Unleash the Power of Landbot for WhatsApp

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Unleash the Power of Landbot for WhatsApp

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Why Use WhatsApp for Business Growth
  3. Understanding the WhatsApp Ecosystem
    • The WhatsApp Normal App
    • The WhatsApp Business App
    • The WhatsApp Business Platform API
  4. Getting Started with Whatsapp Business API
    • Admin Access to Facebook Business Manager
    • Phone Number Verification
    • Business-Initiated and User-Initiated Conversations
    • Opt-In Policy
  5. Building a WhatsApp Chatbot
    • Greeting Message
    • Interactive Buttons
    • Sending Files and Videos
  6. Promoting Your WhatsApp Channel
    • Determining Entry Points
    • Organic Entry Points
    • Paid Entry Points
  7. Success Stories and Case Studies
  8. Creating Agency-Owned Events or Webinars
    • Requirements and Application Process
  9. FAQ

Building Business Growth with WhatsApp

WhatsApp is more than just a messaging app. With over 2 billion users worldwide, it has become a powerful tool for businesses to engage and Interact with their customers. In this article, we will explore how WhatsApp can be used to drive business growth. We'll cover topics such as the benefits of using WhatsApp, the different types of WhatsApp platforms, and how to build a successful WhatsApp chatbot. Additionally, we'll share some tips and tricks for promoting your clients' WhatsApp channels and showcase a success story from one of our agency partners. So let's dive in and discover the potential of WhatsApp for business growth.

1. Introduction

Welcome to the world of WhatsApp for business growth. In this article, we will explore how WhatsApp, with its 2 billion users worldwide, can be a powerful tool for businesses. Whether You are an agency looking to offer WhatsApp services to your clients or a business owner wanting to harness the power of WhatsApp, this article will provide you with essential insights and strategies. We will cover various topics, including the benefits of using WhatsApp, the different WhatsApp platforms, and how you can build a successful WhatsApp chatbot. So sit back, relax, and get ready to discover the tremendous potential of WhatsApp for business growth.

2. Why Use WhatsApp for Business Growth

WhatsApp is not just a messaging app; it's a platform that can drive business growth in many ways. With over 2 billion users worldwide, WhatsApp offers a unique opportunity to connect with your target audience. Here are some reasons why you should consider using WhatsApp for business growth:

  • Massive User Base: With over 2 billion users, WhatsApp gives you access to a vast audience.
  • Conversational Experience: 70% of people prefer to communicate with businesses as they do with friends and family. WhatsApp provides an intuitive and conversational experience, making it easy to engage with your customers.
  • Automation at Scale: Using WhatsApp as a business platform, you can automate and deliver conversational experiences at scale while maintaining the quality of communication.
  • Enhanced Engagement: WhatsApp boasts high open rates and engagement rates. By using WhatsApp, you can ensure your messages reach your audience and capture their Attention.

In the following sections, we will dive deeper into the different WhatsApp platforms and explore how you can leverage them for business growth.

3. Understanding the WhatsApp Ecosystem

To fully understand the potential of WhatsApp for business growth, it's essential to grasp the different types of WhatsApp platforms. WhatsApp offers three main platforms: the WhatsApp Normal App, the WhatsApp Business App, and the WhatsApp Business Platform API.

The WhatsApp Normal App

The WhatsApp Normal App, which most people are familiar with, is used for personal communication. It allows users to send messages, make calls, and share media with friends and family. While this platform is not designed for businesses, it sets the stage for the next two platforms.

The WhatsApp Business App

The WhatsApp Business App is specifically designed for small businesses. It enables businesses to have one-on-one conversations in real-time with their customers. With features like automated greetings, quick replies, and labels, the WhatsApp Business App facilitates efficient and professional communication.

The WhatsApp Business Platform API

The WhatsApp Business Platform API is the most powerful tool for businesses. It allows third-party software, like Lambot, to connect to WhatsApp and Create chatbots. Using the WhatsApp Business Platform API, businesses can automate conversations and deliver personalized experiences at scale.

In this article, we will focus on the WhatsApp Business Platform API and how you can harness its potential for business growth.

