Unleashing ChatGPT in Academia: Tool or Cheating Hack?

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Unleashing ChatGPT in Academia: Tool or Cheating Hack?

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Impact of Chat GPT in the Academic Setting
    • 2.1 Students' Use of AI for Schoolwork
    • 2.2 How Universities Might Adapt
    • 2.3 The Potential Losses Along the Way
  3. Interview with Simon Loosen: Journalist and Teacher at the University of Toronto
    • 3.1 Initial Panic and Concerns
    • 3.2 Understanding the Technology: What is Chat GPT?
    • 3.3 Why Professors Are Concerned About Students Using Chat GPT
    • 3.4 Different Ways Students Use Chat GPT
    • 3.5 The Need for Clear Policies on Chat GPT Usage
  4. Raising the Bar: Setting Higher Academic Standards
    • 4.1 Shifting Assignment Expectations
    • 4.2 Embracing Original Thought and Critical Thinking
    • 4.3 Reassessing the Value of Academic Essays
  5. Comparing Chat GPT to Calculators: A Tool for Learning
    • 5.1 Abhinash's Comparison
    • 5.2 Seeing Chat GPT as a Tool, Not a Threat
  6. Perspectives from Professors
    • 6.1 Benjamin Allery: Embracing Chat GPT in Legal Education
    • 6.2 The Positive Outlook: Using Chat GPT Effectively
  7. Reflections on the Losses and Gains
    • 7.1 The Loss of Intellectual Independence
    • 7.2 Coexisting with Chat GPT
    • 7.3 Grieving the Changes in the Academic Experience
  8. Conclusion

The Impact of Chat GPT in the Academic Setting

The use of Generative AI, specifically Chat GPT, has garnered significant Attention in recent times. While the initial hype may have died down, the technology itself continues to have an impact on the academic experience. With one in five post-secondary students admitting to using AI for schoolwork, a closer examination is needed to understand the implications, adaptations by colleges and universities, and the potential losses that may arise along the way.

Interview with Simon Loosen: Journalist and Teacher at the University of Toronto

I had the opportunity to interview Simon Loosen, a journalist and teacher at the University of Toronto, who provided insights into the arrival of Chat GPT in the post-secondary setting. Simon shared his initial panic and concerns when realizing the potential use of this technology by students. The Core of the panic stemmed from the idea that the fundamental academic task, the essay, could now be outsourced to robots, leaving little for students to do and for teachers to teach.

Understanding the Technology: What is Chat GPT?

Simon shed light on the nature of Chat GPT, describing it as a machine designed to predict the likely next word in a sentence. By studying vast amounts of written text, including the entire internet, Chat GPT can generate plausible sentences, mimicking the style of an academic essay. While it lacks true thinking or idea synthesis, it can still produce a decent piece of work, potentially raising concerns for educators.

Concerns of Professors: Loss of Slow Thinking and Intellectualism

The use of Chat GPT raises the question of what students will do if essays are no longer expected. The academic essay, as the centerpiece of university assignments, allows students to Read widely, synthesize thoughts, and present them coherently. By outsourcing essays to robots or resorting to in-class exams, which prioritize knowledge recall rather than deep thinking, the education system may lose the value of slow, careful thinking and intellectualism.

Different Ways Students Use Chat GPT

Simon acknowledged that students adopt various approaches when using Chat GPT. While some engage in outright cheating by submitting essays generated by the technology, others use it as a sparring partner to enhance their creative thinking and critique their ideas. Additionally, students develop personalized codes of conduct, balancing the benefits and potential drawbacks of using Chat GPT. These nuanced approaches blur the line between cheating and leveraging the technology to optimize their intellectual experience.

The Need for Clear Policies on Chat GPT Usage

The lack of clear policies regarding Chat GPT usage in educational institutions adds to the complexity of the situation. Most schools have ambiguous statements regarding its usage, leaving professors and students uncertain about what is allowed and what is considered cheating. Clear guidelines are necessary to address the ethical implications and regulate its use effectively.

Raising the Bar: Setting Higher Academic Standards

To mitigate the challenges posed by Chat GPT, academic standards need to be elevated. Professors must design assignments that push students to engage in original thought and produce work that surpasses what a machine can generate. Rather than asking generic questions, assignments should encourage students to analyze complex issues, make connections, and Apply knowledge in innovative ways.

Embracing Original Thought and Critical Thinking

The focus should shift from repetitive essays to assignments that necessitate independent thinking and the exploration of Novel ideas. By fostering intellectual independence, universities can nurture students who contribute meaningfully to academic conversations. This shift requires rewarding students for exceeding the capabilities of AI, encouraging them to go beyond what machines can achieve.

Reassessing the Value of Academic Essays

With Chat GPT capable of producing essays that would have earned high grades in the past, the value attributed to these assignments needs reevaluation. Writing essays that machines can complete in seconds becomes an exercise devoid of significant value. Ensuring that essays demand genuine critical thought and offer a higher level of analysis can help restore the importance of human-driven academic work.

Comparing Chat GPT to Calculators: A Tool for Learning

Drawing a Parallel between Chat GPT and calculators, the conversation around the technology's impact takes a more positive turn. Just as calculators were initially seen as threats to learning math, they eventually became valued tools. Similarly, Chat GPT can be viewed as a tool that aids learning, helping students overcome Writer's block, generate ideas, and refine their arguments. When used appropriately, Chat GPT enhances the learning process rather than undermining it.

Perspectives from Professors

Benjamin Allery, a professor at the University of Toronto's Faculty of Law, provides an alternative perspective. He believes that the question for lawyers of the future is not whether to use Chat GPT but how to use it effectively. By leveraging the technology to streamline legal research and drafting, lawyers can deliver high-quality work efficiently. Embracing Chat GPT becomes an ethical obligation to provide the best possible services to clients.

Reflections on the Losses and Gains

While coexisting with Chat GPT may seem like the logical path forward, it is essential to acknowledge the losses incurred in this transition. The loss of radical intellectual independence, a hallmark of the undergraduate experience, is a cause for concern. As human minds become increasingly intertwined with machines, the fear is that independent thinking may diminish. Although the arrival of Chat GPT warrants acceptance, it is crucial to grieve the changes and strive to preserve intellectual independence.

In conclusion, the impact of Chat GPT on the academic experience necessitates further exploration. Clear policies, the elevation of academic standards, and a nuanced understanding of the technology's role are crucial for universities and colleges to adapt effectively. Embracing Chat GPT as a tool for learning and leveraging its capabilities responsibly can pave the way for a future where humans and AI complement each other in the pursuit of knowledge.

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