Unveiling the Enigma: Consciousness & the Brain

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Unveiling the Enigma: Consciousness & the Brain

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Neglected Subject of Consciousness 2.1 Why is Consciousness Neglected?
  3. The Importance of Consciousness
  4. The Appalling Things Said About Consciousness
  5. The Difficulties in Studying Consciousness 5.1 The Disciplinary Challenges 5.2 The Dual Traditions of Consciousness
  6. Consciousness as a Biological Phenomenon 6.1 Consciousness as a Necessary Condition 6.2 The Nature of Consciousness
  7. The Features of Consciousness 7.1 Realness and Irreducibility 7.2 Qualitative Character and Subjectivity 7.3 Unified Conscious Fields 7.4 Causal Function in Behavior
  8. Addressing Objections to Consciousness 8.1 Consciousness as Illusion 8.2 Consciousness as a Computer Program 8.3 Consciousness as Behavior 8.4 Consciousness as Power to Move
  9. The Mind-Body Problem and the Nature of Consciousness
  10. The Outdated Vocabularies of Consciousness
  11. Objective Science and Subjective Existence
  12. Refuting Behaviorism
  13. Conclusion

The Neglected Subject of Consciousness

Consciousness, despite being the most important aspect of our lives, is curiously a neglected subject in both scientific and philosophical cultures. This neglect is surprising, considering consciousness is a necessary condition for anything to be significant in our lives. Whether We Are interested in science, philosophy, music, art, or any other endeavor, it is futile if we lack consciousness. In this article, we will explore the reasons why consciousness is often overlooked and Delve into the misconceptions surrounding this fascinating topic.


Consciousness, the subjective experience of awareness, is an intricate phenomenon that has captivated the minds of scientists and philosophers alike. Yet, for a subject of such profound significance, it has been remarkably neglected within our scholarly and intellectual circles. This article is aimed at shedding light on the reasons behind this negligence and delving into the depths of consciousness, unraveling its mysteries and challenging the misconceptions surrounding it.

The Importance of Consciousness

Before delving into the neglected subject of consciousness, it is crucial to acknowledge its paramount importance in our lives. Consciousness serves as a fundamental condition for anything to hold meaning or significance. Without consciousness, our existence would be akin to that of a zombie or a person in a coma, devoid of any awareness or engagement with the world around us.

The Appalling Things Said About Consciousness

When individuals do take an interest in studying consciousness, they often stumble upon some perplexing and often appalling views. Whether it be denying its existence altogether or reducing it to a mere illusion, the discourse surrounding consciousness has been plagued with misguided notions. In this article, we will uncover and dissect some of the most shocking statements made about consciousness, shedding light on the misconceptions that hinder our understanding of this fascinating subject.

The Difficulties in Studying Consciousness

The study of consciousness has been riddled with numerous challenges and obstacles, hindering progress in this field. From disciplinary challenges to the conflicting dual traditions of consciousness, researchers and scholars have struggled to make significant headway. In this section, we will explore these difficulties and shed light on the factors that have impeded the advancement of our understanding of consciousness.

Consciousness as a Biological Phenomenon

In order to tackle the complexities surrounding consciousness, it is essential to establish it as a biological phenomenon. Consciousness is intricately connected to our biology and plays a vital role in our overall existence. By recognizing consciousness as a biological characteristic, we can begin to unravel its mysteries and better comprehend its intricate workings.

The Features of Consciousness

Understanding consciousness requires comprehending its inherent features. Consciousness possesses distinct qualities that set it apart from other phenomena. These features include its realness and irreducibility, its subjective and qualitative character, the emergence of unified conscious fields, and its causal function in shaping our behavior. By exploring these features, we can gain a deeper understanding of the nature of consciousness.

Addressing Objections to Consciousness

Throughout history, consciousness has encountered a series of objections and criticisms. From dismissing its existence entirely to attempting to reduce it to a computer program or behavior, these objections have hindered our understanding. In this section, we will address these objections and provide compelling arguments to refute them, shedding light on the true nature and significance of consciousness.