4. Getting Started with WhatsApp Business API

To get started with WhatsApp Business API, there are a few key steps you need to follow. Let's go through them:

Admin Access to Facebook Business Manager

To use WhatsApp Business API, you must have admin access to your client's Facebook Business Manager. This is where you will manage your WhatsApp Business account and set up integrations.

Phone Number Verification

To connect your chatbot to WhatsApp, you will need an active phone number that can receive SMS or phone calls for verification purposes. This ensures that you are the rightful owner of the phone number and can proceed with the integration.

Business-Initiated and User-Initiated Conversations

WhatsApp distinguishes between two types of conversations: business-initiated and user-initiated. In a 24-hour window after the user initiates a conversation, businesses can have multiple back-and-forth messages. However, after 24 hours, a new conversation will begin if the user interacts again. Business-initiated conversations require a pre-approved template for WhatsApp to ensure compliance with their policies.

Opt-In Policy

For business-initiated conversations, you need the user's opt-in. This means they have given you permission to contact them on WhatsApp. You can Collect opt-ins through various means, including Website forms, checkboxes, and bot interactions. By obtaining opt-ins, you ensure a high-quality user experience and maintain compliance with WhatsApp policies.

In the next sections, we will explore how you can build a WhatsApp chatbot and engage your audience effectively.

5. Building a WhatsApp Chatbot

The key to successful business growth with WhatsApp lies in building an engaging and interactive chatbot. In this section, we will guide you through the process of creating a WhatsApp chatbot step by step.

Greeting Message

The first interaction with your audience is crucial. Start by crafting a warm and personalized greeting message that reflects your brand's tone and style. A simple "Happy Holidays" or a customized greeting Based on the user's name can leave a positive impression and set the stage for further engagement.

Interactive Buttons

To make the conversation interactive, use buttons that prompt users to take specific actions. For example, you can ask users if they want to see your product catalog or subscribe to your newsletter. By providing clear and engaging options, you can guide users through the chatbot Journey and meet their needs efficiently.

Sending Files and Videos

WhatsApp allows you to send files and videos within the chatbot conversation. Utilize this feature to share Relevant content with your audience. Whether it's a product catalog, a demo video, or a tutorial, visual content can enhance the user experience and drive engagement.

By following these steps, you can create a WhatsApp chatbot that provides a seamless and personalized experience for your audience. Remember to maintain compliance with WhatsApp policies and ensure opt-ins for business-initiated conversations.

6. Promoting Your WhatsApp Channel

Now that you have built a WhatsApp chatbot, it's time to promote your clients' WhatsApp channels and drive traffic to engage with the chatbot. In this section, we will explore different strategies and entry points to maximize the reach and impact of WhatsApp.

Determining Entry Points

To effectively promote your clients' WhatsApp channels, you need to identify the most impactful entry points. Start by understanding your customers' journey and pinpointing where WhatsApp can enhance their experience. Is it in the pre-purchase stage, during the purchase process, or in post-purchase support?

Organic Entry Points

Organic entry points refer to non-paid methods of driving traffic to your clients' WhatsApp channels. Some examples include:

  • Adding a "Click to WhatsApp" link in bios, websites, or social media profiles.
  • Including the WhatsApp button on your clients' Facebook pages to encourage direct messaging.
  • Providing a "Contact Us" button on websites that redirects users to WhatsApp.
  • Utilizing QR codes to allow users to easily access the chatbot conversation.

By strategically placing these entry points, you can increase the visibility and accessibility of your clients' WhatsApp channels.

Paid Entry Points

In addition to organic methods, paid advertising can also be an effective way to promote your clients' WhatsApp channels. Platforms like Facebook allow you to run ads that directly link to WhatsApp. By targeting your desired audience and crafting compelling ad copy, you can drive targeted traffic to your clients' chatbot and generate valuable leads.

Remember to continually assess and optimize your entry points to maximize engagement and conversions. Test different strategies and monitor the results to refine your approach.

7. Success Stories and Case Studies

To illustrate the power of WhatsApp for business growth, let's take a look at a success story from one of our agency partners. Last week, one of our top agency partners organized an event to showcase the value of WhatsApp for their clients. The event attracted clients from various industries, including e-commerce, universities, and retail.

