Fix AMD Radeon Driver 22.10.2 Flickering Issue with Easy Steps

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Fix AMD Radeon Driver 22.10.2 Flickering Issue with Easy Steps

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Understanding the Flickering Issue

### 2.1 AMD's Claimed Fix
### 2.2 The Intermittent Nature of the Issue

3. The Fix for Hardware Acceleration Flickering

### 3.1 Changing the Graphics Backend
### 3.2 Step-by-Step Guide for Different Browsers

4. Exploring the Cause of the Problem

### 4.1 The Relationship between Pixel Clock and Blanking Time
### 4.2 The Role of Monitor Tuning and Cable Quality
### 4.3 Mixed Refresh Rates and Dual Monitor Setups
### 4.4 The Impact of AMD's Driver Optimization for DirectX

5. Further Optimization Techniques

### 5.1 Adjusting Blanking Time in Custom Resolution Utility (CRU)
### 5.2 Configuring Graphic Settings in Windows

6. Conclusion

7. FAQs

🔎 1. Introduction

Hey everyone, Joey here! In this article, I will address an issue that many users are facing with the 22.10.2 stability update on AMD graphics cards. Specifically, I will discuss the problem of flickering during hardware acceleration and provide a step-by-step guide to fix it.

🎯 2. Understanding the Flickering Issue

Flickering has been a recurring problem for users, despite AMD's claimed fix for dropped frames and playback acceleration issues in chromium-based browsers. It seems that some users are still experiencing flickering, especially when playing videos on websites like Twitter and Facebook. This issue becomes even more prevalent in dual monitor setups with mixed refresh rates. So, let's dive deeper into the problem.

🔬 2.1 AMD's Claimed Fix

According to AMD, the fix for the flickering issue lies in the optimization of DirectX 11, DirectX 12, and Vulkan. However, it seems that these optimizations are not completely effective in all scenarios, as some users are still reporting problems. In the following sections, we will explore why this issue continues to persist despite AMD's efforts.

🔄 2.2 The Intermittent Nature of the Issue

One of the perplexing aspects of this flickering issue is its intermittent nature. While some users report no issues with the latest drivers, others face severe problems, including driver timeouts resulting in black screens. This inconsistency in user experiences can be attributed to several factors, including individual monitor configurations and the quality of cables being used.

💡 3. The Fix for Hardware Acceleration Flickering

To address the hardware acceleration flickering issue, one simple fix involves changing the graphics backend in your browser settings. By default, chromium-based browsers like Chrome, Edge, and Brave use the d3d11 backend, which can be quite resource-intensive. Switching to a less bandwidth-heavy option, such as d3d9, can significantly reduce flickering. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make the necessary changes for different browsers.

🌐 3.1 Changing the Graphics Backend

To change the graphics backend, you'll need to access the experimental settings of your browser. By typing specific commands in the browser URL followed by pressing Enter, you can access these settings. One particular command to look for is "angle Graphics backend," which controls the graphics backend option. By default, it is set to d3d11, but changing it to d3d9 can often resolve the flickering issue.

⚙️ 3.2 Step-by-Step Guide for Different Browsers

Depending on the browser you are using, the process might vary slightly. Here's a brief overview of how to change the graphics backend in popular chromium-based browsers:

  • Chrome: Type "chrome://flags" in the URL bar, search for "angle Graphics backend," and change it to d3d9.
  • Edge: Type "edge://flags" in the URL bar, search for "angle Graphics backend," and change it to d3d9.
  • Brave: Type "brave://flags" in the URL bar, search for "angle Graphics backend," and change it to d3d9.

Remember to relaunch the browser after making the changes for them to take effect. Keep in mind that altering these settings may have unintended consequences, such as slower loading times. However, in terms of general use, multitasking, and gaming, these changes should not pose significant problems.

🔍 4. Exploring the Cause of the Problem

To gain a deeper understanding of the flickering issue and why it persists despite AMD's claimed fix, we need to examine the relationship between the pixel clock, blanking time, monitor tuning, and cable quality. By delving into these factors, we can uncover the root causes and potentially find additional optimization techniques.