The Mind-Body Problem and the Nature of Consciousness

The mind-body problem, a philosophical dilemma that has plagued thinkers for centuries, encompasses the intricate relationship between the mind (consciousness) and the body (physical realm). By unraveling this enigma, we can gain deeper Insight into the nature of consciousness and its place in the larger scheme of things.

The Outdated Vocabularies of Consciousness

Throughout the discourse on consciousness, outdated vocabularies rooted in dualism and reductionism have hindered our understanding. By recognizing the limitations of these vocabularies, we can move towards a more comprehensive and accurate framework for discussing consciousness and its complexities.

Objective Science and Subjective Existence

The often-debated dichotomy between objectivity and subjectivity has created confusion in our understanding of consciousness. In this section, we will explore the intricate relationship between objective science and the subjective existence of consciousness, clarifying how both these aspects can coexist and contribute to a more holistic understanding of consciousness.

Refuting Behaviorism

Behaviorism, a psychological framework that reduces mental states to observable behaviors, has had a profound impact on our understanding of consciousness. However, its flaws and limitations become evident when we delve deeper into the complexities of consciousness. This section will expose the fallacies of behaviorism and shed light on the inadequacy of its reductionist approach.


The neglected subject of consciousness holds immense importance in our lives and warrants further exploration. By acknowledging its significance, unraveling its mysteries, and challenging misconceptions, we can pave the way for a more comprehensive understanding of this intriguing phenomenon. Consciousness is not an elusive and unattainable concept; rather, it is a tangible and vital aspect of our existence that demands our Attention and investigation.


  1. The neglected subject of consciousness
  2. The importance of consciousness in our lives
  3. Appalling misconceptions and false statements about consciousness
  4. Challenges and obstacles in studying consciousness
  5. Recognizing consciousness as a biological phenomenon
  6. The features of consciousness: realness, irreducibility, subjectivity, and unified conscious fields
  7. Addressing objections to consciousness: illusion, computer program, behavior, and inability to influence the world
  8. The mind-body problem and the nature of consciousness
  9. Outdated vocabularies of consciousness hindering understanding
  10. The coexistence of objective science and subjective existence in the study of consciousness
  11. Refuting behaviorism and its reductionist approach to consciousness


Q: Can consciousness be reduced to a mere illusion? A: No, consciousness is a genuine and irrefutable aspect of our existence. The distinction between reality and illusion applies to the way things consciously seem to us versus how they truly are. However, the existence of consciousness itself cannot be denied or dismissed as illusory.

Q: Is consciousness just a byproduct of the brain's computational processes? A: No, consciousness cannot be reduced to a computer program or any mechanistic process. While the brain plays a crucial role in generating consciousness, it involves more than mere symbolic representation or computation. Consciousness possesses a qualitative character and semantics that go beyond the syntactical aspects of computation.

Q: Can behaviorism explain consciousness? A: No, behaviorism fails to capture the intricacies of consciousness. Conscious states involve subjective experiences that go beyond observable behaviors. This fallacy becomes evident when considering the distinction between feeling pain and exhibiting pain behavior.

Q: Can consciousness influence the physical world? A: Yes, consciousness has a causal function in our behavior and can influence the physical world. Our conscious decisions and intentions can result in the movement of our bodies, showcasing the power of consciousness to impact the external world.

Q: Is it possible to have an objective science of consciousness despite its subjective nature? A: Yes, it is possible to have an objective science of consciousness. Objective claims about consciousness can be made, even though its existence is inherently subjective in terms of its mode of existence. Neurologists, for example, aim to study and understand the objective aspects of consciousness through analyzing subjective experiences and behaviors.

Q: Why has consciousness been neglected in scientific and philosophical cultures? A: The neglect of consciousness can be attributed to a combination of factors. Historically, consciousness has been associated with spiritual and immaterial traditions, leading to its exclusion from scientific discussions. Additionally, a materialistic perspective that considers consciousness as irrelevant or reducible has also hindered its exploration.

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