Building a Pentium Pro System: A Nostalgic Journey into Vintage Computing

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Building a Pentium Pro System: A Nostalgic Journey into Vintage Computing

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Building a Pentium Pro System
  2. Components Used in the Build
  3. The Size and Features of the Pentium Pro Processor
  4. Advantages of the Pentium Pro over the Pentium
  5. Painting the Case: A DIY Project
  6. Configuration Changes and Challenges Faced
  7. Upgrading the Video Card: Comparing Voodoo 2 and TNT2 M64
  8. Benchmarking Performance: 3D Mark and Quake 3
  9. Comparing 16-bit Performance: Pentium vs Pentium Pro
  10. Final Thoughts on the Pentium Pro Build

🖥️ Building a Pentium Pro System: A Blast from the Past

Are you a vintage computer enthusiast or simply curious about how computers evolved over time? In this article, we will walk you through the process of building a Pentium Pro system, using spare parts collected from the past. Join us as we explore the components that make up this nostalgic build and discover the unique features of the Pentium Pro processor. We'll also share our experience in revamping the system's appearance with a DIY case paint job. Additionally, we'll delve into benchmarking and performance comparisons between the Voodoo 2 and TNT2 M64 video cards. So grab a cup of coffee and let's embark on this journey down Memory Lane!

1️⃣ Introduction to Building a Pentium Pro System

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty details, let's take a moment to understand the motivation behind building a Pentium Pro system. As technology advances rapidly, it's always intriguing to revisit the past and appreciate the progress made in the world of computing. The Pentium Pro processor was a significant milestone in Intel's history, boasting innovative features that set it apart from its predecessor, the Pentium. By building a Pentium Pro system, we can experience firsthand the power and capabilities of this groundbreaking processor.

2️⃣ Components Used in the Build

To assemble our Pentium Pro system, we have carefully selected a range of spare parts that Align with the era of the processor. Our motherboard of choice is the EC SP 6fx 1, a single-processor motherboard capable of accommodating the Pentium Pro 1 Meg version. With a clock speed of 200 MHz and 96 MB of RAM, our system promises smooth performance for various tasks, including gaming. Speaking of gaming, no retro gaming setup is complete without the iconic 3dfx Voodoo 2 video card. We've also incorporated the Sound Blaster 16 audio card, Matrix G 550 video card, and a USB expandable PCI card for enhanced functionality. For storage, we've opted for a reliable Maxtor 13 GB hard drive, complemented by the Promise Ultra 100 tx2 controller. The icing on the cake is a sleek case that will soon receive a much-needed makeover. Stay tuned!

3️⃣ The Size and Features of the Pentium Pro Processor

As we begin piecing together our Pentium Pro system, it's hard not to Notice the sheer size of the CPU in question. Have you ever wondered why the Pentium Pro processor is so large? Well, the answer lies in its groundbreaking design. Unlike its predecessors, the Pentium Pro included its level 2 cache on the same substrate as the CPU—a first for a CPU manufacturer. This integration required millions of additional transistors, resulting in a larger die size. The Pentium Pro's level 2 cache, located within the CPU itself, enabled a 64-bit data bus, offering a significant advantage over the 32-bit bus found in the Pentium. This wider data bus facilitated faster communication between the processor's level 1 cache and level 2 cache, operating at the full processor speed. This architectural leap allowed the Pentium Pro to outperform its predecessors and paved the way for future advancements in processor design.

4️⃣ Advantages of the Pentium Pro over the Pentium

While the Pentium Pro shares similarities with its predecessor, the Pentium, it brings noteworthy advantages to the table. The Pentium Pro was optimized for 32-bit applications, prioritizing their performance above all else. However, this optimization came at the expense of 16-bit performance. In an upcoming video, we will explore in greater detail how the Pentium Pro handles 16-bit applications compared to the Pentium. This comparison will shed light on the significant breakthrough achieved by the Pentium Pro and the impact it had on the computing landscape. Stay tuned for this detailed analysis!

5️⃣ Painting the Case: A DIY Project

One aspect of our Pentium Pro build that needed attention was the rather weathered and unattractive case. However, with a little creativity and a can of paint, we hoped to transform it into something visually appealing. We fully disassembled the case, including the front faceplate, top cover, and side panels, to ensure a thorough painting process. Utilizing aluminum-colored paint found in our garage, we aimed for a sleek finish that would elevate the system's overall aesthetics. Though the outcome leaned more towards silver than true aluminum, we were pleased with the results. The contrast between the silver finish and the black components gave our Pentium Pro system a modern yet nostalgic appeal. Check out the images provided to get a glimpse of the transformation!

