, or token research, these plugins have got you covered. Our goal is to showcase how these tools can seriously amplify your crypto knowledge and investing. So let's dive in!

Crypto Pulse Chat GPT Plugin

The Crypto Pulse Chat GPT plugin is a must-have for anyone interested in crypto investing. With this handy tool, you'll gain an invaluable edge in understanding how news impacts crypto prices. Let's say a breaking story drops that a major investment bank is to offer a Bitcoin ETF. Simply Type in "get the latest Bitcoin news and its price impact," and Crypto Pulse will Instantly process the news. Within seconds, you'll get a detailed breakdown of the likely price movements and market reactions. Now, you can make smarter trades Based on insightful market intelligence. Beyond news analysis, Crypto Pulse also summarizes the latest price trends, emerging technologies, global policy changes, and more. Simply ask for the top stories driving the crypto markets right now, and you'll quickly understand the narrative shaping prices, so you can time buys and sells accordingly. No more guessing why your portfolio is up or down on a given day. It's definitely worth checking out to add to your crypto toolkit.

DeFi Llama Plugin

Next up, we've got the DeFi Llama plugin. It's an incredibly useful tool for anyone interested in decentralized finance. With just a few words, you can access a treasure trove of data on major DeFi protocols across different blockchains. For example, let's say you heard about a new protocol like Uniswap on the Ethereum blockchain, and you're curious to learn more about it. Just ask the plugin for the key stats, and it'll instantly provide the total value locked, number of users, and daily transaction volume. Or maybe you want the big picture view of Ethereum's DeFi ecosystem. Ask the plugin for the top protocols by TVL, and in seconds, you'll have the rankings of heavy hitters like Aave, Curve, and Uniswap. It's a simple way to see who the dominant players are. You can also track how protocols are trending over time. The DeFi Llama plugin can plot historical TVL data. Now you can make data-driven decisions. Beyond TVL, you can get data on fees earned, revenue, and top yield pools for different protocols and chains. No more guessing in the dark on what's happening under the hood. So if you're at all interested in decentralized finance, the DeFi Llama chat GPT plugin is a must-have. It turns chat GPT into your personal Web3 analyst, empowering you with valuable intel on DeFi protocols with just a few words. The knowledge you gain can help guide your crypto investments and research. Try it out and watch your Web3 expertise level up!

MPC Wallet Plugin

Have you ever wanted more transparency into the murky depths of blockchain transactions and holdings? Well, MPC Wallet lets you dive deep into on-chain activities. With MPC Wallet, you can go beyond just checking prices and instead see the holdings associated with any wallet address. It's like having an X-ray machine for the blockchain. All you've got to do is input any supported crypto wallet address, and MPC Wallet scans the chain to showcase every crypto that address holds. This gives you an insider's view into the activities tied to that wallet. Over time, you'll see what tokens it holds and more data to piece together on-chain behavior. It's incredibly powerful. For example, say you wanted to learn about a wallet. Just grab wallet addresses and feed them into MPC Wallet. In seconds, you'll get a snapshot of those wallets, their holdings, and other address links. This helps you analyze the activities and transparency around any group of wallets. The implications are huge. With MPC Wallet, you gain the ability to research and monitor on-chain movements like Never before. It provides a level of transparency that exposes the truth about transactions, holders, projects, and more. Of course, use this tool responsibly, to learn, not to harm. But the insights it unlocks are invaluable for understanding blockchain activities. So if you want more visibility into the decentralized world, be sure to try out the powerful MPC Wallet chat GPT plugin today. It'll change how you explore and analyze blockchain and crypto data.

Smarter Contracts Plugin

Next up, we have the Smarter Contracts plugin. With this handy plugin, you'll gain powerful insights into smart contracts and tokens on the Ethereum network. I'm sure many of you are familiar with smart contracts - these are self-executing agreements on a blockchain that run exactly as programmed. The Smarter Contracts plugin lets you easily analyze these complex transactions. For example, you can input any Ethereum contract address into chat GPT, and the plugin will then provide details on that contract's transactions, token holders, balances, and more. It essentially helps you see what's going on under the hood. This transparency is so important, especially when funds are being locked into protocols you may not fully understand. Beyond contract analysis, the plugin can also summarize the functionality of smart contracts in plain English, so you know what you're getting into. And it can track things like gas fees on Ethereum, so you can optimize transaction costs. The use cases are endless. You can keep up with the latest trends by analyzing emerging DeFi protocols, check if token projects have legitimacy by verifying activity on their contracts, or get a full picture of an NFT collection and its Creators with its powerful blockchain analytics capabilities. Smarter Contracts turns chat GPT into your personal Web3 research assistant. The plugin connects you to on-chain data that reveals the inner workings of contracts that were previously opaque and hard to grasp. So if you're active in the decentralized space, be sure to check it out.

