From Intel Xeon to AMD Ryzen: A Worthwhile Upgrade!

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From Intel Xeon to AMD Ryzen: A Worthwhile Upgrade!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Upgrading from a Six Core Xeon to Ryzen 2700
    1. Introduction to the New Ryzen 3000 Series
    2. Compatibility of the Current Board
    3. The Reason behind the Upgrade
  3. My Old Motherboard: Asus Rampage 3 Formula
    1. Initial Issues and Their Solutions
    2. Memory Troubles and Workarounds
    3. Cooling Challenges and Solutions
  4. Retirement of the Old Motherboard
  5. New Motherboard: Asus Crosshair VI Hero
    1. Advantages of the Crosshair VI Hero
    2. Cost-saving Measures
    3. Improved Usability with a Larger Storage SSD
  6. Transition from Six Cores to Eight Cores
    1. Performance Boost in Cinebench Scores
    2. Graphics Enhancements with the 1070 TI
    3. Sony Vegas Rendering Times Halved
  7. The Sweet Spot: Why Eight Cores Suffice
    1. Use Case Considerations
    2. Gaming Experience and Performance Demands
  8. Fan Upgrades: Corsair LL120s
    1. Controller and RGB Implementation
    2. Aesthetics and Lighting Adjustments
    3. Synchronized LED Strips
  9. Beyond Fans: Corsair K95 Pro Keyboard
    1. Syncing with Fans through IQ Software
    2. Customization and Functionality
  10. Ensuring Optimal Cooling: 80mm Noctua Fan
  11. Conclusion

🖥️ Upgrading from a Six Core Xeon to Ryzen 2700

In this article, I will be sharing my experience of upgrading from a six-core Xeon processor to the Ryzen 2700. I will discuss the excitement surrounding the upcoming Ryzen 3000 series launch and the compatibility of my current board. Additionally, I will explain the reasons behind my decision to upgrade and the benefits I have observed since making the switch.

🔧 My Old Motherboard: Asus Rampage 3 Formula

My previous motherboard, the Asus Rampage 3 Formula, served me well for many years. Despite some initial issues, such as a non-functional memory Channel, I was able to resolve them and achieve stability. However, I encountered difficulties when attempting to populate all the RAM slots, which led to a compromise in the RAM configuration. To address the high temperatures of the IOH, I resorted to using a small fan. Despite its reliability, it was time for my old motherboard to retire.

⚰️ Retirement of the Old Motherboard

After many years of faithful service, my Asus Rampage 3 Formula motherboard has finally reached its retirement. Although it was sad to see it go, I knew it was time to move on to a more modern and capable motherboard that could meet my increasing demands.

🔥 New Motherboard: Asus Crosshair VI Hero

To replace my old motherboard, I opted for the Asus Crosshair VI Hero. This motherboard, priced at $200, offered excellent features and performance. However, being budget-conscious, I managed to find a refurbished one for just $100. Despite the need to purchase a separate I/O shield, I was satisfied with the cost-saving measures I employed. One of the significant improvements I noticed was the upgrade from a 128GB SSD to a 1TB NVMe SSD. This substantial increase in storage capacity and speed greatly enhanced the usability of my computer.

💪 Transition from Six Cores to Eight Cores

The upgrade from a six-core Xeon to the Ryzen 2700 provided me with a significant boost in performance. The increased number of cores led to remarkable improvements in various benchmarks. In Cinebench multi-core scores, I observed a jump from around 941 to just under 1500. This 150% increase in performance was a clear indicator of the benefits of upgrading. Moreover, the graphics scores also showed a noticeable improvement, thanks to the powerful 1070 TI graphics card. Another area where I experienced substantial gains was in video rendering times using Sony Vegas, which were cut almost in half. These performance enhancements made the upgrade truly worth it.

🎮 The Sweet Spot: Why Eight Cores Suffice

While the upgrade to eight cores may not sound like a significant difference, the improvements over the years in IPC and other factors contribute to a substantial performance boost. For my editing and gaming needs, eight cores proved to be the sweet spot. Running dual 2080 TIs or chasing world records was not my goal; I simply desired a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience. The few extra frames per Second gained from investing in higher-tier hardware were deemed unnecessary for my use case.

💨 Fan Upgrades: Corsair LL120s

To address cooling concerns, I decided to upgrade my fans to Corsair LL120s. With a total of five fans connected to a controller, these fans offered improved airflow and aesthetics. The RGB lighting of the fans synchronized beautifully with the rest of the system, thanks to Corsair's IQ software. However, I opted for a more subtle lighting scheme, with a slow transition between light blue and dark blue. The fans' implementation and the overall RGB aesthetics complemented the clean and professional build of my setup.

⌨️ Beyond Fans: Corsair K95 Pro Keyboard

In addition to fan upgrades, I introduced the Corsair K95 Pro keyboard to my setup. This high-quality keyboard seamlessly integrated with the IQ software, allowing me to synchronize its lighting effects with the fans. The customization options and functionality of the keyboard greatly enhanced my overall gaming experience.

❄️ Ensuring Optimal Cooling: 80mm Noctua Fan

To maintain optimal cooling for the hard drives inside the case, I installed an 80mm Noctua fan. This addition helped regulate the temperature of the hard drives, ensuring stable and reliable performance. Additionally, the fan operated quietly, maintaining a peaceful computing environment.

🔚 Conclusion

In conclusion, the upgrade from a six-core Xeon to the Ryzen 2700 has been a remarkable improvement in overall system performance. The enhanced storage speeds, graphical capabilities, and video rendering times have truly transformed my computing experience. The combination of the Asus Crosshair VI Hero motherboard, Corsair LL120 fans, Corsair K95 Pro keyboard, and the addition of the Noctua fan has resulted in a powerful and aesthetically pleasing setup. Overall, the upgrade has been worth every penny and has exceeded my expectations.


  • Upgraded from a six-core Xeon to the Ryzen 2700
  • Retirement of the old Asus Rampage 3 Formula motherboard
  • Introduction to the new Asus Crosshair VI Hero motherboard
  • Transition from six cores to eight cores for improved performance
  • Upgraded fan system with Corsair LL120s for improved cooling
  • Introduction of the Corsair K95 Pro keyboard for enhanced gaming experience
  • Addition of the 80mm Noctua fan to ensure optimal cooling
  • Overall improvement in system performance and usability
  • Cost-saving measures implemented throughout the upgrade process
  • Aesthetically pleasing RGB implementation synchronized with the system


Q: Will my current board be compatible with the Ryzen 3000 series? A: There is uncertainty regarding the compatibility of older boards with the upcoming Ryzen 3000 series. It is recommended to check for BIOS updates or consult the motherboard manufacturer for compatibility information.

Q: Why did you choose to upgrade to the Ryzen 2700? A: The Ryzen 2700 offered a significant boost in performance compared to my old six-core Xeon. It provided improved multi-core scores, graphics capabilities, and faster video rendering times.

Q: How did the fan upgrades affect the overall system performance? A: The Corsair LL120 fans provided better airflow and aesthetics, contributing to improved cooling performance. The synchronized RGB lighting added a visually pleasing touch to the overall setup.

Q: Did the upgrade require any adjustments to the system's cooling mechanism? A: To ensure optimal cooling for the hard drives, an 80mm Noctua fan was added. This helped regulate the temperature and maintain reliable performance without significant noise disruptions.

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