Gaming Performance Test on a 320$ Used Laptop - i7 6700HQ and GTX 960M

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Gaming Performance Test on a 320$ Used Laptop - i7 6700HQ and GTX 960M

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of the MSI Budget Laptop
  3. Firestrike Score and Performance
  4. Refurbishing the Laptop
  5. CPU and RAM Specifications
  6. Graphics Card Options
  7. Overclocking and Performance Tuning
  8. Undervolting the CPU
  9. Gaming Benchmarks 9.1 Apex Legends 9.2 Fortnite 9.3 Call of Duty: Warzone
  10. Conclusion


Welcome back to my Channel dedicated to hosting PSU reviews and discussions. In this video, we will be taking a closer look at the MSI budget laptop, which is available for just 320 euros. The main question we'll be addressing is whether or not you can find a capable gaming laptop at such a low price point. To answer that, we'll dive into the specifics and performance of this laptop.

Overview of the MSI Budget Laptop

The MSI budget laptop is equipped with a GTX 960M graphics card and an i7 6700HQ processor. With these specifications, it is capable of delivering solid performance in most games at 1080p resolution. In this review, we will explore how we achieved a Firestrike score of 5,000 on the graphics, indicating that playing games at low to medium settings would be smooth and enjoyable.

Firestrike Score and Performance

Before we delve into the details of how we achieved the impressive Firestrike score on this laptop, it is important to note that refurbishing the laptop is the first step to optimize its performance. Once that is done, the focus should shift to the CPU, RAM, and GPU. While the CPU and RAM are generally sufficient for gaming, finding the right graphics card is crucial. The GTX 780M is the lowest recommended option, but the older the graphics card, the more performance and compatibility issues you may encounter. The GTX 960M in this MSI laptop is a decent choice, but even better options like the GTX 1060 are available. To maximize the graphics card's potential, overclocking and performance tuning can be implemented.

Refurbishing the Laptop

Refurbishing the laptop is an essential step in ensuring optimal performance. While a detailed Tutorial on this process is available, it essentially involves cleaning and maintaining the laptop's internals to improve overall efficiency. This is especially important for older laptops, as Dust accumulation can lead to overheating and decreased performance.

CPU and RAM Specifications

In terms of the CPU, laptops with i5 or i7 processors are recommended for gaming purposes. While newer Ryzen CPUs are also an option, they may not be as widely available at this price range. As for the RAM, a minimum of 8GB is required for smooth gameplay. Thankfully, most laptops come with 8GB of RAM pre-installed, which is sufficient for most gaming scenarios.

Graphics Card Options

The graphics card is a crucial component in determining a laptop's gaming capabilities. While the GTX 960M in this MSI laptop is a decent choice, it is worth noting that older cards, like the GTX 780M, may offer lower performance. As you go down the line of older graphics cards, both performance and compatibility may be compromised. On the other HAND, the GTX 1060 offers comparable performance to its desktop counterpart. Ultimately, the choice of graphics card will depend on your budget and specific gaming requirements.

Overclocking and Performance Tuning

Overclocking the graphics card is a common practice among gamers to squeeze out extra performance. While adjusting the voltage may not be possible in laptop GPUs, slight overclocking can still yield noticeable improvements. Additionally, BIOS modding can be explored for further enhancements. One important thing to note is that the GTX 9 series and below are more suitable for overclocking, as the GTX 10, 16, and 20 series do not support this feature. For a more comprehensive guide on optimizing performance in any computer, I recommend checking out my tutorial video.

Undervolting the CPU

Undervolting the CPU is a technique used to reduce power consumption and heat generation, resulting in improved battery life and lower temperatures. This, in turn, leads to better overall performance, as cooling systems are not strained to their maximum capacity. In the case of this MSI laptop, we were able to achieve an average undervolt of -125 millivolts, which helped optimize both battery life and thermals.

Gaming Benchmarks

Now, let's move on to the actual gaming benchmarks. We will be testing the laptop with popular games like APEX Legends, Fortnite, and Call of Duty: Warzone. These games serve as good representations of the laptop's gaming capabilities and can help us assess its performance.

Apex Legends

Apex Legends is a highly popular battle royale Game known for its fast-paced action. Running the game on competitive settings at 1080p resolution, we achieved smooth gameplay at around 60 FPS on average. The one percent low, which indicates the minimum FPS during gameplay, remained above 30, ensuring a stable and enjoyable experience.


Fortnite, another well-known battle royale title, also performed admirably on this budget laptop. With competitive settings and 1080p resolution, the game ran smoothly at an average of 60 FPS. The one percent low, again, remained above the desirable 30 FPS mark, providing a consistent and enjoyable gaming experience.

Call of Duty: Warzone

Call of Duty: Warzone is a demanding battle royale game that pushes the limits of gaming hardware. Despite that, this MSI laptop managed to deliver satisfactory performance. Playing the game on competitive settings and 1080p resolution, we achieved an average FPS of around 40. The one percent low, as expected, remained above the 30 FPS threshold, ensuring smooth gameplay.


In conclusion, the MSI budget laptop priced at just 320 euros offers impressive gaming performance for its price point. With the right optimizations, such as refurbishing the laptop, overclocking the graphics card, and undervolting the CPU, it is capable of delivering smooth gameplay for popular titles like Apex Legends, Fortnite, and Call of Duty: Warzone. The laptop's i7 processor, sufficient RAM, and GTX 960M graphics card contribute to a satisfying gaming experience. Whether you're a casual gamer or someone looking for a portable gaming solution, this budget laptop provides excellent value for money.

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