Unlock the Hidden Powers of Siri - 10 Tips and Tricks!

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Unlock the Hidden Powers of Siri - 10 Tips and Tricks!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Adjusting Screen Brightness with Siri
  3. Quickly Showing Photos with Siri
  4. Taking Screenshots with Siri
  5. Using Shazam with Siri
  6. Setting Reminders with Siri
  7. Counting Days with Siri
  8. Translating Languages with Siri
  9. Splitting Bills with Siri
  10. Listening to Text with Siri
  11. Fun Siri Tricks
  12. Conclusion


Apple's voice assistant, Siri, has been around for over 10 years, and while it may not be perfect, it continues to improve and surprise users with its capabilities. In this article, we will explore 10 useful things that Siri can do, which many people may not be aware of. Whether it's adjusting your screen brightness, quickly finding and showing photos, or even translating languages, Siri is here to help simplify your everyday tasks. So, let's dive in and discover the Hidden wonders of Siri!

Adjusting Screen Brightness with Siri

Have You ever found yourself in a situation where your iPhone screen suddenly goes dark, and you struggle to make it brighter again? Well, fear not! Siri can come to your rescue. By activating Siri and simply saying, "Set my screen brightness to 100," your screen will be Instantly restored to its normal brightness. You can also specify a percentage or ask Siri to make your screen brighter. This handy feature can be a lifesaver, especially for those with poor eyesight.

Quickly Showing Photos with Siri

Sometimes, you need to illustrate a point or Show someone a photo to enhance your explanation. Instead of going through the usual process of opening your phone, searching for images, and scrolling through them, Siri can save you time and effort. By activating Siri and saying, "Show me photos of [insert search term]," Siri will display Relevant images right on your home screen. Whether it's photos of Nicolas Cage or cute puppies, Siri has got you covered!

Taking Screenshots with Siri

Taking screenshots on your iPhone can be tricky, especially if you struggle with holding multiple buttons simultaneously. But with Siri, capturing your screen becomes effortless. Simply activate Siri and say, "Take a screenshot," and Siri will oblige. The screenshot will appear at the bottom of your screen, just as if you had taken it the traditional way. This feature is a game-changer for those who frequently need to capture specific moments on their devices.

Using Shazam with Siri

If you've ever heard a song but couldn't figure out its title or artist, Siri can help you out. Thanks to the integration of Shazam, Siri can identify songs for you on the spot. All you need to do is activate Siri and ask, "What song is this?" Siri will listen to the song and provide you with its name and artist. This feature is incredibly handy when you're out and about and need to satisfy your Curiosity about a catchy tune.

Setting Reminders with Siri

Reminders are an essential part of staying organized, and Siri makes setting them even easier. Whether you want to be reminded about a specific Website or an email you're currently viewing, Siri can do the job. Start by activating Siri and saying, "Remind me about this in [insert time frame]." Siri will Create a reminder, complete with a link, allowing you to easily revisit the webpage or email when the reminder pops up. This feature is available for select first-party apps like Safari, Apple Mail, Maps, and Notes.

Counting Days with Siri

Planning and counting down to important dates becomes a breeze with Siri. You can ask Siri how many days remain until a specific date or even a major religious festival. For example, trigger Siri and ask, "How many days until Christmas?" Siri will provide you with the countdown. This feature is incredibly useful for keeping track of upcoming events or making sure you don't miss any special occasions.

Translating Languages with Siri

Communication barriers can be frustrating, especially when you're unfamiliar with a foreign language. Thankfully, Siri comes to the rescue with its excellent translation capabilities. By activating Siri and asking, "How do you say [insert phrase] in [insert language]?" Siri will provide you with the translation. Whether you're traveling or trying to communicate with someone, Siri's language translation feature simplifies the process and helps bridge language gaps.

Splitting Bills with Siri

Paying bills and splitting expenses can sometimes be a hassle, but Siri has a neat trick up its sleeve to simplify the process. By asking Siri to split a bill among a specific number of people, it can calculate individual shares and even include tips. For example, say, "Split a bill of $68.17 between three people." Siri will provide you with the breakdown of each person's payment, including various tip percentages. This feature is perfect for dining out or sharing expenses with friends.

Listening to Text with Siri

Reading lengthy Texts or articles on your iPhone can strain your eyes, but Siri can lend a helping voice. After enabling the "Speak Selection" feature in your iPhone's settings, simply select a passage of text, like an email or an article, and activate Siri. Say, "Speak," and Siri will start reading the content aloud. You can pause Siri at any time using voice commands or say, "Stop," to end the reading. This feature is ideal for multitasking or when you simply want to give your eyes a break.

Fun Siri Tricks

Aside from its practical functions, Siri also has a playful side. You can impress your friends and family with a few fun commands, such as saying "Lumos" to switch on your device's flashlight or "Nox" to turn it off, all while feeling like a wizard straight out of Harry Potter. So, if you're a fan of the magical world, don't forget to try these commands and let us know in the comments how it goes!


Siri has come a long way since its initial release and continues to evolve as a helpful voice assistant. From adjusting screen brightness and showing photos to taking screenshots and translating languages, Siri offers a range of useful features. Whether you're an iPhone user or simply curious about the capabilities of voice assistants, Siri is worth exploring and utilizing to simplify your daily tasks. So, go ahead and give these 10 hidden Siri Gems a try, and let Siri become your reliable digital Aide.


  • Siri can adjust screen brightness and volume with simple voice commands.
  • By asking Siri to show specific photos, you can quickly share visual references.
  • With Siri, taking screenshots becomes easier, saving you from complex button combinations.
  • Siri's integration with Shazam allows you to identify songs on the go.
  • Setting reminders and counting down to important dates is a breeze with Siri's assistance.
  • Siri can translate phrases and help bridge language barriers.
  • Splitting bills among friends is made easy with Siri's bill-splitting feature.
  • Siri can Read selected text aloud, providing a hands-free reading experience.
  • Fun tricks like activating the flashlight with magical commands add a playful touch to Siri's functionality.
  • Siri's continuous improvement and expanding features make it a versatile voice assistant worth exploring.


Q: Can Siri adjust the screen brightness on any iPhone? A: Siri can adjust the screen brightness on most iPhones, although some older models may have limited functionality.

Q: Can Siri show photos from specific apps or storage locations? A: Siri can search for and display photos from your iPhone's local storage, as well as synced albums and cloud services like iCloud.

Q: Can Siri take screenshots of specific portions of the screen? A: Currently, Siri can only take screenshots of the entire screen, not specific portions.

Q: Can Siri identify songs in languages other than English? A: Yes, Siri's song identification feature works with songs in various languages.

Q: Can Siri split bills in different currencies? A: Siri can split bills in different currencies as long as the exchange rate is known and accurately provided.

Q: Can Siri provide translations for complex phrases or sentences? A: Siri's translation feature can handle a wide range of phrases and sentences, but complex or nuanced translations may require manual translation tools or human assistance for accuracy.

Q: Can Siri read text from third-party apps or websites? A: Siri's ability to read text aloud depends on the app's compatibility and settings. Some third-party apps may not support this feature.

Q: Can Siri understand and respond to commands in multiple languages? A: Siri has multilingual support and can understand and respond to commands in various languages, although its proficiency may vary.

Q: Can Siri perform other fun tricks or Easter eggs? A: Yes, Siri is filled with hidden surprises and Easter eggs that can entertain and delight users. Experiment and discover the fun for yourself!

Q: Will Siri Continue to receive updates and new features? A: Yes, Apple regularly updates Siri's capabilities and introduces new features to enhance its functionality and user experience.

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