Unveiling the Secrets: Bypassing 403 in Bug Bounty Tutorial

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Unveiling the Secrets: Bypassing 403 in Bug Bounty Tutorial

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Understanding the Status Code 403
  • The Role of Request Headers in 403 Forbidden
  • Ways to Bypass 403 Forbidden
    • Modifying the Host Header
    • Tools for Automating the Process
  • Going Deeper into the Theoretical Concept of 403
  • Conclusion
  • Join Our Telegram Community
  • Courses Offered by the Author


Understanding the Status Code 403

The Role of Request Headers in 403 Forbidden

Ways to Bypass 403 Forbidden

Modifying the Host Header

Tools for Automating the Process

Going Deeper into the Theoretical Concept of 403


Join Our Telegram Community

Courses Offered by the Author

Bypassing 403 Forbidden: How to Access Restricted Endpoints

In this video, I will be discussing how to bypass a 403 (Forbidden) status code, which is often used to restrict access to certain endpoints of a web application. Before diving into the process, I would like to introduce our Website, bepractical.tech, which offers a wide range of content related to cybersecurity and web development.

At bepractical.tech, You can find informative articles and tutorials on topics such as iframe injection, cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and SQL injection. Additionally, we offer interactive labs that simulate real-world scenarios, allowing you to enhance your cybersecurity skills. One of our popular labs covers account takeovers, a severe vulnerability that can enable attackers to hack into anyone's account by exploiting vulnerabilities in a web application.

Now, let's get started with the main topic of this video: bypassing the 403 Forbidden status code. To understand the concept better, let's begin by examining what a 403 status code signifies in the Context of web applications.

Understanding the Status Code 403

The 403 status code is a web application status code that indicates the endpoint is forbidden for public users. In other words, it restricts access to specific parts of the application that are deemed sensitive or confidential. To illustrate this, let's take a look at a simple code snippet:

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send('Welcome to the web application');

app.get('/developer', (req, res) => {
  if (req.headers.host === 'localhost') {
    // Execute some command
    res.send('Data for developers');
  } else {

In this example, visiting the root endpoint (/) would display a welcome message, while accessing the /developer endpoint would trigger a check for the localhost host header. If the host header contains localhost, the application would execute a command and send back the data intended for developers. However, if the host header does not match localhost, the response would be a 403 Forbidden status code.

The Role of Request Headers in 403 Forbidden

The code snippet above demonstrates how web applications rely on request headers, such as the host header, to determine access rights. However, this implementation has a significant vulnerability - anyone can modify the request headers, including the host header. By leveraging tools like Burp Suite, an attacker can intercept and modify the host header to localhost, even when accessing the application from an external source.

Ways to Bypass 403 Forbidden

Modifying the Host Header

To demonstrate how easy it is to bypass the 403 Forbidden status code, we can intercept the request using Burp Suite and modify the host header from the IP address to localhost. By performing this simple modification, we can successfully bypass the endpoint restriction.

Tools for Automating the Process

While we have manually demonstrated the bypass technique, there are various tools available that can automate this process. These tools can significantly simplify the bypassing of 403 Forbidden by manipulating request headers and other parameters. In future videos, I will Delve into the details of these tools and provide step-by-step guides on using them effectively.

Going Deeper into the Theoretical Concept of 403

To gain a more in-depth understanding of the theoretical concept behind the 403 Forbidden status code, it is essential to explore other aspects, such as the HTTP protocol, web server configurations, and the overall security landscape. By comprehending how the status code is implemented and the potential vulnerabilities associated with it, hackers can devise more sophisticated bypass techniques.


In this video, we have discussed the 403 Forbidden status code and how it can be bypassed. We have seen that relying solely on request headers for access control can be an inadequate security measure. It is crucial for developers to implement robust security protocols to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive endpoints.

If you have any doubts or questions regarding the content covered in this video, please feel free to ask in the comments section below. Additionally, I invite you to join our Telegram Community, where we can engage in discussions on cybersecurity, web development, and various other topics.

Lastly, I would like to inform you that I currently offer two courses on Udemy. The first course, "Hacking Windows with Python," delves into the techniques used by hackers to penetrate computers using custom payloads. The Second course, "Account Takeover Course," focuses on account takeover vulnerabilities, providing comprehensive insights into finding and exploiting this particular vulnerability in web applications. Feel free to check out these courses if you're interested in expanding your knowledge in these areas.

Thank you for watching, and remember to keep being awesome!


  • Understanding the concept of the 403 Forbidden status code.
  • The role of request headers in endpoint access control.
  • Modifying the host header to bypass 403 Forbidden.
  • Introduction to tools for automating the bypassing process.
  • Going deeper into the theoretical concept of 403 Forbidden.
  • Join our Telegram Community for engaging discussions on cybersecurity and web development.
  • Check out our Udemy courses on hacking Windows with Python and account takeover vulnerabilities.


Q: What is a 403 Forbidden status code? A: The 403 status code is a web application status code that indicates that access to a specific endpoint is forbidden for public users.

Q: Why do web applications use the 403 status code? A: Web applications use the 403 status code to restrict access to sensitive or confidential parts of the application that should not be accessed by the general public.

Q: How can I bypass a 403 Forbidden status code? A: One way to bypass a 403 Forbidden status code is by modifying the host header in the request to trick the application into granting access. There are also various tools available that can automate this process.

Q: Are there any security risks associated with relying solely on request headers for access control? A: Yes, relying solely on request headers for access control can be risky as these headers can be easily modified by anyone. This vulnerability can be exploited by attackers to bypass access restrictions.

Q: Where can I find more resources on cybersecurity and web development? A: Visit bepractical.tech, our website that offers informative articles, tutorials, and interactive labs related to cybersecurity and web development.

Q: Can I join a community to discuss cybersecurity and web development topics? A: Yes, you can join our Telegram Community, where you can engage in discussions on various topics related to cybersecurity, web development, and more.

Q: Are there any courses offered by the author that I can enroll in? A: Yes, the author offers two courses on Udemy: "Hacking Windows with Python" and "Account Takeover Course." These courses cover topics such as hacking techniques, payload creation, obfuscation, and account takeover vulnerabilities.

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