MacBook Pro 2017 vs iMac 2013: Which One is the Better Buy?

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MacBook Pro 2017 vs iMac 2013: Which One is the Better Buy?

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. MacBook Pro 2017 vs iMac 2013: A Brief Comparison
    • 2.1 Design and Portability
    • 2.2 Processor and Performance
    • 2.3 Memory and Graphics
    • 2.4 Storage Options
  3. Boot Test: Which One Boots Up Faster?
  4. File Data Transfer Test: Which One Transfers Files Faster?
  5. Video Export Test: Which One Exports Videos Faster?
  6. Gaming Test: How Well Do They Perform in Fortnite?
  7. Pros and Cons of MacBook Pro 2017
    • 7.1 Pros
    • 7.2 Cons
  8. Conclusion

🖥️ MacBook Pro 2017 vs iMac 2013: Which Is the Better Buy?

When it comes to choosing the right Apple computer, the decision can be daunting. With a wide range of models and specifications available, it's crucial to understand the differences and weigh the pros and cons. In this article, we will compare the MacBook Pro 2017 and the iMac 2013 to help you make an informed decision on which one suits your needs better.

2. MacBook Pro 2017 vs iMac 2013: A Brief Comparison

Before diving into the detailed tests, let's take a brief look at the key differences between the MacBook Pro 2017 and the iMac 2013.

2.1 Design and Portability

One of the primary considerations when choosing between these two models is their design and portability. The MacBook Pro 2017 is a sleek and lightweight laptop, making it highly portable and convenient for users who are often on the go. On the other HAND, the iMac 2013 is a desktop computer, offering a larger display and more extensive connectivity options but sacrificing portability.

2.2 Processor and Performance

In terms of processing power, the MacBook Pro 2017 takes the lead. It features a 2.9 GHz Intel Core i7 processor, which is top-of-the-line for 2017. In comparison, the iMac 2013 is equipped with a 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5 processor. The MacBook Pro's faster processor translates to better performance and smoother multitasking capabilities.

2.3 Memory and Graphics

Both the MacBook Pro 2017 and the iMac 2013 come with 16 gigabytes of RAM, ensuring smooth operation and efficient handling of tasks. However, the MacBook Pro offers a superior graphics card with an Intel Radeon 630, providing better visuals and enhanced performance for graphics-intensive applications.

2.4 Storage Options

When it comes to storage, the MacBook Pro 2017 surpasses the iMac 2013 with its 512-gigabyte solid-state drive (SSD). The iMac, on the other hand, comes with a traditional one terabyte hard disk drive (HDD). The SSD on the MacBook Pro offers faster read and write speeds, resulting in quicker file transfers and overall system responsiveness.

3. Boot Test: Which One Boots Up Faster?

One of the primary factors that can impact your productivity is how quickly your computer boots up. In our boot test, we compared the startup times of the MacBook Pro 2017 and the iMac 2013 to determine which one gets you up and running faster.

As we powered on both computers simultaneously, the MacBook Pro took a mere 30 seconds to boot up completely. In contrast, the iMac took a staggering two minutes to complete the boot process. This significant difference indicates that the MacBook Pro offers a faster startup experience, allowing you to dive into your work without delay.

4. File Data Transfer Test: Which One Transfers Files Faster?

The speed of file transfers can greatly impact your workflow, especially when dealing with large files such as videos. To compare the data transfer speeds of the MacBook Pro and the iMac, we transferred a 6.91-gigabyte 4k video from an iPhone 10 to both devices using Thunderbolt 3 connections.

Surprisingly, both computers took an equal amount of time to transfer the file, clocking in at 25 minutes and 53 seconds. This result was unexpected, considering the MacBook Pro's faster SSD storage. It seems that the bottleneck lies elsewhere in the file transfer process, such as the connection speed or the processing capability of the iPhone.

5. Video Export Test: Which One Exports Videos Faster?

For video editors and content creators, the speed at which a computer exports videos is crucial. We tested both the MacBook Pro 2017 and the iMac 2013 by exporting a video project in iMovie as a full 4k video to determine which one excels in this aspect.

The MacBook Pro outperformed the iMac, completing the video export in just 10 minutes and 30 seconds. In comparison, the iMac took 15 minutes and 35 seconds to export the same video. This notable difference in export time showcases the MacBook Pro's superior processing power, making it an ideal choice for video editing tasks.

6. Gaming Test: How Well Do They Perform in Fortnite?

While Macs are not typically known for their gaming capabilities, we decided to put both the MacBook Pro 2017 and the iMac 2013 to the test with the popular Game Fortnite. Although the iMac struggled with its older graphics card, it was still able to load the game after a long wait. However, the MacBook Pro exhibited smoother gameplay and significantly less lag, thanks to its superior graphics cards and higher resolution display.

Pros of MacBook Pro 2017

  • Sleek design and portability for on-the-go use.
  • Powerful 2.9 GHz Intel Core i7 processor for seamless multitasking.
  • Dedicated Intel Radeon 630 graphics card for enhanced visuals and performance.
  • 512-gigabyte SSD for faster storage and quicker file transfers.
  • Superior video export capabilities for efficient content creation.

Cons of MacBook Pro 2017

  • Limited connectivity options with only Thunderbolt 3 ports.
  • Relatively high price compared to other MacBook models.
  • Disappointing file transfer speeds despite having an SSD.

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, the MacBook Pro 2017 offers substantial advantages over the iMac 2013 in terms of design, portability, processing power, graphics, and storage speed. It excels in tasks such as booting up quickly, exporting videos efficiently, and providing a smoother gaming experience. While the MacBook Pro may be pricier, it delivers a significant performance boost, making it well worth the investment for professionals and power users.

Now that you have a comprehensive comparison of these two Apple computers, you can make an informed decision based on your specific needs and budget. Whether you prioritize portability, video editing capabilities, or gaming performance, the MacBook Pro 2017 emerges as the clear winner.


  • MacBook Pro 2017 vs iMac 2013: A detailed comparison of design, performance, and usability.
  • Boot Test: How quickly do they start up? MacBook Pro wins with only 30 seconds.
  • File Data Transfer Test: Equal transfer times of 25 minutes and 53 seconds despite MacBook Pro's faster SSD.
  • Video Export Test: MacBook Pro completes the task in 10 minutes and 30 seconds, outperforming the iMac.
  • Gaming Test: MacBook Pro provides a smoother gaming experience due to superior graphics capabilities.
  • Pros and Cons: MacBook Pro offers portability, power, and faster storage, but limited connectivity options and higher price.


Q: Is the MacBook Pro 2017 worth the price? A: Yes, the MacBook Pro 2017 offers superior performance, especially in video editing and gaming. However, it is essential to consider your specific needs before making a purchase.

Q: Can the iMac 2013 handle newer games? A: The iMac 2013 may struggle with newer games due to its older graphics card. While it can run games like Fortnite, expect subpar performance compared to more recent models.

Q: Is the iMac 2013 still a viable option for video editing? A: The iMac 2013 can handle basic video editing tasks, but its slower processor and dated graphics card may limit its capabilities with more demanding projects.

Q: Can the MacBook Pro 2017 connect to regular USB devices? A: No, the MacBook Pro 2017 only features Thunderbolt 3 ports, which require adapters or dongles for connecting regular USB devices.

Q: Which computer is more suitable for Graphic Design work? A: The MacBook Pro 2017 is better suited for graphic design work due to its faster processor, dedicated graphics card, and higher display resolution.

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