During the event, our representative shared insights about Lambert and how it can drive specific and business-related conversations on WhatsApp. The results were remarkable. The agency generated three new WhatsApp clients on the spot and secured over 10 meeting invitations to discuss further opportunities. The success of this event continues, with more meetings being scheduled and an ongoing demand to explore WhatsApp as a growth tool.

This success story highlights the tremendous potential of offering WhatsApp services to your clients. By organizing events or webinars focusing on WhatsApp, you can generate quality business meetings and expand your client base.

8. Creating Agency-Owned Events or Webinars

Inspired by the success of our agency partner's event, We Are extending the opportunity for all our partners to host their own agency-owned events or webinars. If you have 10 or more high-potential clients interested in WhatsApp, we can collaborate to create a customized session that highlights the value of WhatsApp and Lambot. Through these events, you can generate business meetings, discover new opportunities, and even secure clients directly.

To kickstart this process, please send an email to Partnerships@lambot.io with your interest and information. Our Head of Partnerships, Victoria, will review your application and guide you through the process. Don't worry if you don't have 10 clients yet; we can explore alternative options and create a tailored plan for your needs.

9. FAQ

Q: Can I connect a chatbot to other CRMs or databases? A: Yes, you can connect a chatbot to any CRM or database that supports REST API connectivity. Lambot also offers integration capabilities and an easy-to-use API for seamless integration with your preferred platforms.

Q: What kind of number can we use for the WhatsApp chatbot? A: You can use any active phone number that can receive SMS or phone calls for verification purposes. This can be a virtual number, a landline, or a SIM card. The choice is yours.

Q: How long will my message take to get approved? A: Typically, message approval is quick, often within minutes. However, it's recommended to allow up to 48 hours to account for potential revisions and ensure a smooth campaign launch.

Q: Can I run Facebook ads to direct people to WhatsApp, and does it count as an opt-in? A: Yes, you can run Facebook ads that direct people to WhatsApp. However, clicking on the ad alone does not count as an opt-in. Opt-in is obtained during the conversation flow, where users can explicitly subscribe to your WhatsApp channel.

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions. If you have more queries or need additional information, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team or refer to our comprehensive resources available in your Lambert account.


  • WhatsApp offers tremendous potential for business growth with over 2 billion users worldwide.
  • Building a WhatsApp chatbot can enhance customer engagement and drive conversions.
  • Organic and paid promotion strategies can drive traffic to your clients' WhatsApp channels.
  • Success stories showcase the effectiveness of WhatsApp in generating business growth.
  • Agency-owned events or webinars can be a powerful tool to acquire new clients and showcase the value of WhatsApp.
  • Integration capabilities with various CRM systems allow for seamless workflow between platforms.
  • Quick message approval and the ability to run Facebook ads redirecting to WhatsApp contribute to a comprehensive growth strategy.


Q: Can I connect a chatbot to other CRMs or databases?

Yes, Lambot provides integration capabilities with various CRMs and databases that support REST API connectivity. This allows for seamless workflow and data synchronization between systems.

Q: What kind of number can be used for the WhatsApp chatbot?

You can use any active phone number that can receive SMS or phone calls for verification purposes. The number can be a virtual number, a landline, or a SIM card.

Q: How long does it take for a message to get approved?

Typically, message approval is quick and can be within minutes. However, it's recommended to allow up to 48 hours to account for potential revisions and ensure a smooth campaign launch.

Q: Can I run Facebook ads to direct people to WhatsApp, and does it count as an opt-in?

Yes, Facebook ads can be used to direct people to WhatsApp. However, clicking on the ad alone does not count as an opt-in. Opt-in is obtained during the conversation flow, where users can explicitly subscribe to your WhatsApp channel.

Q: Are there resources available to learn more about Lambert's functionalities and WhatsApp integration?

Yes, Lambot provides a comprehensive knowledge base, academy training, a blog, and a YouTube channel with tutorials to help you explore and make the most of the functionalities Lambert offers.

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