6️⃣ Configuration Changes and Challenges Faced

Building a vintage system using spare parts is not without its challenges. During our build, we encountered configuration issues with the controller card. The card failed to recognize the hard drive, necessitating its removal. In its place, we installed a 4.3 GB Fujitsu drive—the largest drive compatible with our motherboard's limited BIOS support. Unfortunately, we couldn't find an updated BIOS version for this particular motherboard online. Nonetheless, we remain determined to make the most of the situation until a suitable controller card becomes available. On a brighter note, we stumbled upon a Hidden gem while searching for the aforementioned hard drive: a TNT2 M64 32 MB PCI video card. This unexpected find prompted us to replace our initial choice, the S3 Virge GX2, with this faster and more intriguing option. To satisfy our Curiosity, we decided to compare the performance of the Voodoo 2 and the TNT2 M64 in a series of benchmarks. But before that, we need to get Windows 98 up and running on our system. Let's proceed!

7️⃣ Upgrading the Video Card: Comparing Voodoo 2 and TNT2 M64

In our Quest to optimize gaming performance on our Pentium Pro system, we couldn't resist pitting two iconic video cards against each other: the Voodoo 2 and the TNT2 M64. Both from different eras, these cards offer distinct capabilities and have generated countless debates among gaming enthusiasts. By replacing the S3 Virge GX2 with the TNT2 M64, we hope to witness a significant improvement in graphical prowess. Join us in the next section as we dive into benchmarking tests to uncover which card reigns supreme in the realm of 3D graphics and gaming performance.

8️⃣ Benchmarking Performance: 3D Mark and Quake 3

It's time for some serious testing! We will begin our benchmarking journey with two popular benchmarks: 3D Mark 99 and Quake 3. These tests will provide valuable insights into the performance disparity between the Voodoo 2 and TNT2 M64 video cards. By measuring frame rates and analyzing graphical fidelity, we can draw conclusions about the gaming capabilities of our Pentium Pro system. Will the Voodoo 2's superior memory bandwidth outshine the TNT2 M64's higher core and memory clock? Let's run the benchmarks and find out!

9️⃣ Comparing 16-bit Performance: Pentium vs Pentium Pro

As we approach the end of our Pentium Pro journey, we must not overlook the impact of the Pentium Pro's architecture on 16-bit performance. While the Pentium Pro excelled in the realm of 32-bit applications, its performance in 16-bit tasks was subject to certain trade-offs. In an upcoming video, we will delve into a detailed comparison between the Pentium and Pentium Pro, focusing specifically on their performance with 16-bit applications. This analysis will offer valuable insights into the Pentium Pro's overall strengths and limitations, enabling us to appreciate its place in computing history.

🔍 In Conclusion: A Promising Pentium Pro Build

After navigating the world of vintage components, overclocking, and benchmarking, we have successfully created a Pentium Pro system that delivers satisfying performance. Our system not only showcases the power of the Pentium Pro processor but also offers a glimpse into a bygone era of computing. As we conclude this nostalgic journey, we are excited to preserve and cherish our Pentium Pro build for years to come. If you enjoyed this article, please show your support by hitting the like button. Don't forget to leave any suggestions or comments below. Stay tuned for future videos exploring the world of vintage technology. Until then, happy computing!


  • Dive into the world of vintage computing by building a Pentium Pro system using spare parts.
  • Explore the unique features of the Pentium Pro processor and its size compared to its predecessors.
  • Learn about the advantages of the Pentium Pro over the Pentium, with a focus on its optimized 32-bit performance.
  • Transform the appearance of the system with a DIY paint job on the case.
  • Overcome configuration challenges and adapt to limitations when using outdated hardware.
  • Upgrade the video card to compare the performance of the Voodoo 2 and TNT2 M64.
  • Benchmark the system using 3D Mark 99 and Quake 3 to evaluate gaming capabilities.
  • Analyze the impact of the Pentium Pro's architecture on 16-bit performance compared to the Pentium.
  • Reflect on the success of the Pentium Pro build and its significance in computing history.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Can I follow this guide to build my own Pentium Pro system? A: Absolutely! This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough of building a Pentium Pro system using spare parts. Feel free to adapt the components based on availability and personal preference.

Q: Can I use a different operating system instead of Windows 98? A: While Windows 98 is the recommended operating system for a nostalgic experience, you can experiment with other compatible operating systems if desired. However, keep in mind that driver availability and compatibility may vary.

Q: Are there any modern components that can be used in this build? A: This build emphasizes the use of vintage components to recreate an authentic Pentium Pro experience. However, if you encounter challenges with specific components, you can explore compatible modern alternatives while maintaining the spirit of the original build.

Q: Can I achieve similar gaming performance with a Pentium Pro system compared to modern systems? A: The Pentium Pro system, while impressive for its time, cannot match the gaming performance of modern systems. However, it offers a unique and nostalgic experience that allows you to appreciate the advancements made in gaming technology.

Q: Where can I find spare parts for my Pentium Pro build? A: Spare parts for vintage systems can be found through various online platforms, such as specialized forums, retro computer marketplaces, and auction websites. These sources often offer components from enthusiasts and collectors who are passionate about preserving vintage technology.


  • - Official website of 3dfx, the manufacturer of the Voodoo 2 video card.
  • - Official website of Intel, the manufacturer of the Pentium Pro processor.
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