Unleash your imagination with solo D&D adventures

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Unleash your imagination with solo D&D adventures

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Concept of Solo TTRPGs
  3. Introducing "The Solo Adventurer's Toolbox"
  4. Gameplay Mechanics for Solo D&D
    • The Oracle
    • The 6d12 Method
    • Random Tables
  5. Creating Characters and Adventures
  6. Running Combat and Encounters
  7. Tips for Solo Play
  8. My Solo Gameplay Experience
  9. Is Solo Play Worth It?
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the concept of playing Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) solo, also known as solo TTRPGs (Tabletop Role-Playing Games). While playing D&D with a group of friends has always been the norm, there are several reasons why someone might want to play alone. Whether it's due to a lack of available players, a desire to try out new characters or adventures, or simply a preference for solo play, the world of solo TTRPGs has gained popularity over the years.

The Concept of Solo TTRPGs

Solo TTRPGs may seem like a strange concept to those accustomed to playing in groups. However, the history of one-player roleplaying games stretches back decades, with choose-your-own-adventure books and popular solitaire RPG adventures paving the way. In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in solo TTRPGs, with games like "Tunnels & Trolls" incorporating solo gameplay into the Core system.

Introducing "The Solo Adventurer's Toolbox"

One resource that stands out for solo D&D gameplay is "The Solo Adventurer's Toolbox" by Paul Bimler. This book, available as two separate volumes or as a bundled set, provides a flexible system for solo play that mimics a DM-guided experience through an open world. Unlike pre-built adventures or choose-your-own-adventure books, "The Solo Adventurer's Toolbox" offers a collection of tools designed to adapt D&D into a solo game.

Gameplay Mechanics for Solo D&D

Playing D&D solo requires a different approach to gameplay mechanics. Instead of having a DM set the scene, provide information, and answer questions, solo play relies on random dice rolls and the use of various mechanics. The Oracle is a question and answer mechanic that helps answer yes or no questions. The 6d12 method is an optional system that quickly generates details for map areas. Random tables provide a wealth of information, from generating NPCs and settlements to adding random events and items to the game.

Creating Characters and Adventures

Just like in group D&D, solo play requires the creation of characters. Players can choose to play one or multiple characters, allowing for more dynamic interactions. Additionally, players have the freedom to choose the kind of adventure they want to have, whether by selecting a specific set-up or rolling on Quest tables to Create an adventure from scratch. "The Solo Adventurer's Toolbox" provides resources and tables to generate ideas and answer questions during character and adventure creation.

Running Combat and Encounters

Running combat without a DM can be challenging, but "The Solo Adventurer's Toolbox" offers guidance and rolling tables to determine monster motivations, tactics, and actions. These tables inject an element of unpredictability into combat encounters, making solo play exciting and engaging. Players have the freedom to make their own choices and control the outcome of the game, deviating from the rules when it suits their preferences.

Tips for Solo Play

To make the most of solo play, it is recommended to set aside dedicated time and find a quiet space to fully immerse oneself in the game. Taking notes throughout the game helps in keeping track of important details. Although solo play is different from group play, players have complete control over the game and can change any aspect that doesn't contribute to their enjoyment. Solo play can also be used as a brainstorming technique to develop ideas for group games.

My Solo Gameplay Experience

To provide a firsthand account of solo gameplay, I tried out "The Solo Adventurer's Toolbox" using two familiar characters, Nymwen and Na'Krasha. We embarked on an adventure to deliver an ancient necromantic Tome to the king of Thethia. Through the use of rolling tables, the Oracle, and random encounters, we experienced combat, encountered surprising NPCs, and unravelled a Hidden secret. Overall, the solo gameplay experience was enjoyable and offered a different perspective on D&D.

Is Solo Play Worth It?

Whether solo play is worth pursuing depends on individual preferences. While it may not fully replicate the experience of playing with a group, solo play offers a unique opportunity for creativity, control, and flexibility. "The Solo Adventurer's Toolbox" provides a comprehensive set of tools and resources that make solo play accessible and enjoyable, particularly for beginners. Solo play can be a valuable addition to a DM's toolkit and can also serve as a means of brainstorming and developing ideas for group games.


Solo TTRPGs offer a different approach to playing D&D, allowing individuals to embark on adventures alone. "The Solo Adventurer's Toolbox" provides a practical and flexible system for solo play, with its rolling tables, random encounters, and guidance on creating characters and adventures. While it may not replace the experience of playing with a group, solo play offers a fun and engaging alternative for those seeking to explore the world of D&D on their own terms. So why not give it a try and see where your solo adventures lead you?

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