🖥️ 4.1 The Relationship between Pixel Clock and Blanking Time

The pixel clock and blanking time play critical roles in determining the stability of the vram clock during hardware acceleration. Different monitors have varying blanking times due to individual tuning and factory settings. If the blanking time is too low, the vram clock may not downclock properly, leading to unstable performance. Increasing the blanking time can fix the downclocking issue but may also require a higher-quality cable to handle the increased pixel clock.

🔌 4.2 The Role of Monitor Tuning and Cable Quality

Monitor tuning and cable quality also contribute to the flickering problem. A combination of factors, including the manufacturer's tweaks, resolution, refresh rate, and driver-recognized monitor profiles, affects the stability of the vram clock. Certain cables may not support the required bandwidth for increased pixel clock, causing black screens and further complicating the issue. It is essential to choose compatible cables and ensure proper monitor configuration.

💻 4.3 Mixed Refresh Rates and Dual Monitor Setups

Mixed refresh rates, often found in dual monitor setups, can exacerbate the flickering issue. When two monitors with different refresh rates are connected, the vram clock can drop too low, leading to instability during hardware acceleration. Adjusting the blanking time and ensuring consistency between blanking times on both monitors can help stabilize the vram clock and eliminate flickering issues.

🔧 4.4 The Impact of AMD's Driver Optimization for DirectX

AMD's driver optimizations for DirectX 11 and DirectX 12, while generally beneficial, can interact with the vram clock stability during hardware acceleration. The intermittent nature of the flickering issue suggests that certain combinations of vram clock, refresh rates, and software optimizations may trigger the problem. AMD's ongoing efforts to address these issues demonstrate the complexities involved in maintaining stable performance across a wide range of configurations.

💡 5. Further Optimization Techniques

In addition to changing the graphics backend and addressing monitor and cable-related issues, there are other optimization techniques that may help mitigate flickering problems during hardware acceleration.

🔧 5.1 Adjusting Blanking Time in Custom Resolution Utility (CRU)

The Custom Resolution Utility (CRU) allows users to modify their monitor's settings to achieve better vram downclocking and stability. By adjusting the blanking time in CRU, users can fine-tune their monitor configurations for optimal performance with hardware acceleration.

🖥️ 5.2 Configuring Graphic Settings in Windows

Windows provides graphic settings that can affect hardware acceleration stability. Adjusting the graphic settings for specific browsers can help optimize performance. Users can select the high-performance mode for their browsers, ensuring better vram clock stability during hardware acceleration.

🏁 6. Conclusion

In conclusion, the flickering issue during hardware acceleration on AMD graphics cards can be effectively addressed by changing the graphics backend in chromium-based browsers. Additionally, optimizing monitor settings, adjusting blanking time, and ensuring cable compatibility can significantly improve stability. While AMD's optimizations have improved performance, the intermittent nature of the problem suggests the need for ongoing monitoring and optimization.

7. FAQs

Q1: Can changing the graphics backend cause any unintended consequences? A1: Changing the graphics backend to d3d9 may slightly affect loading times in browsers. However, it generally does not pose any significant issues in terms of general use, multitasking, and gaming.

Q2: How do I know if I have an issue with blanking time in my monitor configuration? A2: If you experience flickering during hardware acceleration, especially in dual monitor setups with mixed refresh rates, it is worth checking the blanking times of your monitors. Decreasing the blanking time on the monitor with a higher blanking time may help stabilize the vram clock.

Q3: Is it necessary to use the Custom Resolution Utility (CRU) to optimize monitor settings? A3: While CRU allows for greater control and fine-tuning of monitor settings, it is not always necessary. Adjusting the blanking time through browser settings or altering the graphic settings in Windows can often resolve flickering issues.

Q4: Are there any other optimization techniques for addressing the flickering issue? A4: Apart from changing the graphics backend and adjusting blanking time, ensuring that your cables support the required bandwidth and configuring specific graphic settings in Windows can further optimize performance.


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