[UPDATED] Step-by-step guide to setting up Invite Tracker Discord bot

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[UPDATED] Step-by-step guide to setting up Invite Tracker Discord bot

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Logging In to the Dashboard
  3. Configuring the Joy Messages Plugin
    • Enabling the Plugin
    • Setting the Join Messages Channel
    • Customizing the Join Message
  4. Using Embeds for Join Messages (Premium Feature)
  5. Different Types of Join Messages
    • Normal Messages
    • Vanity Messages
    • Bot Messages
    • No Perm Messages
    • Unknown Messages
  6. Troubleshooting Join Messages
    • Permissions Issues
    • Expired or Unknown Invites
    • Caching Issues
  7. Conclusion
  8. FAQ


In this tutorial, we will be exploring the Joy Messages plugin for the Invite Tracker bot in the Dashboard. The plugin allows You to customize the messages that are sent when someone joins your server using an invite link. We will cover how to configure the plugin, customize the messages, and troubleshoot any issues you may encounter.

Logging In to the Dashboard

To access the Dashboard, visit the official Website of Invite Tracker at invite-tracker.com. Click on the Login button located at the top right corner of the page. If you haven't logged into Discord using your browser, you will be redirected to the Discord login process. Once logged in, click on your Avatar at the top right corner and select "My Servers" from the drop-down menu. Here, you will see a list of servers where you have administrator permissions.

Configuring the Joy Messages Plugin

To configure the Joy Messages plugin, you need to have already invited the Invite Tracker bot to your desired server. If you haven't invited the bot yet, find the server you want to add the bot to and click on "Invite the Bot." This will Create a pop-up window asking you to authorize the bot and grant it the necessary permissions, including the ability to use slash commands.

Once you have invited the bot, find your server in the server list on the Dashboard and click on the "Dashboard" button for that server. In the Joy Messages box, you will Notice that a channel for join messages has already been selected, along with a pre-filled message. However, the plugin is disabled by default, so let's enable it and test it.

Enabling the Plugin

To enable the Joy Messages plugin, simply click on the "Configure" button in the Joy Messages box. This will activate the plugin and allow join messages to be sent. You will immediately see that Invite Tracker starts sending messages with the pre-filled content in the selected channel.

Setting the Join Messages Channel

By default, the plugin uses a pre-selected channel for sending join messages. If you want to change the channel where the messages are sent, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new text channel in your Discord server called "Joy Messages."
  2. Refresh the Dashboard to ensure the new channel is recognized.
  3. In the Joy Messages box, click on the currently selected channel and search for the "Joy Messages" channel you just created.
  4. Once you find the channel, select it and save the changes.

Now, all join messages will be sent to the newly selected channel.

Customizing the Join Message

To customize the message that is sent when someone joins your server, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the box in the Joy Messages plugin that contains the pre-filled message.
  2. Rewrite the message to fit your needs.
  3. You can include variables to personalize the message. A list of variables and their descriptions can be found in the official documentation of Invite Tracker.

To test the customized message, have someone join your server using an invite link. The message will be sent to the selected channel with the updated content.

Using Embeds for Join Messages (Premium Feature)

If you have a premium subscription, you can take AdVantage of using embeds instead of plain messages for join messages. To enable this feature, toggle on the "Embeds" option in the Joy Messages plugin and fill out the available fields according to your preferences. Embeds provide a more visually appealing way to display join messages.

Different Types of Join Messages

The Joy Messages plugin allows you to handle various types of join messages. Here are the different types and their descriptions:

  1. Normal Messages: These messages are sent when a user or bot generates an invite link, and someone joins the server using that link. If the verify plugin is enabled, the message will only be sent if the person verifies their account within the specified time.

  2. Vanity Messages: Only applicable to level three boosted servers, these messages occur when someone joins using a vanity invite link (e.g., discord.gg/invitetracker). Customization of vanity messages is available with a premium subscription.

  3. Bot Messages: These messages are sent when a bot authorizes itself into your server. You can customize these messages to greet and provide information to the bot.

  4. No Perm Messages: If the Invite Tracker bot does not have the "Manage Server" permission for the channel where the invite is used, a no perm message will be sent. To fix this, granting the bot administrator permissions or fixing the channel overrides is recommended.

  5. Unknown Messages: This message is sent when the invite has expired, or the bot's caching did not have access to the server's invite information. Issues related to unknown messages can be resolved by creating permanent invite links that do not expire and ensuring the bot has sufficient permissions.

Each message Type can be customized and managed individually to provide a personalized experience for your server members.

Troubleshooting Join Messages

While configuring join messages, you may encounter a few issues. Here are some common troubleshooting steps:

  1. Permissions Issues: Ensure that the Invite Tracker bot has the necessary permissions, such as "Manage Server," for the channel where the invite is being used. Granting the bot administrator permissions is an easy way to overcome this issue.

  2. Expired or Unknown Invites: If join messages are not appearing, it could be due to the invite being expired or unknown. Make sure to create permanent invite links with no usage limit to prevent this.

  3. Caching Issues: If the bot has recently restarted and the caching did not have your server's invite information, join messages may not be sent. This caching issue will only occur once, during the bot's restart.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can ensure that your join messages are working correctly.


The Joy Messages plugin of Invite Tracker allows you to create customized join messages for your Discord server. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can configure the plugin, customize the messages, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. Providing a personalized and engaging experience for new members is essential in fostering a vibrant and active community.


Q: Can I customize the join messages for bots and vanity invite links? A: Yes, both bot join messages and vanity invite join messages can be customized using the Joy Messages plugin. However, customization of vanity messages requires a premium subscription.

Q: What should I do if join messages are not appearing in the selected channel? A: If join messages are not appearing, ensure that the Invite Tracker bot has the necessary permissions for the channel where the invite is being used. Granting the bot administrator permissions or fixing the channel overrides can resolve this issue.

Q: Are there any limitations on the number of characters or formatting in the join messages? A: No, there are no specific limitations on the number of characters or formatting in the join messages. However, it's important to consider readability and avoid excessive use of special formatting or emojis.

Q: Can I use variables in the join messages to personalize them for each member? A: Yes, you can include variables in the join messages to personalize them. A list of available variables and their descriptions can be found in the official documentation of Invite Tracker.

Q: What should I do if a join message contains incorrect information? A: If a join message contains incorrect information, review the customization of the message and ensure that the variables are correctly used. If the issue persists, try testing the join message with an alt account to see if the variables are displaying accurate information.

Q: Can I use embeds for join messages without a premium subscription? A: No, using embeds for join messages is a premium feature of the Joy Messages plugin. A premium subscription is required to access this functionality.

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