Unleashing Your Imagination: Drawing Wizards with GPT-4 and Rivet

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Unleashing Your Imagination: Drawing Wizards with GPT-4 and Rivet

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Excitement of Stick Figures
  3. GPT-4: More than just a language model
  4. Multi-modal models and their significance
  5. Drawing a wizard with GPT-4
  6. How other models perform with the task
  7. The importance of GPT-4's multi-modality
  8. The possibilities of multimodal models in AI
  9. Exploring further with Rivet
  10. Conclusion



Recently, OpenAI made an exciting announcement that GPT-4 would now start supporting images. However, it turns out that GPT-4 has actually been able to support images in some form since its release. The key lies in knowing how to ask it the right questions. In this article, we will Delve into the world of GPT-4 and its ability to understand image data and generate visual representations. We will explore how to make GPT-4 draw stick figures and even turn them into wizards. Additionally, we will examine the significance of multi-modal models and their potential impact on the future of AI.

The Excitement of Stick Figures

When we think of large language models like GPT-4, we often associate them with predicting the next word in a sentence. However, the fact that GPT-4 can understand the peculiar SVG format used to describe shapes and geometries is truly remarkable. This opens up possibilities for generating visual representations using a text-Based model. The ability of GPT-4 to comprehend Spatial reasoning, geometry, and symbolic representation is both intriguing and impressive.

GPT-4: More than just a language model

GPT-4 is not merely a traditional language model; it has been trained not only on text data but also on image data. This multi-modal training enables GPT-4 to have some level of intelligence about visual and spatial reasoning. While text-to-image models like DALL·E have showcased the potential of bridging the gap between language and visuals, GPT-4 takes it even further with its ability to understand image data and Apply its reasoning to visual representations.

Multi-modal models and their significance

The training of GPT-4 with image data introduces the concept of multi-modality. By combining text and image data, GPT-4 becomes a powerful multi-modal model. The integration of visual understanding with language processing opens up new avenues for AI. This multi-modal approach promises to enhance AI's capabilities in spatial reasoning, geometry, and symbolic representation. The success of GPT-4 in generating Meaningful visual outputs demonstrates the potential of multi-modal models in various applications.

Drawing a wizard with GPT-4

Let's explore how GPT-4 can be used to draw a wizard. By providing GPT-4 with a specific task, we can evaluate its understanding and capabilities. We can start by asking GPT-4 to turn a stick figure into a wizard. As humans, we would naturally think of adding a hat and a Wand to the stick figure to transform it into a wizard. By feeding the SVG format generated by GPT-4, we can observe its ability to understand and modify visual representations. The results obtained Show that GPT-4 is not just regurgitating random SVG images but is applying spatial and geometric reasoning to generate meaningful outputs.

How other models perform with the task

To gain a better understanding of GPT-4's performance, let's compare it with other models. We will downgrade to GPT-3.5 Turbo and evaluate how it handles the task of turning a stick figure into a wizard. While GPT-3.5 produces some output, it falls short in terms of spatial reasoning. This highlights the unique capabilities of GPT-4's multi-modal training in understanding and manipulating visual representations. Similarly, the results obtained from Claude, which was not trained on image data, are not as successful as GPT-4.

The importance of GPT-4's multi-modality

The contrast in performance between GPT-4 and other models underscores the significance of its multi-modality. GPT-4's ability to reason spatially and manipulate visual representations is not something that can be attributed to chance or mere mimicry. Its training on image data enables a deeper understanding of geometry and spatial relationships. This makes GPT-4 a truly versatile model, capable of bridging the gap between language and visuals.

The possibilities of multimodal models in AI

The multi-modal nature of GPT-4 opens up a world of possibilities in AI. As models Continue to evolve and gain the ability to reason about both text and images, their applications become limitless. They can assist in various fields where understanding and manipulating visual data is crucial, such as computer vision, robotics, and virtual reality. The Fusion of visual understanding and language processing paves the way for advancements in AI that were once unimaginable.

Exploring further with Rivet

To truly grasp the potential of multimodal models, it is essential to dive deeper and explore their capabilities. Rivet, an open-source visual AI programming environment, provides a platform for experimentation and research. By utilizing Rivet, concepts and ideas presented in research papers can come alive and be tested firsthand. The ability to Interact with multimodal models in a visual environment facilitates a deeper understanding of their intricacies and opens up avenues for innovation.


The integration of image data into large language models like GPT-4 brings about a revolutionary shift in the field of AI. The ability to reason about both language and visuals marks an exciting milestone in the development of AI capabilities. GPT-4's multi-modality and its success in generating meaningful visual outputs showcase the vast potential of multi-modal models. As we continue to explore and refine these models, We Are bound to witness groundbreaking advancements in AI that will reshape various industries and pave the way for a more intelligent future.


  • GPT-4 can generate visual representations using text-based inputs.
  • GPT-4's multi-modal training enhances its spatial reasoning and geometric understanding.
  • The integration of image data in GPT-4 enables it to bridge the gap between language and visuals.
  • Multi-modal models like GPT-4 have endless possibilities in various fields, including computer vision and robotics.
  • Rivet provides a platform to experiment and explore the capabilities of multimodal models.
  • The fusion of visual and linguistic understanding in AI opens up new frontiers for innovation.


Q: How does GPT-4 generate visual representations? A: GPT-4 uses its training on image data to understand the SVG format and manipulate visual elements, allowing it to generate visual outputs.

Q: What makes GPT-4 different from other models? A: GPT-4's multi-modal training sets it apart, as it combines text and image data to reason spatially and comprehend visual representations.

Q: What are the potential applications of multimodal models? A: Multimodal models like GPT-4 can be applied in various fields such as computer vision, robotics, and virtual reality, where understanding visual data is crucial.

Q: Can other models perform as well as GPT-4 in generating visual representations? A: Models like GPT-3.5 and Claude, which were not trained on image data, struggle to perform the task of transforming stick figures into wizards, highlighting GPT-4's unique capabilities.

Q: How can Rivet aid in exploring multimodal models? A: Rivet, an open-source visual AI programming environment, allows researchers and developers to experiment and test the capabilities of multimodal models in a visual environment.

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