Unlocking the Power of Dalle 3 ChatGPT Plus

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Unlocking the Power of Dalle 3 ChatGPT Plus

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Accessing Dolly 3
  3. Testing Dolly 3 with Prompts
  4. Creating County Map of New Jersey
  5. Generating AI Logo
  6. Creating Photorealistic Image of Elon Musk
  7. Generating Photo of Muscular Female Boxer
  8. Creating Image of Businessman Shaking Hands with School Boy
  9. Creating Educational Diagram of Machine Learning
  10. Attempting to Create Russian Street Sign
  11. Comparison with Mid Journey and Adobe
  12. Conclusion

Introduction: Dolly 3, the latest AI platform developed by OpenAI, has been recently released and has gained significant attention from the public. Many individuals were excited about its capabilities. However, in this article, we are going to provide an objective analysis of Dolly 3 and explore whether it lives up to the high expectations.

Accessing Dolly 3: To access Dolly 3, there are different methods available. One of the ways is to navigate to bing.com and select the free version. However, for a more enhanced experience, it is recommended to pay for Chad GPT 4. By signing in to chat.open.com, users can easily select Dolly 3, which is currently in beta mode. One of the notable features of Dolly 3 is its strong understanding of prompts, owing to the excellent language model of Chad GPT.

Testing Dolly 3 with Prompts: To thoroughly test Dolly 3's capabilities, various intriguing prompts were presented. The first prompt aimed to create a county map of the state of New Jersey. While initially excited, it was disappointing to find that the generated map did not accurately represent the actual counties in New Jersey.

Creating County Map of New Jersey: Prompted to create a futuristic AI logo for a company called "Promo Ambitions AI," Dolly 3 struggled to get the name correctly. However, one of the logo options generated held potential and could be easily refined using professional design software.

Generating AI Logo: The user-friendly aspect of Dolly 3 enables the selection of options on the right-hand side, providing alternative prompts that can be entered into Chad GPT Plus Dolly 3 to obtain similar results. By making small adjustments in software like Photoshop, the logo created using Dolly 3 can be transformed into a remarkable design.

Creating Photorealistic Image of Elon Musk: Attempting to create a photorealistic image of Elon Musk riding a horse, Dolly 3 fell short and stated its inability to generate images of specific public figures. Instead, it offered to create a generic image of a man riding a horse. This limitation restricts the potential for creating artistic depictions involving public figures.

Generating Photo of Muscular Female Boxer: Dolly 3 also struggled when asked to generate a photo of a muscular female boxer. The resulting images resembled poorly-rendered video game characters, with some even depicting males instead of females. This inability to accurately generate images within this specific context raises concerns about its overall effectiveness.

Creating Image of Businessman Shaking Hands with School Boy: To test Dolly 3's ability to depict human hands, a prompt was given to create an image of a businessman shaking hands with a school boy. While the image seemed satisfactory at a glance, a closer examination revealed anatomical inconsistencies between the dimensions of the hands, revealing limitations in Dolly 3's understanding of proportion.

Creating Educational Diagram of Machine Learning: Considering Dolly 3's language understanding capabilities, an attempt was made to create an educational diagram explaining the process of machine learning. However, the generated diagrams were nonsensical and failed to provide any useful explanations. This indicates a lack of coherence and accuracy in its ability to convey complex concepts.

Attempting to Create Russian Street Sign: Dolly 3's performance was also evaluated in the context of language translation and localization. When asked to create a street sign in Russia with the phrase "good night" in Russian, Dolly 3 produced inaccurate translations and failed to replicate the correct spelling. This highlights its limitations in accurately utilizing foreign languages.

Comparison with Mid Journey and Adobe: In comparison to other AI platforms like Mid Journey and Adobe, Dolly 3 falls short in various aspects. Mid Journey, which excels in generating visually appealing and conceptually sound images, offers a more satisfying user experience. Adobe, known for its photo-realistic capabilities, surpasses Dolly 3 in terms of image quality and accuracy. Thus, while Dolly 3 demonstrates potential, it currently ranks below these industry competitors.

Conclusion: In conclusion, while Dolly 3 offers promising features with its integration into Chad GPT, there are areas where it falls short of expectations. Its limitations in accurately generating images, understanding complex prompts, and translating foreign languages hinder its overall performance. Nevertheless, it is important to note that Dolly 3 is still in beta mode, and further improvements may be implemented in the future. It is crucial to consider the strengths and weaknesses of Dolly 3 before determining its suitability for specific tasks.


  1. Dolly 3, the latest AI platform from OpenAI, has generated considerable excitement.
  2. Accessing Dolly 3 involves navigating to chat.open.com and selecting it within the Chad GPT 4 interface.
  3. Dolly 3's understanding of prompts benefits from Chad GPT's language model capabilities.
  4. Testing Dolly 3 with various prompts reveals limitations in generating accurate outputs.
  5. Creating a county map of New Jersey resulted in inaccuracies regarding the actual counties.
  6. Dolly 3 struggled to generate an AI logo accurately and required refinement in professional design software.
  7. The inability of Dolly 3 to create images of specific public figures limits artistic potential.
  8. Generating a photo of a muscular female boxer produced visually unimpressive and inaccurate results.
  9. An image of a businessman shaking hands with a school boy exhibited anatomical inconsistencies.
  10. Attempts to create an educational diagram of machine learning resulted in nonsensical outputs.
  11. Dolly 3's performance in translating and replicating foreign languages showcased limitations.
  12. Dolly 3's performance compared to Mid Journey and Adobe reveals areas where improvement is needed.


Q: Is Dolly 3 able to accurately generate images of specific public figures? A: No, Dolly 3 mentioned its inability to create images of specific public figures like Elon Musk, limiting its potential in this regard.

Q: How does Dolly 3 compare to other AI platforms like Mid Journey and Adobe? A: In terms of generating visually appealing and conceptually accurate images, Dolly 3 falls behind Mid Journey. Adobe, known for its photo-realistic capabilities, outperforms Dolly 3 in terms of image quality and accuracy.

Q: Can Dolly 3 accurately translate foreign languages? A: Dolly 3 struggled to accurately translate and replicate foreign languages, as evidenced by its inaccurate translations of "good night" in Russian.

Q: Are there any notable strengths of Dolly 3? A: Dolly 3 showcases a strong understanding of prompts, thanks to Chad GPT's language model capabilities. Additionally, it offers user-friendly features that allow for the selection of alternative prompts.

Q: Can Dolly 3 accurately Visualize complex concepts like machine learning? A: No, Dolly 3's attempts to create educational diagrams of machine learning resulted in nonsensical outputs, indicating shortcomings in conveying complex concepts.

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