Coin Market Cap Plugin

One of the most useful chat GPT plugins for cryptocurrency is Coin Market Cap. This handy plugin gives chat GPT direct access to Coin Market Cap's massive database of crypto information, letting you instantly get the latest data on thousands of cryptocurrencies right within your conversation. For example, you can ask chat GPT to fetch the Current price, market cap, trading volume, and other key metrics for major coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Dogecoin. It'll pull that data directly from Coin Market Cap and display it for you in seconds. Beyond just current stats, you can also get historical price and market data from Coin Market Cap through chat GPT. Want to know how a token's market cap has changed over the past month? Or check the 30-day high and low price for a coin? Just ask chat GPT, and it'll crunch the numbers courtesy of Coin Market Cap. This makes researching and analyzing crypto trends a breeze. The plugin even lets you get aggregate market data like the total global crypto market cap, trading volume across exchanges, and more. Stay up to date on the macro environment in crypto without having to dig through multiple sources. And it's not just stats—chat GPT can also tap Coin Market Cap to get Relevant crypto news and articles with the plugin. Ask it to Show you the latest news about a DeFi hack or find the top trending Bitcoin articles on Coin Market Cap. It's useful for staying on top of the 24/7 crypto news cycle. If you spend any amount of time researching cryptocurrencies, the Coin Market Cap plugin is a must-have.

Portfolios Lab Plugin

Finally, we have the Portfolios Lab plugin, which is an exciting tool that lets you analyze stocks, funds, and crypto like a Wall Street pro. This plugin connects chat GPT with Portfolio Lab's powerful analytics, getting insights into an investment's risk, returns, drawdowns, and more. For example, you can get a detailed rundown of historical performance, volatility, Sharpe ratio, and max drawdowns. Just enter the symbol, and the plugin will crunch the numbers and explain the results in plain English. You'll get key risk metrics, return ratios, and easy-to-understand summaries. These are just a few examples of the invaluable insights you can get. Whether you're researching an investment, building a portfolio, or just want to learn, this plugin is a game-changer. Anytime you need financial analysis explained clearly, let the power of AI work for you with Portfolios Lab and chat GPT.


In conclusion, chat GPT plugins have revolutionized the way we analyze and understand the world of crypto and blockchain. The plugins we discussed in this article, including Crypto Pulse, DeFi Llama, MPC Wallet, Smarter Contracts, Coin Market Cap, and Portfolios Lab, provide unique and valuable insights that can significantly enhance your investing and research experience. These tools empower you with specialized knowledge, market intelligence, analytics, transparency, and discovery. They integrate seamlessly with chat GPT, turning it into your personal AI assistant equipped with specialized knowledge to level up your blockchain Journey. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced crypto enthusiast, these plugins will amplify your crypto knowledge and help you make smarter investing decisions. So, try them out for yourself and take AdVantage of the powerful capabilities they offer. Happy exploring!


  • Turbocharge your crypto experience with chat GPT plugins
  • Gain valuable insights, data, and knowledge on blockchain and crypto
  • Plugins like Crypto Pulse, DeFi Llama, MPC Wallet, Smarter Contracts, Coin Market Cap, and Portfolios Lab
  • Understand news impact, analyze DeFi protocols, dive into on-chain activities, analyze smart contracts, access crypto data, and perform financial analysis
  • Make smarter investing decisions and level up your blockchain journey
  • Seamlessly integrate plugins with chat GPT for a personalized AI assistant
  • Empower your crypto research and investing with specialized tools


Q: Can I use these chat GPT plugins for free?

A: The availability and pricing of these chat GPT plugins vary. Some may have a free version with limited features, while others may require a subscription or payment for full access. You can check the respective plugin's Website or documentation for more information on pricing.

Q: Are these plugins compatible with different blockchain networks?

A: The plugins Mentioned in this article are primarily designed for blockchain networks like Ethereum. However, compatibility may vary depending on the specific plugin and its development. It's always recommended to check the plugin's documentation or contact the plugin developer for compatibility information with other blockchain networks.

Q: How can these chat GPT plugins help me in my crypto investments?

A: These plugins offer various functionalities that can enhance your crypto investments. For example, they provide real-time market updates, analysis of DeFi protocols, insights into smart contracts, on-chain transaction visibility, and data on cryptocurrencies. By leveraging these tools, you can make more informed investment decisions and stay updated on the latest trends and developments in the crypto market.

Q: Can I use these chat GPT plugins with other AI assistants or platforms?

A: The compatibility of these plugins with other AI assistants or platforms may vary. Most of the plugins discussed in this article are specifically designed to integrate with chat GPT. However, you can explore the documentation or contact the plugin developer to Inquire about compatibility with other AI assistants or platforms.

Q: Are these chat GPT plugins suitable for beginners in the crypto space?

A: Yes, these plugins can be useful for beginners in the crypto space as they provide valuable insights, data, and analysis on various aspects of the blockchain and crypto ecosystem. They can help beginners understand market trends, assess the performance of crypto assets, and gain a deeper understanding of decentralized finance.

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