Record and Watch Live TV for Free with Android TV's Live Channels App!

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Record and Watch Live TV for Free with Android TV's Live Channels App!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Live Channels App
  3. Compatibility with HD Homerun Tuner
  4. Setting up the Live Channels App
  5. Using the Rudimentary DVR Functionality
  6. Limitations of the DVR Functionality
  7. Additional Features and Controls
  8. Storage Requirements and Encryption
  9. Compatibility with DRM-Flagged Content
  10. Comparison with Other DVR Options
  11. Future Developments and Plans
  12. Conclusion


Welcome to the review of the Nvidia Shield TV and its updated Live Channels App. This app is a part of many Android-based TV boxes in the market, including the Shield TV, Nexus Player, and Me Box. In this article, we will explore the features and functionality of the Live Channels App, with a focus on its new DVR application. We will also discuss the compatibility with the HD Homerun tuner and address any limitations or issues that users may encounter. So let's dive in and see what this app has to offer!

📺 The Live Channels App

The Live Channels App is a free application that comes pre-installed on Android TV boxes like the Nvidia Shield TV. It allows users to tune into live television from a compatible tuner. One such tuner is the HD Homerun from Silicon Dust, which we will focus on in this review. With the Live Channels App, you can browse through your cable listings and select the channel you want to watch. It provides a familiar TV experience, but with the flexibility of using your own equipment instead of relying on a cable box from the service provider.

🔌 Compatibility with HD Homerun Tuner

The HD Homerun tuner is a device that takes over-the-air or cable broadcasts and makes them accessible on your local computer network. It is a flexible solution that works with various devices, including Android TV boxes. To use the Live Channels App with the HD Homerun tuner, some additional configuration is required. You need to ensure that the network TV tuner option is added to your list of available channel sources in the settings of your Android TV box. Once configured, you will have access to a wide range of channels for live viewing and Recording.

⚙️ Setting up the Live Channels App

Setting up the Live Channels App with the HD Homerun tuner is relatively simple, but there are a few steps involved. First, make sure that your Android TV box is connected to the same network as the HD Homerun tuner. Then, go to the settings screen of the Live Channels App and navigate to the channel sources section. Add the network TV tuner as a channel source and ensure that it appears in your list of available sources. Once this setup is complete, you can start exploring the features of the Live Channels App.

🎥 Using the Rudimentary DVR Functionality

One of the key updates to the Live Channels App is the addition of a DVR application. This allows you to Record your favorite shows and view them at a later time. You can easily schedule recordings by selecting a program from the Channel guide and choosing to record either a single episode or the entire series. The app also allows you to set priorities for recordings when multiple shows are scheduled at the same time. Additionally, you can select the specific channels from which you want to record, providing some control over your recording preferences.

⏯️ Limitations of the DVR Functionality

While the Live Channels App's DVR functionality is a welcome addition, it does come with a few limitations. First, there is no way to separate reruns from new episodes, which can lead to cluttered recordings. Additionally, the DVR cannot handle DRM-flagged content, meaning that certain channels, like HBO, cannot be recorded or watched using the Live Channels App. Another limitation is the storage requirement for recordings. If you are using an external hard drive, you need to follow the adoptable storage method, which can be complex for some users.

🔧 Additional Features and Controls

In addition to the DVR functionality, the Live Channels App offers several other features and controls. You can pause live television and Resume playback at any time. The app also allows you to Rewind and fast forward through recorded content. The playback controls are intuitive and provide a seamless TV viewing experience. While the app's interface may appear basic, it is functional and serves its purpose well.

💾 Storage Requirements and Encryption

When using the Live Channels App's DVR functionality, storage requirements are a crucial consideration. If you have a high-capacity Android device like the Nvidia Shield TV Pro, you can record directly onto the internal storage. However, if you are using an external hard drive, you need to follow the adoptable storage method. This method encrypts the hard drive and ties it exclusively to the recording device, making it inaccessible on other devices. It is essential to note that the recorded files cannot be accessed or shared with other apps or devices.

