Unmasking the Hallucinations: Tackling ChatGPT's Challenges

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Unmasking the Hallucinations: Tackling ChatGPT's Challenges

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating a PHP Code Interpreter
  3. Running the PHP Interpreter
  4. Reading and Analyzing CSV Data
  5. Fixing Issues with Data Reading
  6. Preprocessing the Chat Response
  7. Integrating the Interpreter into Chat WTF
  8. Testing with Chat GPT 4 and 3.5
  9. Conclusion


In today's video, we will be discussing the integration of a PHP code interpreter into a chat WTF (What the Function) Git clone project. We previously introduced the PHP code interpreter in the last two videos, which is essentially a reverse-engineered version of the JGBT code interpreter, now known as Advanced Data Analysis.

Creating a PHP Code Interpreter

In the previous video, we created a PHP code interpreter that allows us to run PHP code in a terminal application. The interpreter is Based on the JGBT code interpreter and can process user-provided data from files. It provides visualization capabilities and allows for writing and reading files in the data directory.

Running the PHP Interpreter

To demonstrate the functionality of the PHP code interpreter, we will use a sample CSV file containing information about hurricanes from different years and months. By running the interpreter and providing the file name, we can generate graphs that display yearly data for the hurricanes.

Reading and Analyzing CSV Data

When running the interpreter, we encountered an issue where the interpreter assumed the file's format without checking it first. This resulted in incorrect data analysis. To address this, we added a prompt to check the file's format before processing it.

Fixing Issues with Data Reading

We encountered another issue where the interpreter did not Read the file despite the prompt. To resolve this, we created a function in the chat GBT library called "read file Contents." This function takes in the file name and the number of lines to read. It checks if the file exists, is readable, and returns the content.

Preprocessing the Chat Response

We noticed that the chat GBT sometimes hallucinated function names, leading to invalid JSON responses. To address this, we introduced a function to preprocess the chat response. It removes disallowed characters from function names and handles instances where the code is returned within a dictionary.

Integrating the Interpreter into Chat WTF

After ensuring the functionality of the PHP code interpreter, we aim to integrate it into the chat WTF Git clone project. This will allow the chat GPT to run PHP code and generate visualizations based on user queries.

Testing with Chat GPT 4 and 3.5

We tested the integration with both Chat GPT versions 4 and 3.5. Although we encountered some issues with JSON formatting in both cases, we were able to resolve them. Overall, both versions successfully processed the PHP code and generated the desired graphs.


In conclusion, we have successfully created and integrated a PHP code interpreter into the chat WTF Git clone project. This integration enables users to run PHP code and Visualize the data based on their queries, enhancing the functionality of the chat application in analyzing and displaying information.

Please note that this article is a summary of the video content. For a more detailed explanation and demonstration, we recommend watching the video.


  1. Integration of a PHP code interpreter into Chat WTF Git clone project
  2. Creating a reverse-engineered PHP code interpreter based on JGBT
  3. Running PHP code and generating visualizations
  4. Analyzing and processing CSV data
  5. Identifying and resolving issues with file reading and JSON formatting
  6. Preprocessing chat response to handle function name hallucination
  7. Testing integration with Chat GPT versions 4 and 3.5


Q: What is the purpose of the PHP code interpreter? A: The PHP code interpreter allows users to run PHP code within the chat WTF application, providing dynamic functionality and the ability to process data and generate visualizations.

Q: Can the interpreter handle large CSV files? A: Yes, the interpreter can handle large CSV files. However, it is recommended to specify the number of lines to read to avoid loading the entire file into memory.

Q: Why did the interpreter assume the file format without checking it first? A: The initial implementation lacked a prompt to check the file format before processing it. This was addressed by adding a step to verify the file format to avoid incorrect data analysis.

Q: How did the preprocessing of the chat response fix invalid JSON formatting? A: The preprocessing function removed disallowed characters from function names and handled cases where the code was returned within a dictionary. This ensured the generation of valid JSON responses.

Q: Are there any limitations to using Chat GPT 4 or 3.5 for the integration? A: While both Chat GPT 4 and 3.5 were successfully used for testing, issues were encountered with JSON formatting. These issues were resolved through preprocessing and adjusting the code accordingly. However, it is essential to note that future updates to Chat GPT or variations in API responses may require further adjustments.

Q: How can users benefit from the integration of the PHP code interpreter into Chat WTF? A: With the PHP code interpreter integrated into Chat WTF, users can run PHP code, process data, and generate visualizations directly within the chat application. This enhances the functionality of the application for data analysis and presentation.

Q: Can the PHP code interpreter handle other file formats besides CSV? A: Currently, the PHP code interpreter is designed to process CSV files. However, with further development and customization, it can be expanded to handle other file formats as well.

Q: How can users upload files to the interpreter within the chat application? A: In the final implementation of the chat WTF application, users will be able to upload files through the interface. Once uploaded, the interpreter can read and process the file accordingly.

Q: Is there a timeout mechanism in place to handle hanging states or long response times from the Chat GPT API? A: While a timeout mechanism was not mentioned in the provided content, it is crucial to implement a timeout feature within the integration to prevent the application from waiting indefinitely for a response. The timeout can trigger automatic retries or provide an appropriate error message to the user.

Q: What is the significance of using Chat GPT 4 over 3.5 or vice versa? A: The choice between Chat GPT 4 and 3.5 depends on the specific requirements and capabilities of the desired integration. Testing with both versions helped identify any differences or issues that arose during the implementation process. Ultimately, the chosen version should provide optimal performance and compatibility with the application's requirements.

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