Watch how an English teacher grades homework with ChatGPT!

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Watch how an English teacher grades homework with ChatGPT!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Grading the Homework
  3. Assignment 1: Writing a Limerick
  4. Assignment 2: Writing a Summary of Othello
  5. Assignment 3: Writing a Shakespearean Sonnet without the Letter E
  6. Assignment 4: Writing a Shakespearean Sonnet about Taco Bell
  7. Assignment 5: Writing a Five Paragraph Essay on Romeo and Juliet
  8. Assignment 6: Writing a Scene in Play Format as a Sequel to "Death of a Salesman"
  9. Conclusion



As an experienced high school English teacher, I have been tasked with grading the homework written by ChatGPT, an AI writing bot that has been making waves in the industry. In this article, I will evaluate ChatGPT's performance on a series of writing assignments of increasing complexity. From creative writing tasks to literary analysis, we will explore how well the AI performs and whether it meets the standards of a passing grade. So, let's dive in and see how ChatGPT fares in the world of English composition.

Grading the Homework

Before diving into the individual assignments, let's briefly discuss my approach to grading. My students often consider me tough but fair, and I hold their work to high standards. I pay Attention to technical aspects like grammar, punctuation, and spelling, as well as the overall coherence and creativity of the writing. With these criteria in mind, I will assess each assignment completed by ChatGPT.

Assignment 1: Writing a Limerick

First up is a low-stakes creative writing assignment: writing a limerick about what ChatGPT did over the summer. A limerick follows a specific rhyme scheme and has a distinctive rhythm. Upon reviewing ChatGPT's limerick, it becomes evident that the AI grasps the rhyme scheme and rhythm of a limerick, but the content falls flat. The poem pokes fun at AI's potential to make the world more bland. While it demonstrates an understanding of the assignment, the poem lacks Originality and creativity. Therefore, I have assigned it a C+.

Assignment 2: Writing a Summary of Othello

Next, ChatGPT was tasked with summarizing Act 3, Scene 3 of Shakespeare's play Othello. This assignment tests the AI's comprehension skills. Surprisingly, ChatGPT's summary is technically perfect, lacking any errors. However, I am skeptical as to how this level of perfection was achieved. The summary touches upon key events that unfold later in the play, suggesting that ChatGPT may have gathered information from sources beyond Act 3, Scene 3. As academic dishonesty is a grave concern, I have given this assignment a "See me after class" grade.

Assignment 3: Writing a Shakespearean Sonnet without the Letter E

Moving on, ChatGPT was challenged to write a Shakespearean sonnet without using any words containing the letter "E". This task requires creativity, adherence to iambic pentameter, and careful word selection. Unfortunately, ChatGPT falls short on this assignment. While some effort was made to avoid using the letter "E" in certain words, the AI overlooked words like "heart," "friendship," and "happiness." Furthermore, the sonnet lacks the required apostrophe commonly used by Shakespeare. Regrettably, this assignment receives an F.

Assignment 4: Writing a Shakespearean Sonnet about Taco Bell

Undeterred by the previous assignment's failure, ChatGPT was given another chance at writing a Shakespearean sonnet. This time, the topic was Taco Bell. Remarkably, ChatGPT exceeds expectations and delivers an impressive sonnet. The poem showcases technical skill, adhering to the structure and rhythm of a Shakespearean sonnet. It even manages to Evoke a Sense of romance and appreciation for fast food. The only flaw I found was the choice to rhyme "awe" with "bore." Nevertheless, this assignment earns an A.

Assignment 5: Writing a Five Paragraph Essay on Romeo and Juliet

In this assignment, ChatGPT was asked to identify a major theme in Romeo and Juliet and write a five paragraph essay making an argument about that theme. The AI's response falls into familiar Patterns seen in student essays. The lack of a proper introductory hook, weak paragraph development, and missing punctuation Create a subpar essay. While the essay demonstrates some understanding of the theme, it lacks depth and further exploration. I have assigned it a C+.

Assignment 6: Writing a Scene in Play Format as a Sequel to "Death of a Salesman"

For the final assignment, ChatGPT was given a challenging task: writing a scene in play format that serves as a sequel to "Death of a Salesman." Although not in the specified format, ChatGPT defies expectations by presenting an intriguing continuation of the play. The scene demonstrates a deep understanding of the characters and introduces an unexpected twist. It manages to bring some lightness to the otherwise gloomy play. This assignment deserves an A for its creativity and character development.


In conclusion, ChatGPT's performance varied across the assigned tasks. While it showed potential in creative writing and analysis, gaps in comprehension and originality were evident. The AI's ability to mimic Shakespearean sonnets is commendable, but a lack of attention to Detail hindered its success. As we move forward, it is crucial to acknowledge the growing presence of artificial intelligence in various fields, including literature. Rather than prohibit its use, we should focus on understanding and harnessing its capabilities to coexist with human creativity.

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