🔒 Compatibility with DRM-Flagged Content

One limitation of the Live Channels App's DVR functionality is its incompatibility with DRM-flagged content. If your cable system flags channels like HBO, you will not be able to record or watch these channels using the Live Channels App. However, there are plans to add support for DRM-protected recording and playback in the future, particularly with the main Silicon Dust HD Homerun application. It is worth considering this restriction if you have specific channels or programs that you wish to record.

⚖️ Comparison with Other DVR Options

The Live Channels App's DVR functionality is one of several options available for HD Homerun users. Other options include the Flex DVR, which requires a subscription to Flex pass, and the Channels app on Apple TV, which also offers DVR capabilities but comes with a subscription fee. Additionally, Silicon Dust is developing its own DVR software, currently in beta testing, which can be hosted on the Nvidia Shield or network-attached storage devices. These multiple options provide flexibility for users to choose the DVR solution that best suits their needs.

🔮 Future Developments and Plans

The Live Channels App's DVR functionality is a significant step forward in Android TV box capabilities. However, there is still room for improvement and expansion. Silicon Dust and other developers are continuously working on enhancements and new features for their DVR applications. It is exciting to see what the future holds for the Live Channels App and how it will evolve to meet the growing demands of users. As more options become available, users can expect even greater flexibility and functionality in their DVR experience.

📝 Conclusion

The Nvidia Shield TV's Live Channels App, with its new DVR functionality, offers users a convenient and cost-effective way to record and watch live television. While there are limitations, such as the inability to record DRM-protected content and the storage requirements for recordings, the app provides a viable alternative to traditional cable boxes. With the HD Homerun tuner's compatibility and the various DVR options available, users can customize their TV viewing experience according to their preferences. As technology continues to advance, these DVR applications will only improve, offering users even more features and flexibility in the future.


  • The Live Channels App is a free application for Android TV boxes that allows users to tune into live television.
  • The app now includes DVR functionality, allowing users to record their favorite shows.
  • The HD Homerun tuner is compatible with the Live Channels App and provides access to a wide range of channels.
  • Setting up the Live Channels App requires some additional configuration but is relatively simple.
  • The DVR functionality allows users to schedule recordings, set priorities, and choose specific channels to record from.
  • Limitations of the DVR functionality include the inability to separate reruns from new episodes and the lack of support for DRM-flagged content.
  • The Live Channels App offers additional features like pausing live television and rewinding/fast forwarding through recorded content.
  • Storage requirements for recordings can be met through the internal storage or external hard drives using the adoptable storage method.
  • The app is not compatible with DRM-flagged content, but future updates may address this limitation.
  • Other DVR options are available, including the Flex DVR and Channels app on Apple TV.
  • Silicon Dust and other developers are continuously working on improving and expanding DVR applications.
  • The Live Channels App offers a cost-effective and flexible solution for recording and watching live television on Android TV boxes.

➡️ FAQ

Q: Can I use the Live Channels App on any Android TV box? A: Yes, the Live Channels App is compatible with various Android TV boxes, including the Nvidia Shield TV.

Q: Do I need to pay for the Live Channels App or TV guide listings? A: No, the Live Channels App is a free application that does not require any additional fees for TV guide listings or accounts.

Q: Can I watch and record DRM-protected content using the Live Channels App? A: No, currently, the Live Channels App does not support DRM-flagged content, such as certain channels like HBO.

Q: Can I use the Live Channels App with a different tuner instead of the HD Homerun? A: The Live Channels App is primarily designed for compatibility with the HD Homerun tuner, but other tuners may also work depending on their compatibility with Android TV.

Q: Can I access and share recorded files from the Live Channels App with other devices? A: No, the recorded files are encrypted and tied exclusively to the recording device. They are not accessible or shareable with other apps or devices.

Q: Are there plans for further improvements and features in the Live Channels App's DVR functionality? A: Yes, developers are continuously working on enhancing the DVR functionality and adding new features to provide an even better user experience.


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