The Battle Between AMD and Intel: Zen 2, 10nm Intel, and 5nm AMD!

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The Battle Between AMD and Intel: Zen 2, 10nm Intel, and 5nm AMD!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Battle Between AMD and Intel
    • 2.1 Zen 2 Leaks and Specifications
    • 2.2 Intel's Unexpected 10 Nanometer Products
  3. Comparing Zen 2 and Intel's 10 Nanometer Process
    • 3.1 IPC Gain and Performance
  4. Future Releases and Stacking Systems
    • 4.1 AMD's 7 Nanometer vs. AMD's 5 Nanometer
    • 4.2 Intel's Z Graphics and Stacked GPUs
  5. Conclusion

The Battle Between AMD and Intel

In the world of PC tech games and gear, the battle between AMD and Intel has always been intense. Recently, there has been a lot of news and updates from both companies. Let's dive in and discuss the latest developments.

Zen 2 Leaks and Specifications

The first major news comes from AMD, with leaks about their upcoming Zen 2 desktop processors. The most exciting leak is about a potential 16 core, 32 thread processor, which would be a behemoth in terms of performance. Although it's still an early engineering sample, the leaked boost and core clock speeds of 3.2 and 4.2 GHz respectively are impressive. While concrete evidence is limited, it's still exciting to know that Zen 2 is getting closer.

Intel's Unexpected 10 Nanometer Products

On the other HAND, Intel surprised everyone by announcing that they will be releasing 10 nanometer products this year. Many were expecting delays and problems from Intel, with no new products until 2020. However, they have decided to step up their Game and compete directly with AMD's 7 nanometer offerings. This unexpected move shows that Intel is not ready to back down without a fight.

Comparing Zen 2 and Intel's 10 Nanometer Process

Now, let's compare the potential performance of Zen 2 and Intel's 10 nanometer process. According to reports, Zen 2 is expected to offer a 15% improvement in IPC (Instructions Per Cycle) compared to current Zen products. This puts it on par, or even slightly above, Intel's current offerings. However, Intel's refined 10 nanometer process is likely to have an edge over AMD's 7 nanometer offerings. While Intel may still maintain an advantage in gaming and overall performance, the difference may not be significant. AMD, on the other hand, is known for offering more cores and Threads for the same or less money, giving them an advantage in certain workloads.

Future Releases and Stacking Systems

Looking ahead, both AMD and Intel have plans for future releases. AMD is already discussing their 7 nanometer products, which will compete against AMD's potential 5 nanometer offerings. Both companies have acknowledged the challenges of reducing the size of CPUs further, leading to the exploration of stacking systems for their dies. This approach allows for multiple GPUs to be integrated on a single die, using a memory technology to connect them. The concept is similar to AMD's CrossFire, but on a much larger Scale. This strategy of utilizing multiple GPUs aims to improve overall performance as shrinking die sizes becomes increasingly difficult.


The battle between AMD and Intel continues to heat up as both companies unveil their latest developments. While Intel surprises the industry with their upcoming 10 nanometer products, AMD's Zen 2 is eagerly anticipated for its potential performance gains. As technology progresses and die sizes reach their limits, both companies are exploring new strategies to enhance performance, such as stacking systems and multi-GPU integration. It's an exciting time for PC enthusiasts and gamers as these advancements promise better performance and value for their systems.


  1. The battle between AMD and Intel intensifies with new developments in CPUs.
  2. Leaked specifications show potential for AMD's Zen 2 to be a performance beast.
  3. Intel surprises everyone by announcing 10 nanometer products this year.
  4. Zen 2 offers an expected 15% IPC gain, while Intel's 10 nanometer process shows refinement.
  5. Both companies explore stacking systems and multi-GPU integration for improved performance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: When will Zen 2 and Intel's 10 nanometer products be released? A: While specific release dates are not mentioned in the given content, AMD's Zen 2 and Intel's 10 nanometer products are expected to be available in the near future.

Q: Will Zen 2 outperform Intel in gaming? A: It is possible that Zen 2 may come close to Intel in terms of gaming performance, with the potential for slight differences. However, Intel may still maintain an advantage in this aspect.

Q: What advantages does AMD offer over Intel? A: AMD is known for offering more cores and threads for the same or less money compared to Intel. This makes AMD processors attractive for certain workloads that can benefit from higher core counts.

Q: Is shrinking die sizes becoming more difficult for CPU manufacturers? A: Yes, both AMD and Intel have acknowledged the challenges of reducing the size of CPUs further. This has led to the exploration of stacking systems and multi-GPU integration to enhance performance.

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