Unlocking the Power of OpenAI's ChatGPT

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Unlocking the Power of OpenAI's ChatGPT

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up the Layout
    1. Deleting Unnecessary Elements
    2. Adding a Repeating List
    3. Creating the Display Page
    4. Organizing the Canvas
    5. Naming the Pages
  3. Modifying the Right Panel
    1. Adding a New Blank Page
    2. Removing the Page Background Color
    3. Adding Elements to the Conversation Details Page
    4. Creating an Event for Opening the Conversation Details Page
    5. Adding Conversations to the Collection
  4. Conclusion

Setting up the Layout of the Dashboard

In this tutorial, we will walk You through the process of setting up the layout of your dashboard using the Mullen project template. The initial template already includes a dashboard, but we will make a few changes to customize it according to our needs.

1. Deleting Unnecessary Elements

The first step is to delete the unnecessary elements from the left panel of the dashboard. This includes removing the "To Do's" and "Profile" buttons, as they are not required for our purposes.

2. Adding a Repeating List

Next, we will insert a repeating list into the left panel. The repeating list will display our list of conversations. We will name it "Conversations" and set the data to come from a collection list that we created earlier called "Conversations."

3. Creating the Display Page

To display the details of each conversation, we need to Create a separate page. We can use the existing page used for list items as a template and make a few modifications. We will copy the outer container from the existing page and paste it into the new page. This will include the styling of the page body. However, we want the new page to take on the background color of the left panel, so we will remove the page body styling.

Next, we will copy the name text box from the existing page and paste it into the container of the new page. We will update the data set up on the text box to retrieve the name field from the conversations collection.

4. Organizing the Canvas

To ensure a clean and organized layout, we will move the conversation row to the left on the canvas. This will Align the elements in a better way. Additionally, we can adjust the size of the page by dragging its edges to make it smaller. Finally, we will name the new page "Conversation Row" for easier identification.

5. Naming the Pages

To distinguish between the different pages in our project, it is important to assign appropriate names. We will name the display page for each conversation "Conversation Details." This will help us refer to the correct page when setting up the flow later on.

By following these steps, we can successfully set up the layout of our dashboard with a list of conversations on the left panel and the selected conversation displayed on the right panel.

Stay tuned for the next lesson, where we will add a chat box to the conversation page and set up the necessary actions for the chat functionality.

Modifying the Right Panel

In the previous lesson, we focused on setting up the layout of the left panel, displaying the list of conversations. Now, we will shift our Attention to the right panel and make some modifications to accommodate the conversation details.

1. Adding a New Blank Page

To begin, we will add a new blank page that will serve as the display page for the conversation details. Similar to the previous step, we will remove the page background color to match the left panel's background.

2. Removing the Page Background Color

By removing the page body styling, the new page will seamlessly Blend with the left panel and adopt its background color. This ensures a Cohesive and visually pleasing layout.

3. Adding Elements to the Conversation Details Page

Next, we will add specific elements to the conversation details page. We will start with a heading, using an h1 tag. This heading will display the name of the conversation, dynamically binding it to the data.

4. Creating an Event for Opening the Conversation Details Page

To enable users to view the details of a conversation, we need to set up an event. By clicking on a conversation row, we will open the respective conversation's details page. This interaction will be handled through a new flow.

5. Adding Conversations to the Collection

To test our setup, we will create a couple of conversations and add them to the conversations collection. Each conversation will include an initial behavior field, which determines the tone and response format when interacting with OpenAI's chat functionality.

Once these modifications are in place, we can preview our dashboard and observe how the left panel displays the list of conversations, with the selected conversation filling the right panel. By clicking on different conversations, their respective details will be shown on the conversation details page.

In the next lesson, we will add a chat box to the conversation page and configure the necessary actions for seamless communication using OpenAI's chat service. Stay tuned!


  • Customizable and organized dashboard layout
  • Clear distinction between conversation list and individual details
  • Seamless navigation between pages
  • Dynamic binding of conversation names


  • Requires manual deletion of unnecessary elements
  • Multiple copy-pasting steps may lead to errors if not executed accurately

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