Unveiling the Genius AI that Writes Mind-Blowing SQL Queries

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Unveiling the Genius AI that Writes Mind-Blowing SQL Queries

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Power of AI in Writing SQL Queries
  3. Simple Queries
    1. Query 1: Finding the Employee with the Highest Salary
    2. Query 2: Finding the Second Highest Salary Employee
  4. Complex Queries
    1. Query 3: Finding the Highest Salary Employee in Each Department
    2. Query 4: Finding the Top Selling Products
  5. Advanced Queries
    1. Query 5: Finding the Top Five and Bottom Five Products by Sales
    2. Query 6: Finding Customers Who Have Never Returned Any Order
  6. Conclusion

The Power of AI in Writing SQL Queries

In today's technological landscape, the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) Continue to amaze us. One such advancement in AI is the ability to write SQL queries. With the development of chat GPT, a chatbot powered by machine learning and algorithms, Open AI has made it possible for users to Interact and ask queries, making SQL query writing a seamless process. In this article, we will explore the world of AI-generated SQL queries and learn how it can revolutionize our day-to-day work by providing us with basic queries that we can further customize. So, let's dive in and discover the astonishing potential of AI in the realm of SQL query writing.

Simple Queries

Query 1: Finding the Employee with the Highest Salary

Let's start with a simple query. Suppose we want to find the employee who has the highest salary in a department. By just asking the chat GPT bot to generate the query, it will provide us with the following SQL code:

SELECT name, salary 
FROM employees 

This query selects the name and salary columns from the employees table, sorts the result by salary in descending order, and limits the result to the top employee with the highest salary. The best part is that the generated SQL query includes an explanation, making it easier for us to understand how the query works.

Query 2: Finding the Second Highest Salary Employee

Now, let's modify the previous query and ask the bot to write a SQL query to find the employee with the second-highest salary. The generated SQL code will be slightly different:

    SELECT name, salary, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY salary DESC) as row_num
    FROM employees
) AS temp_table
WHERE row_num = 2

In this query, the chat GPT bot intelligently utilizes the ROW_NUM function to assign a unique number to each employee Based on their salary in descending order. By specifying the condition row_num = 2, it filters out the second highest salary employee. Once again, the generated SQL query comes with a detailed explanation to facilitate our understanding.

Complex Queries

Query 3: Finding the Highest Salary Employee in Each Department

Now, let's move on to more complex queries. Suppose we want to find the employee with the highest salary in each department. By asking the chat GPT bot to generate the SQL query, it will provide us with the following code:

WITH cte AS (
    SELECT name, salary, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY department ORDER BY salary DESC) as row_num
    FROM employees
SELECT name, salary
FROM cte
WHERE row_num = 1

In this query, the bot uses the concept of partitioning by department to group the employees together. It assigns a row number based on their salary in descending order within each department. By filtering on row_num = 1, it retrieves only the employee with the highest salary in each department. The generated SQL query is once again accompanied by a clear explanation.

Query 4: Finding the Top Selling Products

Let's explore another query regarding finding the top selling products. Suppose we have an orders table, and we want to write a SQL query to retrieve the details of the top five selling products. By asking the chat GPT bot to generate the query, it provides us with the following SQL code:

SELECT product_id, SUM(quantity) as total_quantity
FROM orders
GROUP BY product_id
ORDER BY total_quantity DESC

This query selects the product ID and calculates the total quantity of each product by summing the quantities in the orders table. It then groups the results by product ID, orders them in descending order based on the total quantity, and finally limits the result to the top five products. The explanation provided alongside the query helps us understand the logic behind it.

Advanced Queries

Query 5: Finding the Top Five and Bottom Five Products by Sales

Let's move on to more advanced queries. Suppose we want to find the top five and bottom five products based on sales. By asking the chat GPT bot to generate the SQL query, it provides us with two different approaches:

Approach 1:

WITH cte AS (
    SELECT product_id, SUM(quantity) as total_quantity, 
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(quantity) DESC) as top_num,
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(quantity) ASC) as bottom_num
    FROM orders
    GROUP BY product_id
SELECT product_id, total_quantity
FROM cte
WHERE top_num <= 5 OR bottom_num <= 5

Approach 2:

(SELECT product_id, SUM(quantity) as total_quantity
FROM orders
GROUP BY product_id
(SELECT product_id, SUM(quantity) as total_quantity
FROM orders
GROUP BY product_id
ORDER BY SUM(quantity) ASC

In the first approach, the bot uses window functions to assign row numbers, both in ascending and descending order of the total quantity, to identify the top and bottom products. By filtering on top_num <= 5 OR bottom_num <= 5, it retrieves the top five and bottom five products. The second approach uses UNION to combine the top five and bottom five products obtained separately by sorting the total quantity.

