Unraveling Ownership of AI Generative NFT Art

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Unraveling Ownership of AI Generative NFT Art

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Rise of AI-Generated Art
  3. Understanding Generative Art
  4. Copyright Issues Surrounding AI-Generated Art
  5. Country-Specific Copyright Laws
  6. The Role of AI Tools in NFT Art Creation
  7. Different Categories of Generative NFT Art
  8. The Complexity of Copyright Ownership
  9. Tools for Creating Generative NFTs
  10. The Ideal State of Copyright Ownership in Generative NFT Art

The Rise of AI-Generated Art and Copyright Ownership

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant strides in recent years, even to the point where computers can generate art that is nearly indistinguishable from human-made creations. This raises an important question: who owns the copyright to AI-generated art? While it's clear that a computer can produce art, the ownership rights associated with the AI's output are still a matter of debate. In this article, we'll explore the concept of generative art, its relevance to NFT Creators, and the challenges surrounding copyright ownership in the realm of AI-generated art.


AI-generated art has become increasingly prevalent in the NFT (non-fungible token) space. NFT art collections often feature thousands of images, with slight variations in elements such as hats, colors, or accessories. However, the question arises: do these AI-generated artworks have copyright protection? On one HAND, these collections are composed of various layers of art, similar to using layers in software like Photoshop. But does this mean they are copyrighted? This article aims to Delve into the issue of copyright ownership in the Context of Generative AI art, specifically in the United States.

The Rise of AI-Generated Art

Computers equipped with advanced algorithms can now generate truly remarkable works of art. One example of this is the Wombo Art app, which allows users to input words or phrases and generates unique images Based on those inputs. By selecting a style and hitting "Create," users can witness the AI algorithm generating breathtaking and surreal pieces of art. This Type of generative art demonstrates the true power of AI in the creative space.

Understanding Generative Art

Generative art refers to computer programs that generate UI elements and visuals through AI algorithms. These programs create art by combining various parameters, resulting in unique and diverse compositions. The blending of different layers and elements produces endless possibilities, with each generated piece possessing its own distinct characteristics.

Copyright Issues Surrounding AI-Generated Art

The copyright issues associated with generative AI art are complex and vary across different countries. In the United Kingdom, copyright protection for AI-generated works falls to the individuals who created the software or made the necessary arrangements for the AI to generate the art. However, in Spain and Germany, copyright protections are exclusively offered to human authors. The United States presents an interesting case, as copyright protections for AI-generated works are not offered at all. The work is instead classified as public domain unless a court rules that protection should be granted to individuals at the heart of the creation process. This ambiguity underscores the need for clear guidance on copyright ownership in the realm of AI-generated art.

Country-Specific Copyright Laws

Each country has its own interpretation of copyright ownership when it comes to AI-generated works. For instance, India and New Zealand consider authorship to be attributable solely to the programmer, while the artist's input may hold little relevance. These differing approaches create a challenging landscape for artists and developers seeking copyright protection for their AI-generated works.

The Role of AI Tools in NFT Art Creation

AI tools, such as Figma and Bueno, play a crucial role in the creation of generative NFT art. Figma, a popular design tool, offers designers the freedom to create unique compositions layer by layer. Additionally, plugins like Bueno leverage Figma's capabilities to generate collections of NFTs with different variations and parameters. However, the question remains: do artists retain copyright ownership for the artwork created using these tools, or does it pass on to the tool creators?

Different Categories of Generative NFT Art

There are two main categories of generative NFT art: truly algorithmically generated art and art created by combining pre-existing layers. Algorithmically generated art, like Wombo Art, relies on AI algorithms to create unique compositions based on user inputs. On the other hand, artists and programmers may create collections by combining different layers, such as clothing items or accessories, to generate a vast array of variations. The distinction between these categories raises questions about copyright ownership. Are both categories considered AI-generated, and how does ownership come into play for each?

The Complexity of Copyright Ownership

Determining copyright ownership in generative NFT art is a complex and evolving matter. While artists should rightfully retain ownership over their artistic contributions, the involvement of AI tools and the contributions of programmers further complicate the picture. Clear guidelines and legal precedents are needed to navigate the realm of copyright ownership and protect the rights of both artists and developers.

Tools for Creating Generative NFTs

Various tools have emerged to facilitate the creation of generative NFT art. Figma, for example, provides designers with the ability to rapidly generate iterations and combinations of their artwork. Additionally, plugins like Bueno have been developed to aid in the creation of NFT collections by allowing artists to specify the rarity and other parameters of their artwork. These tools offer artists the freedom to explore the possibilities of generative art while also posing copyright ownership questions.

The Ideal State of Copyright Ownership in Generative NFT Art

Achieving an ideal state of copyright ownership in generative NFT art requires striking a balance between tool creators and artists. The creators of AI tools should have the ability to dictate the terms of copyright ownership, providing options for artists to retain varying degrees of ownership over their artwork. Offering a gradient of copyright ownership, rather than a binary choice, can empower artists to make informed decisions about their creations. Licensing models, similar to those used in stock image marketplaces, can serve as a reference for implementing a fair and flexible system of copyright ownership in generative NFT art.


  • AI-generated art has become increasingly indistinguishable from human-made art.
  • Copyright ownership in AI-generated art is a contentious issue, especially in the realm of NFTs.
  • Different countries have varying interpretations of copyright ownership for AI-generated works.
  • AI tools like Figma and Bueno play a significant role in the creation of generative NFT art.
  • Clear guidelines and legal precedents are needed to navigate copyright ownership in generative NFT art.
  • There is a need for tools that provide a gradient of copyright ownership to empower artists.


Q: Are AI-generated artworks copyrighted?

A: The copyright status of AI-generated artworks varies depending on the country and the nature of the artwork. While some countries recognize copyright for AI-generated works, others do not offer the same level of protection.

Q: Who owns the copyright in generative NFT art created using tools like Figma and Bueno?

A: The ownership of copyright in generative NFT art created with AI tools is a complex issue. It is important for artists to understand the terms and conditions set by the tool creators to determine the extent of their copyright ownership.

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