Query 6: Finding Customers Who Have Never Returned Any Order

Lastly, let's consider a Scenario where we want to find customers who have never returned any order. By requesting the chat GPT bot to generate the SQL query, it provides us with two different solutions:

Solution 1:

SELECT customer_name
FROM orders
WHERE customer_name NOT IN (SELECT customer_name FROM returns)

Solution 2:

SELECT DISTINCT o.customer_name
FROM orders o
LEFT JOIN returns r
ON o.customer_name = r.customer_name
WHERE r.customer_name IS NULL

In the first solution, the bot uses a subquery to identify the customers who have returned orders and excludes them from the result set using the NOT IN condition. The second solution utilizes a left join between the orders and returns table and filters the rows where the customer name in the returns table is null, indicating customers who have not returned any order. Both solutions are well-explained, providing a deeper understanding of the logic behind them.


The advent of AI in generating SQL queries has revolutionized the way we interact with databases. With the help of the chat GPT bot, we can effortlessly obtain basic to complex SQL queries, along with detailed explanations. This AI-powered technology has the potential to increase efficiency and productivity in our day-to-day work, as it provides us with a foundation for building customized queries. Although there are limitations to the capabilities of AI-generated SQL queries in complex scenarios, this advancement marks a significant milestone in the field. Embracing AI's ability to write SQL queries opens new doors for businesses, allowing them to leverage data more effectively and make informed decisions. So, let's embrace this technology and explore the limitless possibilities it offers.


  • AI-powered chat GPT bot can write SQL queries seamlessly, revolutionizing the way we interact with databases.
  • Simple queries like finding employees with the highest salary or the second-highest salary are easily generated and explained by the chatbot.
  • Complex queries, such as finding the highest salary employee in each department or retrieving the top selling products, can also be obtained along with clear explanations.
  • Advanced queries, including finding the top five and bottom five products by sales or identifying customers who have never returned any order, are intelligently generated by the bot, providing multiple approaches and detailed explanations.
  • Although AI-generated queries have their limitations in complex scenarios with multiple tables or specific business requirements, they serve as a valuable foundation for building customized queries.
  • Embracing AI's ability to write SQL queries enhances productivity, allows for better utilization of data, and contributes to making informed decisions.


Q: Can the chat GPT bot generate SQL queries for custom databases with specific table names? A: Yes, the chat GPT bot understands the basic table structure and can generate SQL queries accordingly. However, it might not work seamlessly with highly customized databases or specific organizational schemas.

Q: Is it possible to modify the generated SQL queries to suit specific requirements? A: Yes, the generated SQL queries can be modified and customized as per specific requirements after being obtained from the chat GPT bot. This allows users to further enhance and tailor the queries according to their needs.

Q: Can the chat GPT bot generate SQL queries involving multiple tables and complex joins? A: While the chat GPT bot can generate SQL queries involving multiple tables and joins, it might face limitations in highly complex scenarios. However, it still provides a valuable starting point and helps users understand the fundamental logic behind such queries.

Q: How can AI-generated SQL queries benefit businesses? A: AI-generated SQL queries can enhance the efficiency and productivity of businesses by providing them with a foundation for writing queries. This allows businesses to leverage data more effectively, make informed decisions, and automate certain processes, leading to improved overall performance.

Q: Are there any drawbacks to relying solely on AI-generated SQL queries? A: While AI-generated SQL queries offer convenience and efficiency, it is essential to have human oversight and expertise to ensure the accuracy and relevancy of the queries. Complex business requirements, specific data structures, or security considerations might require human intervention and customization of the queries.

Q: How can AI-generated SQL queries contribute to learning SQL for beginners? A: AI-generated SQL queries, accompanied by detailed explanations, can serve as valuable learning resources for beginners. By observing the generated queries and understanding the logic behind them, beginners can gain insights into SQL syntax, functions, and concepts, helping them learn and apply SQL effectively.

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